Kaps sdm 60 diagnosis microscopesometltdThe Kaps SDM 60 is a stereo examination microscope for ENT specialists. It features interchangeable lenses from 200mm to 400mm, manual fine focusing, and a coaxial cold light illumination source. Optional accessories include video camera adapters, magnification changers from 3x to 5x, and integrated endoscope adapters. The microscope provides excellent optical quality and ease of use for ear examinations and microsuction procedures.
Bett bus. planMary NdunguKipkoech Poultry Keeping will operate as a sole proprietorship in Eldoret, Kenya. The business will keep poultry and sell eggs, meat, and manure to local institutions, hotels, and individual customers. The owner has identified the target market and intends to use promotional strategies like discounts and advertisements to attract customers and increase sales. A SWOT analysis was also provided to evaluate the business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Kaps sdm 60 diagnosis microscopesometltdThe Kaps SDM 60 is a stereo examination microscope for ENT specialists. It features interchangeable lenses from 200mm to 400mm, manual fine focusing, and a coaxial cold light illumination source. Optional accessories include video camera adapters, magnification changers from 3x to 5x, and integrated endoscope adapters. The microscope provides excellent optical quality and ease of use for ear examinations and microsuction procedures.
Bett bus. planMary NdunguKipkoech Poultry Keeping will operate as a sole proprietorship in Eldoret, Kenya. The business will keep poultry and sell eggs, meat, and manure to local institutions, hotels, and individual customers. The owner has identified the target market and intends to use promotional strategies like discounts and advertisements to attract customers and increase sales. A SWOT analysis was also provided to evaluate the business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Trends that threaten IT departments and CIOsTerry WhiteThe document discusses how emerging technology trends threaten traditional IT departments. It outlines trends like cloud computing, BYOD, mobility, and big data that are shifting computing outside of IT's control. While organizations see these trends positively as enabling flexibility and innovation, they threaten IT departments by raising expectations that IT can no longer meet. The document suggests IT must radically change its role from a standards and rules-based provider of technology to an agile enabler and manager of technology in order to stay relevant in this new environment.
Aligning IT with business changeTerry WhiteFollowing the previous "The Death of the IT Department" presentation, this presentation starts to build a new mind-set for IT.
We start with the recognition that business activities operate at different velocities and are propelled by different drivers.
We then recognise that IT often operates at one velocity (too slow)
So IT delivery needs to align with business change velocities.
Or business will find someone else to do the work.
This presentation is in a series of "Transforming IT" discussions. More will follow. Follow me to keep abreast of developments.
Information Technology adds valueTerry WhiteOf course IT adds value! Everyone knows that. But CIOs resolutely refuse to prove value. I've NEVER seen a benefits realisation plan implemented - if you have one that succeeded, let me know, they're rare things.
Many CFOs insist on proven ROI for their business cases - which is so narrow that I suspect something else is afoot here.Maybe they don't trust IT? They certainly won't make free with their funds.
This presentation covers the five major types of value that IT adds (whether it wants to or not). It is just a question of doing a little value mining. Show value not PowerPoint slides!
Email grammaririnaromanoThis document summarizes key grammar topics in Spanish including: the preterite tense, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, ordinal numbers, and prepositions. It provides examples of singular and plural forms of demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, including este/esta, ese/esa, and aquel/aquella. It also covers uses of demonstrative pronouns in place of adjectives and nouns.
SmileUsha RamaswamySmiling has many benefits such as making us more attractive, helping us stay positive, and relieving stress. It also boosts our immune system, lowers blood pressure, and releases endorphins. A smile is infectious and can be passed from person to person like a flu. Once someone smiles at you, you will likely start smiling too and pass your smile on to others. Keeping smiles genuine and with the eyes can travel around the world and start an epidemic of smiles that infects everyone.
Hakuna MatataUsha RamaswamyWorry is a negative emotion that results in physiological symptoms like increased heart rate and sweating, as well as negative emotions that distract from solutions. The document provides 4 ways to stop worrying: sharing concerns with others, getting facts to address worries, making a plan to tackle issues, and taking care of one's brain. It encourages following the "Hakuna Matata" principle of not worrying by getting up and doing something productive instead of lying awake with worries.
Boolean algebraGanesh MummidiThis document discusses Boolean algebra and logic gates. It begins by defining Boolean variables and functions, and how they are represented using truth tables. It then covers basic identities and properties of Boolean algebra, including existence of 1 and 0 elements, complements, commutativity, associativity, distributivity, De Morgan's theorems, and examples of applying identities to minimize Boolean functions. Logic gates are also introduced as hardware implementations of Boolean operators.
Kelompok 2 prakarya xmia1Gunaryo NugrohoProposal membuat yoghurt dengan rasa strawberry dan anggur. Menguraikan proses pembuatan yoghurt, bahan dan alat yang diperlukan, manfaat yoghurt, kandungan buah strawberry dan anggur serta rincian biaya. Langkah pembuatan yoghurt meliputi perebusan susu, penambahan biang yogurt, inkubasi, dan penambahan perasa.
2100. 4 класс Урок 2.88. Координаты точек на плоскостиavtatuzovaПрезентация к уроку математики в 4-м классе Образовательной системы «Школа 2100» (учебники «Моя Математика» авторы Т.Е.Демидова, С.А.Козлова, А.П.Тонких).
Математика. 4 класс Урок 2.88. Координаты точек на плоскости
Эту презентацию можно посмотреть по адресу:
Остальные презентации расположены:
2. Метод координат – способ
определять положение точки
с помощью чисел.
Такие числа называются
координатами точки.
3. Прямоугольная декартовая
система координат
Вертикальная ось (этаж) Y
1 (4; 6)
6 4 подъезд
6 этаж
Каждая точка кодируется
двумя числами: Х и Y
Например, 1 (4; 6)
Рене Декарт (1596-
O 4 X
Горизонтальная ось (подъезды дома)
4. Прямоугольная декартовая
система координат
Построить точку 1
с координатами (3,2)
Выполните построение
Построить точку 2
9 в тетрадях
с координатами (5,6)
7 2
Построить точку 3 5
с координатами (7,1)
Соединить точки: 1-2-3-1 3
2 1
1 3
0 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 X
5. Задание 1 Задание 2
На координатной плоскости На координатной плоскости
отметьте и пронумеруйте отметьте и пронумеруйте точки со
точки со следующими следующими координатами:
1(10,5) Соедините
2(3,5) точки:
3(4,6) 1-2-3-4-1
Соедините точки:
1-2-3-4-1 7-8-9-7
7. В тетради нарисовать рисунок в декартовой
системе координат.
Обозначить на рисунке точки.
Записать координаты точек.
Записать правило соединения точек для
получения рисунка.