This document provides a list of over 30 beautiful locations found across Spain, including national parks, cities, monuments, and natural landscapes. Some highlights include the Picos de Europa National Park, the city of Toledo, the Alhambra Palace in Granada, the Roman aqueduct in Segovia, and the beaches of the Canary Islands. The list celebrates the diverse natural beauty and rich cultural heritage found throughout Spain.
This document provides a list of over 30 beautiful locations found across Spain, including national parks, cities, monuments, and natural landscapes. Some highlights include the Picos de Europa National Park, the city of Toledo, the Alhambra Palace in Granada, the Roman aqueduct in Segovia, and the beaches of the Canary Islands. The list celebrates the diverse natural beauty and rich cultural heritage found throughout Spain.
Erik Johansson is a 23-year-old Swedish student who creates impossible pictures that play tricks on the viewer's mind. His pictures use optical illusions and unusual perspectives to make scenes and objects appear in ways that defy perception and logic.
13. 11. 癌細胞的營養需求: A. 糖。糖是癌細胞最好的養分,但是代糖如 NutraSweet, E qual, Spoonful?? 等,是 Aspart ame (人工甘味劑)對人體有害的,最好以天然代替品,例如小量蜂蜜 Manuk a honey 或是 molasses (糖蜜)。海鹽好過一般食鹽。
14. B . 牛奶會在腸胃道產生黏液,可以促生癌細胞;未加糖的豆漿可餓死癌細?胞。 C. 癌細胞喜歡酸性環境,魚比肉好,少量的雞比豬牛好。 D. 80% 的新鮮蔬菜與果汁、全榖、種子、堅果及少量水果,可製造鹼性環境。 20% 煮熟的食物,包括豆子。每天飲用新鮮蔬果汁(包含豆芽),吃 2~3 次生菜。 E. 避開咖啡、茶、巧克力。可飲用綠茶。淨化或過濾水,不要用蒸餾水。
19. 16. 日常生活注意事項: A. 不用塑膠容器微波 No plastic cont ainers in micro. B . 水瓶不冷凍 No w ater bottles in freez er. C. 微波不用保鮮膜 No plastic wr ap in microwa ve. D. 微波加熱食物時一定要使用玻璃器皿。以免生成 dioxin (戴奧辛)。 E. 像電視餐、速食麵和湯等,必須由包裝器倒至玻璃或陶瓷器皿才加熱。