For more information about Klaas Hummel Diving, please visit my website
Pictures by
klaas hummel, diving, underwater filming
Premio fotografico Ashby - Regolamento (english)James LaFleur
The document announces a photography competition called "In the Footsteps of Thomas Ashby in the Abruzzo province of L'Aquila, Places and People 2012" organized by The English School of L'Aquila. Thomas Ashby was a British archaeologist and photographer who lived in the Abruzzo region of Italy from 1901-1923 and took many photos of the landscapes, villages, and people. The competition invites photographers under 30 to take photos in the style of Ashby in the province of L'Aquila today. The best photos will be displayed in September and the winner will receive a Canon or Nikon camera.
Real numbers include rational numbers like integers and fractions, and irrational numbers like square roots and pi. Real numbers can be positive, negative, zero, rational or irrational, algebraic or transcendental, and expressed as infinite decimals. Rational numbers can be expressed as the quotient of two integers, while irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a ratio of integers. Mathematics divides numbers into rational and irrational parts, with rational numbers further divided into integers, whole numbers, and natural numbers.
juragan 2 Kurikulum tingkat satuan_pendidikan_(ktsp)_smp-dra._masitoh,_m.pd.Juragan Juragan
KTSP adalah kurikulum yang disusun dan dilaksanakan di tingkat satuan pendidikan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. KTSP terdiri atas tujuan, struktur kurikulum, kalender pendidikan, dan silabus. KTSP muncul karena otonomi daerah dan kebutuhan penyesuaian kurikulum dengan potensi daerah. Pengembangan KTSP memperhatikan landasan filosofis, psikologis, sosiologis, serta komponen-komponen seperti tuju
The document is a toolkit from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on using social media for health communication. It provides an overview of various social media tools and how they can be used to disseminate health messages. The toolkit covers buttons/badges, image sharing, RSS feeds, podcasts, video sharing, widgets, eCards, mobile technologies, Twitter, blogs, and Facebook. It also includes sections on developing a social media strategy, monitoring/evaluation, and establishing governance policies for social media use.
3116 Eldridge Ave Bellingham WA / 3116 Eldridge AveRich Johnson
Welcome to 3116 Eldridge Ave is Bellingham's historic Columbia District. Enjoy the traditional look of this newer & recently remodeled home on Eldridge Ave. The accents with hardwood, tile & custom cabinetwork really make this home stand out from the rest. There is even a spa room opening to a gorgeous backyard all enclosed within a 6' cedar fence making it totally private to the world around it. Whether you are a green thumb or not, this yard, splashed in color, will be a continuous source of pride. You are ideally located to shopping, parks, & beaches.
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow users to create, share, and exchange information, ideas, and media online. They are defined as web-based applications that enable user-generated content and user profiles maintained by the social media organization. Teenagers are heavy users of social media platforms and their constant connectivity has integrated social media deeply into modern culture. However, overuse of social media can be addictive and cause users to compare their lives to others', feel restless, experience cyberbullying, and fear missing out on online activities. While social media enhances connectivity, it may also lead to multitasking and unhappiness if abused.
The Blue Eyes technology aims to create machines that have human-like sensory abilities. It uses eye tracking and movement data collected by a data acquisition unit and processed by a central system unit. The technology employs sensors and methods like the Emotion Mouse, MAGIC, speech recognition, and SUITOR to interpret inputs. In the future, devices may be operated through gaze and voice commands enabled by advances in Blue Eyes technology.
This document provides an introduction and overview of creating and working with databases and database objects in Microsoft Access 2010. It outlines objectives for designing a database, creating and modifying tables, adding records, creating queries and forms, and printing reports. Steps are provided for common tasks like creating a database, adding and modifying fields in a table, importing data from Excel, using the query wizard, and more. The overall purpose is to teach the fundamentals of building and interacting with an Access database through examples and step-by-step instructions.
This document summarizes methods for advancing proton exchange membrane fuel cell technology. It discusses (1) reducing the platinum loading of electrodes by extending the reaction zone through three-dimensional structuring and incorporating a proton-conducting material, (2) optimizing the amount of incorporated material in the electrode structure, (3) pressing quantities of the electrodes onto the membrane at 120¡ãC and 500 atm, (4) optimal humidification of reactant gases at a temperature above the cell, and (5) functioning at elevated pressures and temperatures. The document analyzes fuel cells based on methods of current density and voltammetry.