Polite questionsSussan RooPeople use modal verbs like can, could, may, will, and would followed by I or you to ask polite questions in different levels of formality. Can I/you is least formal, could I/you is more formal, and may I is most formal when asking for permission. Will/would you is formal when asking for help or cooperation, and may is never used to ask for help. The questions ask for agreement, permission, help or cooperation from someone.
โครงสร้างทางสังคมkroobannakakokSocial groups are formed when people come together for a common social purpose and develop social norms. There are several types of social groups including primary groups based on close personal ties like family, and secondary groups based on more impersonal ties like work or hobby interests. Social institutions are larger social structures like families, schools, governments and religions that have a recognized status and function within a society.
17. 1)
2) ˈ ก F F ก
3) ˈ ˈ ก F F
ก F
4) ก กก F ก F ( F ..)
5) ก F
18. ก F F (Situational learning)
ก F กก ˈ ก ก F (Social learning
/ Socialization)
ก F F F
ก F(Cultural learning / Enculturation)
19. / F F
(Material /Non- material culture)
ˈ / ก ก
- /
(Ideal / Actual culture)
ก/ F
(Dominant culture / sub-culture)
- / F
(Great traditions / Little traditions)
/ F ( F )
High / Low / Popular culture
22. F (Cultural relativity)
ก ก (Child-rearing practice)
ก ก (Socialization)
ก F (Enculturation)
24. 1. ˈ ก ก F
ก ก ก
ก F F ก ก F
2. ˈ ก F F
ก F F F
F กF F