This document discusses how improving IT operations can help strengthen IT security. It argues that many IT security requirements are actually requirements for IT operations in disguise. Two-thirds of IT security threats must be managed by IT operations through processes like configuration management, disaster recovery planning, and incident response. The "pyramid of needs" shows IT operations forming the base for IT security. There are hidden IT operations requirements in IT security compliance standards. The document provides examples of how IT operations processes can be aligned with and help meet IT security goals.
The document proposes a project to simplify the processes of a call center for travel agencies by integrating the company website, booking platform, call center, and CRM into a single system. This would minimize errors by agents and make the selling process simpler. The system aims to establish ongoing communication with customers to build loyalty and encourage referrals. It would also bundle the solution for sale to other travel agencies. plans to use their experience in call centers and software development to create a beta version of the integrated software system after 8-10 months of funding their development lab.
This document discusses how improving IT operations can help strengthen IT security. It argues that many IT security requirements are actually requirements for IT operations in disguise. Two-thirds of IT security threats must be managed by IT operations through processes like configuration management, disaster recovery planning, and incident response. The "pyramid of needs" shows IT operations forming the base for IT security. There are hidden IT operations requirements in IT security compliance standards. The document provides examples of how IT operations processes can be aligned with and help meet IT security goals.
The document proposes a project to simplify the processes of a call center for travel agencies by integrating the company website, booking platform, call center, and CRM into a single system. This would minimize errors by agents and make the selling process simpler. The system aims to establish ongoing communication with customers to build loyalty and encourage referrals. It would also bundle the solution for sale to other travel agencies. plans to use their experience in call centers and software development to create a beta version of the integrated software system after 8-10 months of funding their development lab.
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12. Po-Hui Wang, Chyong-Ing Hsu, Sheau-Chung Tang, Yu-Lu Huang,
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結語&致謝 前在台灣有關金針菇免疫調節功能蛋白的研究工作可謂方興未艾,且與
力於 FIP-fve 抗腫瘤機制的研究多年,以求了解何以 FIP-fve 能提高免疫力並進而抗
FIP-fve 為「調節」蛋白是過謙了。假如攝取量足夠,並且較長期每天攝取,其功能