Coking coalАнгармаа ДорждэрэмThe document analyzes Mongolia's coking coal exports in the first half of 2012. Some of the key findings include:
- Exports through the Gashuun Sukhait/Gants Mod border increased significantly, comprising 62% of total exports compared to 56% previously.
- Transportation is mainly by DAP (Delivered At Place) terms (54%). Currency denomination of contracts has shifted to 61% in Chinese RMB.
- Export prices ranged from $75-159/ton depending on quality and transportation costs. Netback analysis found Mongolian coal sold at a 4-14% discount to Chinese markets but at a 17% premium to Japanese markets compared to seaborne coal
3. Танилцуулга
Байгуулагдсан 1940
Аймгийн төв Алтай
УБ → Алтай 1090км
зайтай Газар нутаг 141,400
Хүн ам
• Нийт (2000) 63,673
• Нягтшил 0.45/км²
Утасны код +976 (0)148
Машины код ГА-
ISO 3166-2