NeralBoostLingoo NguyenThis Haiku Deck presentation promotes creating presentations on ݺߣShare using Haiku Deck. It includes photos from various photographers and encourages the viewer to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare. The presentation provides example photos but does not include any other content.
Jeremy's Compound bow pitchCameron Creative Pty LtdJeremy loves archery and decides he wants to get his own compound bow. He researches different bows and finds one he likes. Jeremy starts saving money for the bow but thinks it would be more fun if he shared the cost with his supportive father. Jeremy's father agrees and they purchase the bow together. Jeremy enjoys practicing archery with his father whenever possible.
NeralBoostLingoo NguyenThis Haiku Deck presentation promotes creating presentations on ݺߣShare using Haiku Deck. It includes photos from various photographers and encourages the viewer to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare. The presentation provides example photos but does not include any other content.
Jeremy's Compound bow pitchCameron Creative Pty LtdJeremy loves archery and decides he wants to get his own compound bow. He researches different bows and finds one he likes. Jeremy starts saving money for the bow but thinks it would be more fun if he shared the cost with his supportive father. Jeremy's father agrees and they purchase the bow together. Jeremy enjoys practicing archery with his father whenever possible.
1. Растровые изображения
Графический объект,
подлежащий представлению в
цифровом виде, делится
вертикальными и
горизонтальными линиями на
крошечные фрагменты –
Цвет каждого пикселя кодируется двоичным числом.
Такой способ называется растровым кодированием.
2. Двоичное кодирование
Для черно-белого изображения
каждая пустая (белая) клеточка кодируется нулем,
а закрашенная (черная) – единицей.
1 0 1 1
1000 0001
0101 1010
0010 0100
0101 1010
0101 1010
0010 0100
0101 1010
1000 0001
3. По двоичному коду легко восстановить рисунок по
тому же правилу: 1 — черная клетка, 0 — белая.