Үелэх хандлагаAriunbolorChimedOchi11. The document discusses the properties of elements including metals, metalloids, and nonmetals. It describes characteristics like conductivity, melting point, bonding type, and phase of matter.
2. Graphs show trends in melting point, conductivity, and other properties across Period 3 elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl). Melting point generally increases while conductivity decreases from left to right.
3. Elements toward the left exhibit metallic properties like high conductivity and low melting points due to loose bonding of valence electrons. More nonmetallic elements toward the right have higher melting points and weaker bonding.
Үелэх хандлагаAriunbolorChimedOchi11. The document discusses the properties of elements including metals, metalloids, and nonmetals. It describes characteristics like conductivity, melting point, bonding type, and phase of matter.
2. Graphs show trends in melting point, conductivity, and other properties across Period 3 elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl). Melting point generally increases while conductivity decreases from left to right.
3. Elements toward the left exhibit metallic properties like high conductivity and low melting points due to loose bonding of valence electrons. More nonmetallic elements toward the right have higher melting points and weaker bonding.
бие даалтdavaa627The document appears to be a table containing data from experiments measuring the adsorption of various substances. The table includes 30 rows of data with measurements of adsorption amounts ranging from 1.5 to 10. The data is organized with experiment numbers, substance identifiers, and adsorption values.
47. Irving Langmuir (January 31, 1881 in Brooklyn, New York
- August 16, 1957 in Woods Hole, Massachusetts)
48. Хийн молекул
адсорбентийн идэвхитэй төв
адсорбцолсон комплекс
Г= a= кРa 0
a= кР(a m ax -a)
a= a m ax кР/ + кР)
49. kc
a = amax
1 + kc
amax P amax P
a= = 1/К=A
1/ k + P A + P
P 1 P
= +
a amax K amax
50. C 1 + kc 1 с
= = +
Г Г max kc Г max к Г max
ctgϕ = Г max
Г max к
51. Дюкло-Траубейгийн дүрэм
Шишковскийн тэгшитгэл
– СН2 -
Gn +1 ∆σ n +1
∆σ = β = const = 3 ÷ 3.5
Gn n
∆ = σ 0 − σ = kc
52. ∆ = σ 0 − σ = σ 0 ⋅ b ln(c / A + 1)
∆ = σ 0 − σ = σ 0 ⋅ b ln(c / A + 1) = σ 0 ⋅ b ln(c + A) / A
= σ 0 ⋅ b ln(c + A) − σ 0 ⋅ b ln A
σ 0 ⋅ b ⋅ dc σ 0 ⋅ b ⋅ dc
− σ = σ 0 ⋅ b ⋅ d ln(c + A) = =
(c + A) A+c
σ σ 0 ⋅ b
− =
dc A + c
53. bc c σ
à = Ã∞ à =− ⋅
1 + bc RT dc
c σ c σ 0 ⋅ b σ 0 ⋅ b c /A
à =− ⋅ = ⋅ = ⋅
RT dc RT A + c RT 1 + c /A
σ 0 ⋅ b RT -изотерм нөхцөлд= a m ax = Г∝
à = Ã∞
1 + bc
54. Полимолекулан адсорбцийн тухай Поляны онол
P0 P0 P0
RT dP P0
Q = ∫ VdP = ∫ dP = RT ∫ = = RT ln
Q = RT ln
56. БЭТ-ийн онол
Уур+чөлөөт гадаргуу = анхдагч комплекс
Уур+ анхдагч комплекс = хоёрдогч комплекс
Уур+ хоёрдогч комплекс = гуравдагч комплекс
amax kP
Брунауэр, Эммет, Теллер 1 + kP
amax P
A+ P
58. Хатуу биет-шингэн уусмалын
зааг дээр явагдах адсорбци
Электролит биш бодисын буюу молекулан адсорбци
Электролит бодисын буюу ионан адсорбци гэж 2 ангилна.
Молекулан адсорбцийн үзэгдэл,
Фрейндлихийн тэгшитгэл
õ (c0 − c)
=a= V
ò m
59. õ 1 /n
= a = Â⋅ p
õ 1 /n
= a = Â ⋅ còýíö