Анализ научно-методической деятельности педагогических работников ШМО историк...peshkova_anastasiyaАнализ научно-методической деятельности педагогических работников ШМО историко-филологических дисциплин
Forming art ; making and respondingAhmad FaizulThis document discusses the cognitive processes involved in both creating and appreciating visual art. It argues that artmaking and viewing are essentially searches for relationships - between the parts that make up the whole work. The creation of art involves forging relationships by juxtaposing elements, while viewing requires mentally connecting the parts. Both processes involve skills like sensitivity to cues and perception of relationships. The document also examines concepts like complexity, information, and the roles of skill and tacit knowledge in art.
Forming art ; making and respondingAhmad FaizulThis document discusses the cognitive processes involved in both creating and appreciating visual art. It argues that artmaking and viewing are essentially searches for relationships - between the parts that make up the whole work. The creation of art involves forging relationships by juxtaposing elements, while viewing requires mentally connecting the parts. Both processes involve skills like sensitivity to visual cues and awareness of relationships. The document also examines concepts like complexity, information, form, and the roles of perception and memory in art.
Анализ научно-методической деятельности педагогических работников ШМО историк...peshkova_anastasiyaАнализ научно-методической деятельности педагогических работников ШМО историко-филологических дисциплин
Forming art ; making and respondingAhmad FaizulThis document discusses the cognitive processes involved in both creating and appreciating visual art. It argues that artmaking and viewing are essentially searches for relationships - between the parts that make up the whole work. The creation of art involves forging relationships by juxtaposing elements, while viewing requires mentally connecting the parts. Both processes involve skills like sensitivity to cues and perception of relationships. The document also examines concepts like complexity, information, and the roles of skill and tacit knowledge in art.
Forming art ; making and respondingAhmad FaizulThis document discusses the cognitive processes involved in both creating and appreciating visual art. It argues that artmaking and viewing are essentially searches for relationships - between the parts that make up the whole work. The creation of art involves forging relationships by juxtaposing elements, while viewing requires mentally connecting the parts. Both processes involve skills like sensitivity to visual cues and awareness of relationships. The document also examines concepts like complexity, information, form, and the roles of perception and memory in art.
Pupillary responses in art appreciation effects of aesthetic emotionsAhmad Faizul1. The authors examined how aesthetic emotions are affected by the processing fluency of cubist paintings. Paintings were grouped by their level of processing fluency based on ratings of abstractness.
2. Subjects were asked to press a button when they recognized an object depicted in each painting. Recognition times were shortest for high processing fluency paintings, which were also preferred more.
3. Pupillary responses after object recognition were larger for high processing fluency paintings, suggesting higher aesthetic emotions associated with easier processing. The findings support theories that link positive emotions to processing fluency in art appreciation.
What if they believed us? how well prepared are art educators to deliver on t...Ahmad FaizulThis document summarizes and analyzes the promises that have been made on behalf of art education. It examines whether art teachers are sufficiently prepared through their initial licensure programs to deliver on these promises. As an example, the document analyzes the course requirements for art, art history, and art education methods in state-approved teacher certification programs in Maryland. It aims to prompt questions about whether art teacher preparation equips future teachers with the expertise needed to cultivate creativity, problem-solving, and meaning-making through art.
ProposalAhmad FaizulThe document discusses using an oval technique to improve Year 3 students' ability to accurately draw cats. It finds that most students cannot draw cats to look like the actual animal even when shown a picture. The oval technique is proposed to address this by having students use overlapping ovals of different sizes as the basis for their cat drawings. A study is conducted using this technique which observes its effectiveness through student drawings, interviews, and recordings. The results show the oval technique helps students draw cats more exactly and neatly by providing an easy guide. The technique is significant for improving drawing skills and can be applied broadly in art education.
Connections to the world ; visual art in urban schools Ahmad Faizul1) The document discusses the importance of visual art education in urban schools. It argues that visual art helps students develop both sides of their brain, find joy in learning, and connect personally with the world.
2) It provides examples of how visual art education has been successfully implemented in some urban schools, such as a project where hearing impaired students created a model of Boston out of cardboard boxes.
3) The document also discusses observations of an alternative high school where student teachers implemented a project-based visual art unit on social issues. This helped students develop literacy skills while expressing themselves through art.
Art Education Just Like A Day At The BeachAhmad FaizulThis document discusses arts education and creativity. It argues that arts education should be a spontaneous, collaborative experience where everyone participates freely without competition. It uses the metaphor of body surfing at the beach to illustrate how arts education can be a shared experience where individuals express themselves but are also part of a collective experience. The document also explores definitions of creativity and argues it is best understood through experience rather than analysis as it involves intuition and engagement with the unconscious mind.
Assessment practices in elementary visual art classroomsAhmad FaizulThis document is a dissertation that investigates assessment practices in elementary visual art classrooms. It analyzes survey responses from elementary art teachers regarding their use of and attitudes towards various assessment methods. The dissertation finds that teachers have a generally positive attitude towards assessment but are more likely to accept certain methods, such as rubrics and portfolios, over others like multiple choice tests. It also finds that teachers who received more recent training on assessment topics or who use adopted textbook curricula are more open to the idea that learning in art can be measured. The study aims to provide insight into how teacher training and beliefs influence the use of assessment in visual art education.
Отдел образования администрации тельмановского районаserdj philОтдел образования администрации тельмановского района представляет презентацию о преподавателях участниках виртуальной-выставки-презентации «Современное образование в ДНР-2017»
Самоанализ Федосеевой О.С. 2016-2017 уч.годIrishka BeshteynovaСамоанализ Федосеевой Ольги Сергеевны учителя начальных классов и заместителя директора по учебно-воспитательной работе в ГБОУ»ООШ№3» города Антрацит Луганской Народной Республики
1. Дата рождения 15 мая 1967 года Закончила Магнитогорское педагогическое училище 1986г. по специальности «Преподавание в начальных классах» Магнитогорский государственный университет 2006 г. по специальности «Преподаватель истории» Стаж педагогической работы- 21 год Основное место работы- МОУ БСОШ №5 Челябинская обл. Брединский р-н п.Мирный Педагогическая нагрузка-25 часов
2. 9.01.08-28.03. 2008 г. 7.04.08-20.04.2008 г. 1.12.08-16.12.2008 г. « Воспитательные методики и технологии в условиях гуманизации школьного образования» Повышение квалификации «Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в деятельности учителя-предметника» «Содержание и методика преподавания обществознания в основной и средней школе в условиях модернизации и стандартизации общего образования»
3. Работа в МО классных руководителей Август 2008-Доклад (Заседание МО) «Методы и средства воспитательной работы» Ноябрь 2008 Семинар кл.руководителей «Методика изучения уровня воспитанности уч-ся среднего школьного возраста» Работа в МО предметников Тема самообразования «Использование краеведческого материала на уроках истории» Творческий отчёт по теме –май 2008 г.
4. Галина Николаевна третий год вместе с учащимися собирает и оформляет материал по созданию школьного краеведческого музея, ведёт краеведческий кружок. Великая Отечественная война Война в Афганистане Освоение целины Лучшие люди посёлка История посёлка
5. На протяжении 20 лет Петролай Галина Николаевна является классным руководителем. Её уважают и любят дети, у неё хорошие отношения с родителями. В классах, где работает Галина Николаевна, царит взаимопонимание и доверие детей и учителя. Дети активны, в школьных и районных мероприятиях занимают призовые места .