Η μουσική ως γέφυρα πολιτισμών upload.pptxAnastasios VafiadisΜια παρουσίαση για το πως η μουσική ενώνει διαφορετικούς πολιτισμούς και κουλτούρες, μέσα από τις ιστορίες έξι τραγουδιών.
The final edition of our mutual bookKyriaki SamouilOur final edited edition of our mutual book. It's trilingual : English ( communication language ) ,Greek and Turkish
( partners languages ).It has to do with the origins and mythology of both Greek and Turkish people .A mythology full of heroes and supernatural creatures.After all , the point of our mutual project was to show the similarities between the Turkish and the Greek nation , working in English and using New Technologies . Our past presented through future to the future .
Our mutual bookKyriaki SamouilThis document provides information about Greek mythology and the myths of Jason and the Argonauts, the Twelve Olympians, Theseus, and the Minotaur. It discusses key figures and stories from Greek mythology including Jason retrieving the Golden Fleece with Medea's help, the major gods that lived on Mount Olympus, Theseus' parentage and journey to Athens to claim his birthright, and his defeat of dangerous bandits on the way including Sinis and Sciron. The document is presented as part of a collaboration between Greek and Turkish students to learn about each other's cultures and myths.
Questionnaire for studentsKyriaki Samouil1. This document summarizes the results of a questionnaire given to students who participated in a Comenius project between 2011-2013 connecting Greek and Turkish high school students.
2. The majority of students were girls aged 17 who participated to practice English and contact foreign students. Most students felt they benefited by learning about each other's cultures and collaborating with classmates.
3. Students reported improved ICT and English skills and great communication with foreign partners. Participation levels were very intense and students would recommend the project and participate in similar exchanges in the future. The project appeared to be a successful bilateral European exchange.
Questionnaire for teachersKyriaki SamouilThe document summarizes the results of a survey given to teachers who participated in a Comenius bilateral project between 2011-2013 connecting Armenio High School in Greece and Suat Terimer Anadolu Lisesi in Turkey. Most teachers found the project positively influenced their teaching strategies and motivated their work. Students were also positively impacted and felt more involved in ICT and English after joining the project. The project was deemed a successful European initiative that improved understanding between countries.
Turkey educational systemKyriaki SamouilNational education systems in Turkey are summarized as follows:
1) Turkish is the primary language of instruction across all education levels, though foreign languages like English, French, and German are taught starting in 4th grade.
2) Both public and private institutions provide education, with over 90% of students attending public schools that are administered by the Ministry of National Education.
3) Compulsory education consists of 8 years of primary school for students ages 6-14, with a 98.6% net attendance rate. Secondary education is optional but pursued by 69.33% of students.
Greek educational systemKyriaki SamouilParagraph 1 describes the population enrolled in compulsory education in Greece, noting that over 1 million students are enrolled in public primary and lower secondary schools, with about 75,000 in private schools. Greek is the primary language of instruction.
Paragraph 2 explains that the Greek education system is largely publicly funded and administered centrally by the Ministry of Education, with some regional responsibilities. Oversight is provided at the school level.
Paragraph 3 outlines the main stages of education in Greece, including free pre-primary education starting at age 4, compulsory primary and lower secondary education from ages 6-15, and post-comp
Verses from ancient dramaKyriaki SamouilThe document is a collection of quotes and passages from ancient Greek dramas and epics such as works by Sophocles, Euripides, and Homer. The quotes touch on themes of nature, the sun, sea, forests, and feasting. They provide glimpses into these ancient Greek literary works through brief excerpted passages.
Questionnaire for students bilateral Comenius projectKyriaki Samouil1. This document summarizes the results of a questionnaire given to students who participated in a Comenius project between 2011-2013 connecting Greek and Turkish high school students.
2. The majority of students were girls aged 17 who participated to practice English and contact foreign students. Most students felt they benefited in learning about each other's cultures, collaborating with classmates, and using ICT tools/English.
3. Nearly all students reported communicating greatly with foreign partners, participating very intensely, visiting the project blog many times, and being certain they would recommend similar activities and participate in other European projects.
Mevlana slaytKyriaki SamouilMevlana Jalaluddin Rumi was a 13th century Persian poet and Sufi mystic born in Afghanistan who spent most of his life in Konya, Turkey. He is best known for his six volume poetic work the Masnavi, composed in Persian, and for founding the Mevlevi order of Sufism. The Masnavi is considered one of the greatest poems of mystical literature. Rumi encouraged tolerance and understanding between religions and cultures. His teachings promoted love, harmony, and understanding. He is still widely read today and remembered for his message of unity, love, and compassion.
IliadKyriaki SamouilThe Iliad by Homer recounts tensions in the tenth year of the Trojan War. After the Greeks' leader Agamemnon refuses to release a priest's daughter, a plague strikes the Greeks. To end the plague, Agamemnon agrees to release the daughter but takes Achilles' girlfriend. Enraged, Achilles refuses to fight further. With the Greeks losing battles without Achilles, his friend Patroklos fights in his armor but is killed by Hector. Grieving, Achilles rejoins the battle and kills Hector in revenge before allowing Hector's father to claim his body.
OdysseyKyriaki SamouilThe Odyssey by Homer tells the story of Odysseus' long journey home after the Trojan War. After 10 years away, suitors have overrun his palace, courting his wife Penelope and wasting his resources. With the help of the goddess Athena, Odysseus' son Telemakhos seeks news of his father. Meanwhile, Odysseus escapes from the island of the goddess Kalypso and encounters many dangers at sea. After telling the Phaiakians his story, he returns home in disguise and helps his son kill the suitors and reclaim their household.
A greek high school student weekKyriaki SamouilThis document summarizes the typical weekday schedule of a Greek high school student. It begins with the student waking up early in the morning to get ready for school. They take the bus to school and have lessons from 8:10am until 1:40pm. After school they do homework, private lessons, and other activities like music lessons. Evenings are spent studying and doing more homework until late. The student is exhausted by the end of each weekday from their busy schedule of school, homework, and lessons. Saturdays provide some rest and relaxation before studying continues into the weekend.
Educational systemsKyriaki SamouilThe document compares the basic educational systems of Greece and Turkey. In both countries, education is compulsory between the ages of 6-14 and includes primary and lower secondary levels. In Greece, primary school lasts 6 years while in Turkey it lasts 8 years. Both countries then offer upper secondary options like general high school, vocational, and technical routes lasting 3 years and accepting students ages 15-17. For higher education, both Greece and Turkey offer university, technical, and open learning opportunities.
Project presentation at suat terimer auditoriumKyriaki SamouilThe document discusses a project presentation at Suat Terimer Anadolu Lisesi auditorium. Mrs. Kyriaki Samouil and Mrs. Ildeniz Saral will present the Comenius project to their students.
Τα πάθη και η Ανάσταση του Χριστού μέσα από την τέχνη.docxΔήμητρα ΤζίνουΕργασία του μαθητή της Α' τάξης του 3ου Γυμνασίου Περιστερίου Δημήτρη Αυλωνίτη.
ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΕΣ ΧΑΡΑΖΟΝΤΑΣ ΔΡΟΜΟΥΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΕΣ .pdfDimitra MylonakiΟι μαθητές δούλεψαν το σενάριο διδασκαλίας με βασικούς στόχους να κατανοήσουν τους λόγους μετακίνησης των προσφύγων και των μεταναστών, τη διαφορά που υπάρχει μεταξύ τους, την πίεση που δέχεται ένας πρόσφυγας κατά τη φυγή του και να αποκτήσουν ενσυναίσθηση.
Η Παράδοση της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας- Ιερά Μητρόπολη Κοζάνηςssuser720b85ΟΙ εικόνες, τα ιερά άμφια, τα λειτουργικά κείμενα , στο κειμηλιαρχείο της Ιεράς Μητρόπολης Κοζάνης
2. • Σζλοσ τθσ δεκαετίασ του • By the end of 50ties
’50 , το μπουηοφκι ζπαψε , bouzouki became in
(ιδιαίτερα για τθν μεςαία fashion . As a matter of
τάξθ ) να είναι fact a new species of song
καταδικαςμζνο ςτο πυρ was born , the folk song .
το εξϊτερον και
μετατράπθκε ςε μόδα .
Ζτςι άρχιςε πλζον να
διαμορφϊνεται ζνα νζο
είδοσ , το λεγόμενο λαϊκό
τραγοφδι .
3. • Με τθν ανάπτυξθ τθσ
διςκογραφίασ και του
ραδιοφϊνου , το λαϊκό
τραγοφδι φτάνει ς’ όλθ
τθν Ελλάδα και
δθμιουργεί τισ πρϊτεσ
φίρμεσ ( τραγουδιςτζσ
, ςυνκζτεσ , ςτιχουργοί ).
• Music records and radio
were the means through
which folk song ( singers
and composers ) became
well known and popular.
4. • Πολλά απ’ τα λαϊκά τραγοφδια των
δεκαετιϊν ’60-ϋ70 παρουςιάηουν ζνα
• On the other hand
αποτζλεςμα πολφ ικανοποιθτικό από , anybody could enjoy
αιςκθτικι άποψθ .
those singers at the
• Πολλά τραγοφδια δίνουν τθν
αίςκθςθ τθσ τελειότθτασ , είναι Greek taverns .Among
αριςτουργιματα . Δεν είναι τυχαίο
, ότι παρόλο που ζχουν περάςει
those songs there are a
πολλά χρόνια , εξακολουκοφν να lot of high quality
είναι πολφ δθμοφιλι και να
ςυγκινοφν τισ νζεσ γενιζσ.
ones, being classics up
• Ασ μθν ξεχνάμε ότι θ Φραγκοςυριανι to now .
είναι 70 χρονϊν . Σο νφχτωςε χωρίσ
φεγγάρι και θ ςυννεφιαςμζνθ
Κυριακι 60 χρονϊν
5. • Ο κόςμοσ άκουγε όλα
αυτά τα τραγοφδια και
τουσ τραγουδιςτζσ τθσ
εποχισ , ςε ταβζρνεσ
και λαϊκά μαγαηιά .
Αυτι θ διαςκζδαςθ
ιταν προςιτι ςτα
φτωχά και μεςαία
ςτρϊματα .
6. • Κατά τα μζςα τθσ δεκαετίασ • Mid 70’s entertainment
του ’70 , όμωσ , θ found its home in big flashy
διαςκζδαςθ μεταφζρκθκε places , away from modest
απ’ τθν οικογενειακι taverns .Electronic sound
ταβζρνα , ςτα μεγάλα and sound effects replaced
χλιδάτα μαγαηιά , με τον sentiment .
θλεκτρικό ιχο ςτα όργανα
, ζκο και λοιπά θχθτικά εφζ.
Σα λεγόμενα μπουηοφκια .
Εδϊ , κυριαρχεί το ςπάςιμο
των πιάτων , τα λουλοφδια
, θ επίδειξθ πλοφτου και
όλα αυτά φζρνουν αλλαγι
ςτο ρεπερτόριο .
8. • Οι άνκρωποι με χαμθλά
ειςοδιματα κλείνονται
ςτο ςπίτι και
διαςκεδάηουν μπροςτά
ςτθν τθλεόραςθ .
• Low budget people
can’t afford it so they
stay at home , watching
9. Μερικοί απ’ τουσ ςπουδαιότερουσ
εκπροςώπουσ του λαϊκοφ τραγουδιοφ
των δεκαετιών ’60 , ’70 είναι:
Well known singers of folk songs at
60ties and 70ties have been :
10. τζλιοσ Καηαντίδθσ
Stelios Kazantzidis
• Κζρδιςε αδιαφιλονίκθτα τον τίτλο • He has been loved and admired
του λαϊκοφ ερμθνευτι . by many fans .With a certain vibe
Αγαπικθκε φανατικά . Με τθ in his voice and interpretation
μοναδικι υφι τθσ φωνισ του και became the feelings and pains
τθν πθγαία ερμθνευτικι γκάμα expression of an entire
κατόρκωςε να εκφράςει τισ generation.
αγωνίεσ τουσ φόβουσ και τθσ • People difficult to survive
ελπίδεσ μιασ ολόκλθρθσ γενιάσ , because of extreme poverty and
ανκρϊπων , για τουσ οποίουσ θ social difficulties.
επιβίωςθ δεν ιταν τόςο • Kazantzidis has been the
αυτονόθτθ . Τπιρξε ο immigration songs interpreter.
βαςικότεροσ εκπρόςωποσ των Songs relieving the hurts of
τραγουδιϊν τθσ μετανάςτευςθσ immigrant Greeks all over the
Σραγοφδια που ςυντρόφευαν world and especially in Germany.
τουσ Ζλλθνεσ που βρζκθκαν
μακριά απ’ τθν πατρίδα τουσ .
12. Μανώλησ Χιώτησ Manolis Chiotis
• Κάνει τθν επανάςταςθ , • A music revolutionary , changing the
μετατρζποντασ το τρίχορδο three – cord bouzouki to four – cord
μπουηοφκι ςε τερτάχορδο . one , actually expanding melody
Επεκτείνει και διευρφνει τισ , harmony and sound bouzouki forms
μελωδικζσ ικανότθτεσ , τθν αρμονία .
και τισ θχθτικζσ φόρμεσ του • Chiotis was influenced by jazz and
μπουηουκιοφ . Ο Χιϊτθσ ζχει Latin rhythms. He implemented
τηαηίςτικεσ και λατινοαμερικάνικεσ bouzouki to upper class through his
επιρροζσ . Χάραξε νζουσ μελωδικοφσ special ability in it. He ,even , played
δρόμουσ . Τπιρξε μεγάλοσ bouzouki at the White House , invited
δεξιοτζχνθσ και ιταν αυτόσ που by USA president Lyndon Johnson.
ζβαλε το μπουηοφκι ςτα ςαλόνια .
Ζκανε τισ ενορχθςτρϊςεισ των
πρϊτων λαϊκϊν τραγουδιϊν του
Μίκθ Θεοδωράκθ . Ζχει
τραγουδιςει μπροςτά ςε πολλοφσ
θγεμόνεσ χωρϊν και μάλιςτα είχε
κλθκεί ςτον Λευκό Οίκο για τα
γενζκλια του προζδρου Λίντον
Σηόνςον .
14. Γιϊργοσ Ηαμπζτασ George Zambetas
• υνκζτθσ , βάρδοσ του λαϊκοφ • Composer , folk song singer
τραγουδιοφ και δεξιοτζχνθσ and bouzouki virtuoso .
του μπουηουκιοφ . Κζντθςε με • He was the performer of the
τισ ξεχωριςτζσ εκτελζςεισ ςτισ great artistic composers
ειςαγωγζσ και τα τραγοφδια Theodorakis and Chatzithakis .
του Θεοδωράκθ . ολίςτ ςε • Famous not only for his
πολλά τραγοφδια του Μάνου exquisite bouzouki play and
Χατηθδάκθ . Πθγαίοσ singing but for his jokes .
, ακυρόςτομοσ , χιουμορίςτασ He had created ,also
. υμμετζχει ςε περιςςότερεσ , soundtracks for over 100 of
από 100 ταινίεσ του the flourishing Greek movies
ακμάηοντα τότε Ελλθνικοφ of the 60ties.
κινθματογράφου .