This document discusses responses to capitalism from reformers, unions, and socialists in the 19th century. It covers Robert Owen and Charles Fourier's utopian socialist ideas to address social problems through cooperative communities. Workers organized unions to advocate for better conditions and pay. Reform laws aimed to limit child labor and work hours. Karl Marx critiqued earlier socialists as utopian dreamers and proposed scientific socialism, arguing that capitalism would inevitably lead to conflict between the bourgeoisie and proletariat classes.
The CarBrella is an umbrella that attaches to the ceiling of a car to allow users to stay dry when entering and exiting the vehicle during rainy weather. It has a plastic casing with bendable wires that attach to the ceiling handle and uses suction caps on the windows. The umbrella has a retractable mechanism and flippers that direct water away from the passenger and features a rubber drain to prevent the car from getting wet.
Life is a journey filled with challenges rather than a destination. While people often believe happiness will come with achieving certain goals like finding a partner, having children, or acquiring possessions, there is no better time to be happy than the present. Real life and happiness are about navigating obstacles each day and cherishing the friends and mentors who provide meaningful support along the way rather than focusing on wealth, awards or fame.
This document discusses responses to capitalism from reformers, unions, and socialists in the 19th century. It covers Robert Owen and Charles Fourier's utopian socialist ideas to address social problems through cooperative communities. Workers organized unions to advocate for better conditions and pay. Reform laws aimed to limit child labor and work hours. Karl Marx critiqued earlier socialists as utopian dreamers and proposed scientific socialism, arguing that capitalism would inevitably lead to conflict between the bourgeoisie and proletariat classes.
The CarBrella is an umbrella that attaches to the ceiling of a car to allow users to stay dry when entering and exiting the vehicle during rainy weather. It has a plastic casing with bendable wires that attach to the ceiling handle and uses suction caps on the windows. The umbrella has a retractable mechanism and flippers that direct water away from the passenger and features a rubber drain to prevent the car from getting wet.
Life is a journey filled with challenges rather than a destination. While people often believe happiness will come with achieving certain goals like finding a partner, having children, or acquiring possessions, there is no better time to be happy than the present. Real life and happiness are about navigating obstacles each day and cherishing the friends and mentors who provide meaningful support along the way rather than focusing on wealth, awards or fame.
How have recent technological developments changed filmmaking?LeiAnne
Recent technological developments have significantly changed filmmaking by making the entire process more accessible, affordable, and distributed. Cheap digital cameras, mobile phones, YouTube, and HD cameras have allowed amateur filmmakers to independently create high quality films and distribute them to global audiences quickly and inexpensively. This has led to a democratization of filmmaking as more people are able to make and share their own films.
The document traces the history of chocolate from its origins in Central and South America around 1500 BC when it was first cultivated by the Olmecs, through its use by Mayans and Aztecs in religious rituals and as medicine. It was introduced to Europe in the early 1500s after the Spanish conquest and spread throughout Europe in the 1600s and 1700s. Key developments in chocolate production occurred in the 1800s and early 1900s with the cocoa press, mass production in England and Switzerland, and the move of cocoa bean production to West Africa. The document concludes with notes on the health aspects and enjoyment of chocolate today.
Un wiki es un sitio web cuyas p¨¢ginas pueden ser editadas por m¨²ltiples voluntarios a trav¨¦s de un navegador. El esp¨ªritu wiki consiste en el derecho de todos al conocimiento y la cultura a trav¨¦s de la difusi¨®n de ideas y la participaci¨®n en iniciativas que democratizan el acceso a la informaci¨®n. Las caracter¨ªsticas clave de los wikis incluyen que cualquier persona puede editar cualquier p¨¢gina, usan un sistema simplificado de marcas hipertextuales, y permiten a?adir y editar contenido de forma flexible y
This document outlines different models of city government and discusses services provided and revenue sources for local governments. It describes three main models of city government - mayor-council, commission, and council-manager forms - and variations like strong versus weak mayor models. Local governments provide a range of services from education and public welfare to public safety, funded through sources like sales taxes, property taxes, business taxes, and fees. Responsibilities are sometimes shared between state and local levels.
Open access and the South Australian Red Cross Information Bureau: A case stu...Katie Hannan
A presentation for the University Libraries of South Australia Staff Development Working Group. 24 June, 2014.
What is the role of libraries in creating open access for public research, education and/or community information?
Lecture. "Open Commons: Spanish Libraries Enhancing Open Access to Knowledge" presented by Dr. Jos¨¦ A. Merlo. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Jackson Library, Hodges Reading Room, May 30th 2013. Greensboro NC. Dr. Merlo is Professor and Library Services Director at the University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain. Spanish facts and open access resources, including key issues and the case study of University of Salamanca, Spain.
The Internet and Mobility - Paradigm Shift Sept09Irvin Kovar
This short deck describes the evolution of web 2.0 and how we arrived at what I see as a paradigm shift globally for culture and business. Mobility + applications = transformation. But of course it is so much more than this:). I can say one thing; from a enterprise solution perspective the train has indeed left the station. We increasingly having the same conversation with all our CIOs...what web-based (Web 2.0 / IT 2.0) based application can I now leverage - or stated otherwise - my employees are using their iPhones more effectively than my internal communications systems - what is happening? - Cheers Irvin Kovar
Jeremie Bresson presents on how Asciidoctor can help with documentation. Asciidoctor is an open-source tool for writing and publishing content in AsciiDoc format. It allows formatting of text, headings, lists, links and more. Bresson provides examples of AsciiDoc syntax for common elements and recommends resources for getting started with Asciidoctor.
International mobile phone markets saw growth pick up as infrastructure costs were no longer a limitation after 2001, with service revenues exceeding operating costs that year and covering 85% of infrastructure costs in 2002. The percentage of customers added per infrastructure dollar spent increased to 15% in 2001 and beyond from 5% pre-2001. Mobile subscriptions grew substantially from 1990 to 2005, and Mobile A Network predicts 10% annual growth over the next five years.
The document discusses the process of designing a double page magazine spread. It describes changing the background image to black for better contrast, adding and editing the main image to blend with the background, adding smoke textures to the background layers for visual interest, and adding various text elements like headlines, body text, page numbers, and pull quotes styled with different fonts and colors. The overall goal was to make the double page spread engaging and successful for readers.
Artist Magnet is an online platform that aims to connect theatre artists, shows, and venues. It also plans to expand to other performing arts. The founders outline goals to sign up 100,000 members and generate over $630,000 in annual revenue through memberships, advertising, and ticket sales. They value the company at $20,000 currently and are offering preferred stock shares for $500 each to join the board of directors and participate in the company's growth.
Cdmj0150 Aurora Select Construction Booklet 32pp V2coasey0413
The document is an Aurora Product Catalogue that introduces their Clockface+ time and attendance technology for construction businesses. It details how the face recognition technology accurately records staff entry and exit, linking to a back office application. Key benefits outlined include reduced wage bills, fraud, and administration costs. The document also describes their Clockface Manager software for managing worker personnel information and attendance logs, and their Timekeeper software for integrating with payroll systems. Their new Integrated Biometric Turnstile is introduced as well.
Teks tersebut membahas tentang 10 ciri kepribadian Muslim yang ideal menurut pandangan Hasan al-Banna, yaitu: 1) memiliki aqidah yang kuat dan bersih, 2) melaksanakan ibadah sesuai sunnah, 3) memiliki akhlak yang mulia, 4) mencintai ilmu pengetahuan, 5) berjuang melawan hawa nafsu, 6) pandai mengelola waktu, 7) teratur dalam menyelesaikan urusan, 8) mampu berusaha sendiri
Overview of why geography is a critical dimension in the analysis and reporting of performance data in performance management systems. Includes lots of examples where InstantAtlas has been applied to this area.