компютерні вірусиSanya DzhedzheraПоняття комп’ютерного вірусу. Історія та класифікація вірусів і троянських програм. Призначення, принцип дії та класифікація антивірусних програм. Робота в середовищі антивірусної програми. Правила профілактики зараження комп’ютера вірусами
презентація на тему "Антивірусні програми"B0d6kaЦя презентація надає інформацію про антивірусні програми на прикладі антивірусу AVAST,де задано її основні переваги та можливості.
Team approaches to ARDerek StilesThis document discusses team approaches and management plans for working with clients. For team approaches, it identifies key team members that could be involved in a case, such as parents, speech therapists, audiologists, educators, psychologists, and medical professionals. It emphasizes the importance of the parent and having a committed team with a common goal. For management plans, it outlines developing goals for clients and creating detailed plans to achieve those goals through strategies involving parents, audiology, auditory skills, language and cognition, speech, education, and socioemotional development. Management plans should have SMART goals, intervention strategies, and plans for reevaluation. An example management plan is provided for an 8-year-old girl with hearing loss and language and
Infants and toddlersDerek StilesThis document discusses the process of evaluating, diagnosing, and providing early intervention services to infants and toddlers who are deaf or hard of hearing. Key aspects of the process include newborn hearing screening, using tests like ABR to diagnose hearing levels, developing an intervention plan, choosing communication modes and assistive technology like hearing aids or cochlear implants, providing services from professionals like audiologists and speech therapists, and creating individualized goals for development of skills like sound detection, speech, and language. The early intervention team works with the family to help the child progress in their communication and developmental abilities from birth to age 3.
презентація на тему "Антивірусні програми"B0d6kaЦя презентація надає інформацію про антивірусні програми на прикладі антивірусу AVAST,де задано її основні переваги та можливості.
Team approaches to ARDerek StilesThis document discusses team approaches and management plans for working with clients. For team approaches, it identifies key team members that could be involved in a case, such as parents, speech therapists, audiologists, educators, psychologists, and medical professionals. It emphasizes the importance of the parent and having a committed team with a common goal. For management plans, it outlines developing goals for clients and creating detailed plans to achieve those goals through strategies involving parents, audiology, auditory skills, language and cognition, speech, education, and socioemotional development. Management plans should have SMART goals, intervention strategies, and plans for reevaluation. An example management plan is provided for an 8-year-old girl with hearing loss and language and
Infants and toddlersDerek StilesThis document discusses the process of evaluating, diagnosing, and providing early intervention services to infants and toddlers who are deaf or hard of hearing. Key aspects of the process include newborn hearing screening, using tests like ABR to diagnose hearing levels, developing an intervention plan, choosing communication modes and assistive technology like hearing aids or cochlear implants, providing services from professionals like audiologists and speech therapists, and creating individualized goals for development of skills like sound detection, speech, and language. The early intervention team works with the family to help the child progress in their communication and developmental abilities from birth to age 3.
Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic TheoryMichael ChiquilloThis document discusses key concepts in psychoanalytic theory, including the unconscious mind, the ego, id, and superego. It also outlines Freud's psychosexual stages of development, including the oral stage where infants obtain pleasure from nursing and biting, the anal stage where pleasure comes from expelling feces, the phallic stage where children discover gender differences, and the latency stage where sexual interest is suppressed before emerging in the genital stage with interest in the opposite sex.
Kohlberg's 6 stagesEmmanuel PeeyushKohlberg's theory proposes 6 stages of moral development grouped into 3 levels: Level 1 focuses on obedience to avoid punishment and self-interest; Level 2 emphasizes maintaining social norms and relationships; Level 3 prioritizes universal ethical principles, social contracts, and individual rights.
Ppt kohlbergJoe Francis FrancoLawrence Kohlberg was a Harvard professor known for his theory of moral development. He proposed that morality develops through six stages across three levels - pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional. At the pre-conventional level, children's morality is based on obedience and self-interest. The conventional level involves conforming to social norms and rules. Finally, at the post-conventional level, morality is based on abstract principles of justice and social contracts. Kohlberg's theory suggests morality grows increasingly complex as individuals develop through these six stages.
erickson's psychological theory of developmentRMI Volunteer teacherErikson's theory outlines 8 stages of psychosocial development across the lifespan. Each stage presents a psychosocial crisis between two opposing tendencies that must be resolved. For example, in infancy the crisis is trust vs mistrust, in adolescence it is identity vs role confusion. Successful resolution of each stage leads to a virtue that contributes to healthy development in later stages. Maladaptive resolutions can result in negative personality traits like shame, guilt, or isolation. The document provides an overview of each stage's crisis, adaptive and maladaptive outcomes, and resulting virtue.
Kohlberg's moral developmentRavdeep KaurKohlberg's theory proposes 3 levels of moral reasoning development:
1) Preconventional - reasoning based on rewards/punishment
2) Conventional - reasoning focuses on obeying rules and pleasing others
3) Postconventional - reasoning considers universal ethical principles over laws.
Each level contains 2 stages that represent increasing sophistication. Kohlberg assessed moral reasoning using hypothetical dilemmas like whether a man should steal a drug to save his dying wife. His theory was influential but faced some criticism for being too focused on Western justice perspectives rather than ethics of care.
Key concepts of Piaget's Cognitive Development TheoryThe National Teacher's CollegeJean Piaget's theory of cognitive development proposes that learning involves balancing between assimilating new information into existing mental frameworks (schemas) and accommodating schemas by changing them to fit new information. This equilibrium is achieved through adaptation, where humans adjust to their environment by altering behaviors. Adaptation allows for accommodation and assimilation as individuals encounter new objects and situations.
Trilogy effective teachinglatreia1. Effective teaching produces beneficial student learning through appropriate procedures such as quality teachers socializing with students and modeling positive behavior.
2. New teachers bring enthusiasm and creativity but need support, while mid-career teachers need leadership opportunities and veteran teachers provide wisdom and mentoring.
3. Effective teachers demonstrate caring, share responsibility, accept diversity, encourage creativity, and provide individualized instruction. Their classrooms are cheerful environments where learning is enjoyable.
Piaget's cognitive development theoryLethane Sakiwat1. Piaget studied his own children's intellectual development and proposed four main stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational.
2. The sensorimotor stage involves learning through senses and motor skills without using symbols or language. The preoperational stage involves using symbols and language but still being egocentric.
3. In the concrete operational stage, logical thinking develops but is limited to concrete objects. In the formal operational stage, abstract and hypothetical thinking ability emerges along with scientific reasoning skills.
Physical development of Infants and Toddlers part 2Marjorie RiceThis document discusses the physical development of infants and toddlers, including motor development, reflexes, gross and fine motor skills, and sensory and perceptual development. It describes several infant reflexes such as the sucking, rooting, gripping, curling, startle, and tonic neck reflexes. It also outlines milestones in gross motor development and characteristics of vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell, and intermodal perception in infants.
Erick erickson, psychosocial theoryApple VallenteErik Erikson proposed a lifespan theory of psychosocial development consisting of eight stages from infancy to late adulthood. Each stage presents a psychosocial crisis that influences personality development. For example, adolescence involves developing identity through exploring different roles and committing to an occupation. Successful completion of each stage leads to a healthy personality and the acquisition of basic virtues like trust and identity.
Child and Adolescent Development.BinHunMaria Kathleen AdonaLev Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist born in 1896 who developed the sociocultural theory of cognitive development. He believed that social interaction and culture play a key role in cognitive development. According to Vygotsky, language and tools developed within a culture mediate cognitive development. The "zone of proximal development" refers to what a child can achieve with guidance versus independently, and the "more knowledgeable other" is someone with more understanding to help guide learning. Vygotsky argued that social learning precedes development, which later becomes an internal mental process.
Basic concepts in child and adolescent development1Rodel Bryan ValdezThe document discusses key concepts in child and adolescent development. It explains that studying development is important because the early years set the foundation for later success. Understanding development allows one to better support a child's needs. It defines development as progressive, ordered changes and growth as physical changes in size and structure. Childhood spans from birth to age 12, while adolescence is the transition to adulthood from ages 10-19. Development is influenced by maturation, environment, and genes, and follows predictable sequences, though the timing varies between individuals. Learning can help or hinder the maturation process. Growth progresses from head to toe and center to outer parts of the body.
Child and adolescent developmentMatt ScullyThis document provides a high-level overview of teaching strategies focused on differentiating instruction to meet students' unique needs and maximize cognitive effectiveness. It discusses the importance of understanding each student's developmental level, learning profile, and what instructional approaches best suit their unique brain. Key points emphasized include the diversity of human intelligence and development, challenges with standardized testing and developmental frameworks, the malleability of intelligence over time, and strategies like tapping into student interests and passions to increase motivation.
Kohlberg's theory of moral development..finalpurple_abby14The document discusses Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development which include 3 levels - pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional morality. Each level contains 2 stages that describe how people understand and make decisions regarding moral issues based on their perspective which develops from a focus on obedience and self-interest to social norms to principled thinking. The document also provides examples of responses to scenarios involving a man stealing a drug to save his dying wife that illustrate reasoning at each of Kohlberg's 6 stages of moral development.
Psychoanalytic TheoryKhim Dela CruzThis document provides an overview of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory. It discusses that Freud considered how individuals develop within the context of their family. It outlines Freud's concepts of the unconscious mind, the id, ego and superego. It also describes Freud's psychosexual stages of development from oral to genital stages and the psychodynamic conflicts that occur at each stage like the Oedipus complex. The document concludes with a discussion of Freudian defense mechanisms that the ego uses to protect itself like repression, projection and rationalization.
Basic concepts and issues on human developmentFerdinand Importado, CPA, MBAHuman development occurs throughout the lifespan, from conception through old age. It includes physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional changes. Development follows general principles - it is relatively orderly, varies between individuals, and takes place gradually through the interaction of biological, cognitive, and social processes. Approaches to development include the traditional view that most occurs by adulthood and the lifespan view that development continues throughout life in a multi-dimensional, plastic, and contextual manner focused on growth, maintenance, and regulation. Principles of child development state that all domains are interrelated, development proceeds at varying rates and is shaped by both nature and nurture through sensitive periods.
Stages of Development and Developmental TasksLea Sandra F. BanzonThis document outlines the major stages of human development from pre-natal period through late adulthood. It describes key aspects of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development that occur during each phase. The document also discusses developmental tasks, which are goals that should be achieved during each life stage in order to support healthy development and functioning in later stages. Some examples of developmental tasks include learning to walk during infancy, developing a sense of identity during adolescence, and adjusting to retirement during late adulthood. Accomplishing the tasks of earlier stages helps to achieve tasks in subsequent stages.
2nd Lecture (HUMAN DEVELOPMENT - Meaning, Concepts and Approaches)Janette BalagotHuman Development is the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the life span...
компютерні вірусиSanya DzhedzheraПоняття комп’ютерного вірусу. Історія та класифікація вірусів і троянських програм. Призначення, принцип дії та класифікація антивірусних програм. Робота в середовищі антивірусної програми. Правила профілактики зараження комп’ютера вірусами
Less15Nikolay ShaygorodskiyЗагрози, що виникають при роботі в Інтернеті. Засоби браузера, призначені для гарантування безпеки. Захищені сайти. Інструктаж з БЖД
2. ВИРУС –
це програмний код, що може
не санкціоновано
запускатися і само
Типи Опис
Файлові Вноситься у файли, що виконуються, у
системні файли, у файли бібліотек,
драйверів та ін.
Завантажу- Заражають завантажувальний сектор
диска (Boot сектор) або сектор, що
вальні містить програму системного
завантажувача вінчестера
Файлово- Можуть вносити як у файли, так і в
завантажувальні сектор. До таких
завантажу вірусів належить, зокрема, стелс-
-вальні віруси і найнебезпечніші екземпляри
4. Тип вірусів Опис
Вносить у файли документів
Word, Excel й інші файли,
Макровіруси підготовлені в додатках, що
мають свою мову макрокоманд
Поширюються по
Мережні комп'ютер-ній мережі.
Особливості цих вірусів
полягає в тому, що вони
заражають тільки
оперативну пам'ять
комп'ютерів і не
записуються на носії
5. Профілактичні
Перед використанням чужих дискет
обов'язково перевіряйте їх на наявність
Регулярно виконуйте копіювання цінної
інформації на зовнішні носії.
Завжди майте завантажувальний CD-R диск, із
записаним на ньому антивірусною програмою.
Виконуйте періодичну перевірку пам'яті та
всіх дисків вашого комп'ютера за допомогою
нових версій антивірусних програм.
Вчасно оновляйте свої антивірусні програми.