马bestnoripThis short document tells a story about someone pursuing their goals and dreams. It encourages the reader to believe in themselves and that they are the best. Contact information is provided should the reader want to learn more through the author's blog or QQ account.
Beyond INSPIRE: ScotlandRCAHMS_DataIn 2009 the INSPIRE Directive was adopted as a Statutory Instrument by both the UK and Scottish Parliaments with a view to developing the Metadata, Web Map and Web Feature Services, to an agreed timetable, over the next decade. Both the Scottish Government and Geographic Information community in Scotland recognise that although the mandated datasets are helpful in focusing attention on priorities within the context of creating a Scottish Spatial Data Infrastructure and delivering efficiencies across all tiers of Scottish Government, the INSPIRE Directive should be seen very much as a catalyst rather than a checklist.
RCAHMS recognises the need to and value in sharing the information it curates on behalf of the Scottish public with partner organisations and the wider community for the benefit of the promotion and appreciation of Scotland’s heritage. Although, the majority of records in Canmore (http://canmore.rcahms.gov.uk/), the national inventory of the archaeological and built heritage of Scotland and its maritime waters are not protected through statutory designation, RCAHMS has argued that the information it curates is relevant to and should be considered as part of the INSPIRE Annex I Protected Places theme, even if not a mandatory dataset. To date RCAHMS has released a point-based WMS for the information in Canmore and is developing further bespoke services for maritime losses and the results of its own aerial survey mapping programme, the first in a series of richer datasets. WFS will be developed on release of guidance documents from the Scottish Government.
Promoting the undesignated heritage of Scotland through INSPIRE raises a number of questions over the appropriateness of applying specifications for regulatory environmental data to the wider cultural heritage and how information, so published, could be understood and used remotely by audiences outside heritage. Archaeological data is often ill-defined and incomplete. Would those accessing data remotely necessarily understand the incompleteness, bias and variability of the record in contrast to the fixed boundaries of most designated datasets? A land manager may need to know if a site is extant, known from documentary sources or revealed through aerial photography or remote sensing whereas an archaeologist needs to consider evidence from the investigation and recording of a site.
Delivery of richer spatial datasets for most archaeological investigations remain aspirational as they require collaborative, participatory approaches from across the profession and engagement from the academic and private sectors. Even if the mechanisms to deliver richer datasets are in place, potential barriers include concerns over intellectual property rights and a reluctance to change working practices though inertia may gradually be addressed through demonstrator services and case studies highlighting the potential benefits in the long term.
Cinema4D Tutorials완식 김The document lists over 30 links to websites that provide tutorials for Cinema 4D. Some of the links are for general Cinema 4D tutorial sites while others link to specific tutorial pages or sections on modeling, rendering, materials and other Cinema 4D topics. The sites listed include popular resources for 3D artists like Greyscalegorilla, Cineversity and 3DTotal in addition to individual artist pages showcasing Cinema 4D tutorials.
Presentation Question1julianalopezcThe document discusses the genre of thriller films and some of their common conventions. It notes that thrillers are intended to build tension and engage audiences as the plot moves toward a climax. There are several subgenres of thrillers including crime, supernatural, psychological, and revenge thrillers. Some conventions discussed include using dangerous situations to increase tension, creepy atmospheres depicting sudden violence or crime, and specific lighting, settings, and costumes to set the thriller tone. Title sequences typically include the film title, production company logos, credits, establishing shots, and an introduction to characters and storyline to set up the film's genre and mood.
Foundation portfolio evaluationDevonNewtonThe document summarizes Devon Newton's media portfolio evaluation. It includes analyses of how their media product compares to real magazines, the target audience of 16-25 year olds interested in electro and techno music, how a music magazine retailer could distribute the product, how the product represents its target social group, techniques used to attract the audience like cover lines and stars, and technologies learned like image manipulation and slide sharing.
ResultsDevonNewtonThe majority of respondents to the music questionnaire were female aged 15-25. Most popular genres were rock and indie. Most people do not regularly buy music magazines but would spend £2-3 if they did. The main attractions are the cover star and lines with monthly purchases being most common.
Ex kamaiyas concept sinae-120214_rev01완식 김This document describes a campaign and project to help ex-Kamaiya families in Nepal. The campaign aims to provide upgraded housing, sanitation facilities, water access, and livelihood training to families living in vulnerable conditions. It will target villages in Bijaynagar, Tikapur. Families there currently live in unstable thatched houses with no running water or toilets. The rainy season makes sleeping difficult. The project will construct new houses, install latrines and tube wells, and provide hygiene education and small business grants. Supporters will sponsor clusters of families for $500 to improve living conditions. Stories from two families illustrate their current hardships of poverty and inadequate housing.
叶bestnoripThis document provides a PowerPoint template for creating a presentation. The template includes sections for adding a title and content to slides. It also notes that the template features a new content design and was created by someone with 10 years of experience designing PowerPoint templates.
Q1. In what way does 'RESOLVED' used, develops and challenge forms and conven...julianalopezcThe document discusses the genre of thriller films and some of their common conventions. It notes that thrillers are intended to build tension and engage audiences as the plot moves toward a climax. There are several subgenres of thrillers including crime, supernatural, psychological, and revenge thrillers. Some conventions of thriller openings discussed include placing characters in dangerous or deadly situations to increase tension, using lighting, costumes, settings and other visual elements to create an atmosphere of creepy menace and sudden violence. Title sequences typically include the film title, production company logos/credits, and elements to introduce characters and the storyline.
ResultsDevonNewtonThe majority of respondents to the music questionnaire were female aged 15-25. Most popular genres were rock and indie. Most people do not regularly buy music magazines but would spend £2-3 if they did. The main attractions are the cover star and lines with monthly purchases being most common.
Ex kamaiyas concept sinae-120214_rev01완식 김This document describes a campaign and project to help ex-Kamaiya families in Nepal. The campaign aims to provide upgraded housing, sanitation facilities, water access, and livelihood training to families living in vulnerable conditions. It will target villages in Bijaynagar, Tikapur. Families there currently live in unstable thatched houses with no running water or toilets. The rainy season makes sleeping difficult. The project will construct new houses, install latrines and tube wells, and provide hygiene education and small business grants. Supporters will sponsor clusters of families for $500 to improve living conditions. Stories from two families illustrate their current hardships of poverty and inadequate housing.
叶bestnoripThis document provides a PowerPoint template for creating a presentation. The template includes sections for adding a title and content to slides. It also notes that the template features a new content design and was created by someone with 10 years of experience designing PowerPoint templates.
Q1. In what way does 'RESOLVED' used, develops and challenge forms and conven...julianalopezcThe document discusses the genre of thriller films and some of their common conventions. It notes that thrillers are intended to build tension and engage audiences as the plot moves toward a climax. There are several subgenres of thrillers including crime, supernatural, psychological, and revenge thrillers. Some conventions of thriller openings discussed include placing characters in dangerous or deadly situations to increase tension, using lighting, costumes, settings and other visual elements to create an atmosphere of creepy menace and sudden violence. Title sequences typically include the film title, production company logos/credits, and elements to introduce characters and the storyline.