OGDC2012 2D Art For Realtime 3D Web Game_Mr. Khanh, Pham Ngoc VuBuff Nguyen
This document discusses 2D art creation for real-time 3D web games. It covers character, environment, and PR artwork design. For characters, adjustments were made to proportions and camera angles to improve visuals. Costumes were designed as separate pieces then combined. Environments needed cleanup between 2D sketches and 3D to match. Texture libraries were recommended to share resources between 2D and 3D artists. Final PR artwork was created by combining 2D sketches, 3D characters, backgrounds, and effects produced collaboratively. Defining camera usage and avoiding excessive details were emphasized.
Este documento es la portada de Wikipedia en espa?ol. Proporciona enlaces a diferentes secciones de Wikipedia como ciencia, arte, sociedad y geograf¨ªa, as¨ª como noticias recientes, fallecimientos y eventos. Tambi¨¦n presenta un art¨ªculo destacado sobre un convento en La Guardia, Ja¨¦n, Espa?a.
This document provides guidance on conducting research for a Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies course. It outlines a 5-step research process: 1) develop a search strategy including keywords and databases, 2) select appropriate databases, 3) search databases using different keywords and subject headings, 4) evaluate resources, and 5) apply information by writing and citing sources. Key databases recommended include JSTOR, Project MUSE, and Academic Search Complete. Students are encouraged to develop research questions, use Boolean operators and truncation, evaluate sources, and revise their search strategy. Assistance is available from the WGSS librarian.
OGDC2012 2D Art For Realtime 3D Web Game_Mr. Khanh, Pham Ngoc VuBuff Nguyen
This document discusses 2D art creation for real-time 3D web games. It covers character, environment, and PR artwork design. For characters, adjustments were made to proportions and camera angles to improve visuals. Costumes were designed as separate pieces then combined. Environments needed cleanup between 2D sketches and 3D to match. Texture libraries were recommended to share resources between 2D and 3D artists. Final PR artwork was created by combining 2D sketches, 3D characters, backgrounds, and effects produced collaboratively. Defining camera usage and avoiding excessive details were emphasized.
Este documento es la portada de Wikipedia en espa?ol. Proporciona enlaces a diferentes secciones de Wikipedia como ciencia, arte, sociedad y geograf¨ªa, as¨ª como noticias recientes, fallecimientos y eventos. Tambi¨¦n presenta un art¨ªculo destacado sobre un convento en La Guardia, Ja¨¦n, Espa?a.
This document provides guidance on conducting research for a Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies course. It outlines a 5-step research process: 1) develop a search strategy including keywords and databases, 2) select appropriate databases, 3) search databases using different keywords and subject headings, 4) evaluate resources, and 5) apply information by writing and citing sources. Key databases recommended include JSTOR, Project MUSE, and Academic Search Complete. Students are encouraged to develop research questions, use Boolean operators and truncation, evaluate sources, and revise their search strategy. Assistance is available from the WGSS librarian.
El suelo es un recurso natural importante en Ecuador, y muchas tierras son f¨¦rtiles. Es importante aplicar t¨¦cnicas de conservaci¨®n para proteger los suelos de la degradaci¨®n, como sembrar ¨¢rboles en laderas, cercos vivos, drenar campos, evitar tala y quema de ¨¢rboles, rotar cultivos, y evitar productos t¨®xicos.
The document provides strategies for improving listening skills in college lectures. It recommends maintaining eye contact with the instructor to stay focused, focusing on content rather than delivery, avoiding distractions, treating listening as an active mental task such as asking questions, and using the gap between speech and thought rates to think ahead. The overall goal is for students to better process information from lectures into notes through active listening techniques.
Este documento contiene una lista de t¨¦rminos relacionados con inform¨¢tica e incluye nombres de im¨¢genes, dispositivos, conceptos de red y credenciales de acceso como anillo, bus, mixta, malla, correo electr¨®nico, nombre de usuario y contrase?a.
Southwest High School Texas Star Chart PresentationDwayne Isbell
The document discusses the Texas STaR Chart, which is a tool for teachers to self-assess and plan their integration of technology in alignment with the state's long-range technology plan. It provides data showing that in 2007-2008, Southwest High School, like most schools in the state, fell into the "Developing Tech" level for all areas assessed by the STaR Chart. It notes that resources for the STaR Chart can be found on the Texas Education Agency website.
This document summarizes a presentation by Cindy McCombeSpindler and Ray Heins. Cindy is the president of AbilityCatcher and Ray owned a sign shop called "Heins for Signs". The presentation discusses Ray's life, including growing up in Colorado Springs, owning his sign shop for many years, undergoing hip surgery in 2003, retiring in 2008, and donating his collection of signs to the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum. It also describes Ray passing away and Cindy's work to preserve his memory through an oral history project and discovering the benefits of reminiscence therapy.
El documento proporciona recursos educativos sobre qu¨ªmica para una profesora de qu¨ªmica, incluyendo enlaces a aplicaciones interactivas sobre neutralizaci¨®n y ¨¢cidos-bases, revistas y enlaces de qu¨ªmica, y referencias bibliogr¨¢ficas sobre el discurso en el aula de ciencias y el aprendizaje del lenguaje cient¨ªfico.
El documento presenta datos sobre el n¨²mero de tazas de caf¨¦ vendidas en una tienda de conveniencia durante 10 periodos de 30 d¨ªas cada uno. Se calculan estad¨ªsticas descriptivas como la media, mediana, moda, desviaci¨®n est¨¢ndar y varianza para analizar la viabilidad de abrir un negocio de caf¨¦ en una nueva ubicaci¨®n.
This document describes a self hypnosis tool box that contains 35 professional hypnosis scripts to help users understand and use hypnosis. The tool box provides a complete kit of hypnosis scripts covering a range of topics to help people through self hypnosis.
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and energy in the form of glucose. It occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, specifically in the thylakoid membranes. The light-dependent reaction uses energy from sunlight to convert water to oxygen and hydrogen, producing ATP and NADPH. These products are then used in the light-independent Calvin cycle to incorporate carbon from carbon dioxide into organic molecules to form glucose. Photosynthesis provides nutrients and oxygen for heterotrophs and is essential for life on Earth.
This document provides a manual for facilitators of Local and Regional Economic Development (LRED) processes. It introduces the LRED approach, which aims to promote sustainable local economic development and reduce regional disparities. The manual describes the key features and theoretical foundations of LRED, including its basis in sustainable development principles and the concept of systemic competitiveness. It then outlines the six steps of the LRED cycle to kick-start the process, from organizing stakeholders to implementation and replanning. Finally, it discusses the role and ethics of LRED facilitators in supporting local governments and communities through the process.
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