Community Content for NewsroomsMandy JenkinsA workshop on how newsrooms can create community networks with local bloggers and other groups to boost their content offerings and audience. Delivered at APME's Newstrain March 23-24, 2012.
AbstractGeophysics-IASBSThis document is a Master's thesis that applies the technique of differential reduction to the pole (DRTP) to aeromagnetic anomaly data from Iran. DRTP transforms magnetic anomalies measured at various latitudes and orientations to how they would appear if measured at the magnetic pole. The thesis applies this technique using MATLAB programs to iteratively calculate the DRTP correction. It then uses the corrected DRTP map of Iran's magnetic anomalies to better delineate geological structures like fold belts and delineate boundaries between volcanic and metamorphic zones.
Social Media for PhotojournalistsMandy JenkinsTips on using social media tools and image-sharing sites for news photographers. Originally presented for the Los Angeles Newspaper Group, March 2012.
Junk E-mail in Marylandhey4ndr3wThis document discusses the impact of junk e-mail on Maryland businesses and consumers. It summarizes that junk e-mail shifts costs from senders to recipients, has negative effects on internet systems and commerce, and undermines trust in electronic communication. The document also addresses frequently asked questions about junk e-mail legislation, asserting that such legislation is not censorship, is not anti-business, and that individual recipients need a private right of action for effective deterrence against junk e-mail.
Paying the Price for Revival, July 1 by mark goodwinSSMCThe document discusses reasons for churches to be in a state of permanent revival. It provides examples of revivals like the Brownsville Revival and Bethel Church in Redding, CA. It emphasizes holiness and being faithful with what God has given. The document encourages churches to aspire to be like the bride of Christ in Revelation, dressed in fine linen representing righteous acts.
Intercession 17 Nov 2013 for the PhilipinesSSMCPrayer Items for Philippines shared during Sunday Celebration on 17 Nov 2013. Continue to pray for the people of Philippines.
Podcast, Blogs, Wikis, and morenick trakasThis document introduces blogs, wikis, podcasts, vodcasts, Google Docs, and personal learning networks and how they can be used for instruction and learning. It provides examples of how each tool can be used for different educational purposes and collaboration. Examples include using podcasts for recording lectures, interviews, and more, wikis for collaborative writing and projects, blogs for interactive writing and feedback, Google Docs for real-time collaboration, and personal learning networks for connecting students online. Websites to get started with each tool are also provided.
Serving god in the av ministry web 2SSMCThe document provides information about the audio visual ministry of SSMC, including its objectives, guidelines for volunteers, and descriptions of responsibilities for different roles. The objectives are to enhance congregation experience, ensure smooth provision of multimedia services, extend God's message through recordings, exercise stewardship of equipment, and enable opportunities for service and growth. General guidelines include praying for smooth running, being present early, committing to schedules, handling equipment with care, participating fully in events, and serving joyfully. Roles described include multimedia, lighting, video camera, photographer, video mixer, and sound. Current crew members are also listed.
Gateway Expressions - Student Art and Poetry ContesthagenteacherThis provides information regarding the contest and the entry form that must be entered by October 7, 2011.
Lessons from TBD in Community Engagement (Russian version)Mandy JenkinsLessons to be gleaned from the Washington, D.C. news startup TBD - what worked and what did not - geared toward a Russian audience. English version TK.
Social Media For Entrepreneurial JournalistsMandy JenkinsSocial media can help entrepreneurial journalists address three key challenges: generating content, distributing content, and monetizing content. Some ways social media can help with content include curating content from sites like YouTube, Flickr, Twitter photos and crowdsourcing content using tools like Google Docs, Google Maps, and Storify. Social media also helps with the distribution of content through free and fast sharing on sites like Facebook and engagement with audiences on Twitter. Entrepreneurial journalists can also use social media for monetization by creating their own social products or services.
46905aebe07908ddd40dd1fbfe4f7a1f9ac87e18guest68a049aeDokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian pokok dalam sistem hukum yang mencakup subjek hukum (manusia dan badan hukum), objek hukum, hak dan kewajiban, peristiwa hukum, perbuatan hukum dan akibat hukum, serta sanksi hukum. Dokumen ini juga membedah tentang perbuatan melawan hukum sebelum dan sesudah tahun 1919.
Richard IIIhuynhuynhRichard III by William Shakespeare is about King Richard III's rise and fall from power in 15th century England. The play depicts Richard scheming to gain the throne, including arranging the murder of his brother Clarence and the Princes in the Tower. However, Richmond leads a rebellion against Richard's tyrannical rule. They face off in battle at Bosworth Field, where Richmond defeats and kills Richard, becoming King Henry VII and ending the House of York.
Современные жилые комплексы: взгляд со стороны различных заинтересованных группТвоя столицаКонференция "Коммерческая и жилая функции: враги или союзники?", Минск, 2011
On the Hills of Tsarskoye SeloKarimThe project involves complex development of the territory with total area of 316.1 hectares and includes the construction of multi-apartment residential blocks as well as shopping, leisure and other commercial objects with public infrastructures.
КОМПЬЮТЕРНОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ОФИСАKarimБудут рассмотрены следующие основные вопросы:
• Оптимальный выбор компьютерной техники для решения офисных задач;
• Особенности совместимости программного обеспечения;
• Организация технического обслуживания компьютерной техники, предотвращение ее преждевременного выхода их строя;
• Операционные системы, особенности настройки и использования;
• Локальная компьютерная сеть и сеть Интернет;
• Борьба с компьютерными вирусами;
Государственный и муниципальный заказ в Российской Федерации: возможности, по...KarimГосударственный и муниципальный заказ в Российской Федерации: возможности, подготовка, участие
Intercession 17 Nov 2013 for the PhilipinesSSMCPrayer Items for Philippines shared during Sunday Celebration on 17 Nov 2013. Continue to pray for the people of Philippines.
Podcast, Blogs, Wikis, and morenick trakasThis document introduces blogs, wikis, podcasts, vodcasts, Google Docs, and personal learning networks and how they can be used for instruction and learning. It provides examples of how each tool can be used for different educational purposes and collaboration. Examples include using podcasts for recording lectures, interviews, and more, wikis for collaborative writing and projects, blogs for interactive writing and feedback, Google Docs for real-time collaboration, and personal learning networks for connecting students online. Websites to get started with each tool are also provided.
Serving god in the av ministry web 2SSMCThe document provides information about the audio visual ministry of SSMC, including its objectives, guidelines for volunteers, and descriptions of responsibilities for different roles. The objectives are to enhance congregation experience, ensure smooth provision of multimedia services, extend God's message through recordings, exercise stewardship of equipment, and enable opportunities for service and growth. General guidelines include praying for smooth running, being present early, committing to schedules, handling equipment with care, participating fully in events, and serving joyfully. Roles described include multimedia, lighting, video camera, photographer, video mixer, and sound. Current crew members are also listed.
Gateway Expressions - Student Art and Poetry ContesthagenteacherThis provides information regarding the contest and the entry form that must be entered by October 7, 2011.
Lessons from TBD in Community Engagement (Russian version)Mandy JenkinsLessons to be gleaned from the Washington, D.C. news startup TBD - what worked and what did not - geared toward a Russian audience. English version TK.
Social Media For Entrepreneurial JournalistsMandy JenkinsSocial media can help entrepreneurial journalists address three key challenges: generating content, distributing content, and monetizing content. Some ways social media can help with content include curating content from sites like YouTube, Flickr, Twitter photos and crowdsourcing content using tools like Google Docs, Google Maps, and Storify. Social media also helps with the distribution of content through free and fast sharing on sites like Facebook and engagement with audiences on Twitter. Entrepreneurial journalists can also use social media for monetization by creating their own social products or services.
46905aebe07908ddd40dd1fbfe4f7a1f9ac87e18guest68a049aeDokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian pokok dalam sistem hukum yang mencakup subjek hukum (manusia dan badan hukum), objek hukum, hak dan kewajiban, peristiwa hukum, perbuatan hukum dan akibat hukum, serta sanksi hukum. Dokumen ini juga membedah tentang perbuatan melawan hukum sebelum dan sesudah tahun 1919.
Richard IIIhuynhuynhRichard III by William Shakespeare is about King Richard III's rise and fall from power in 15th century England. The play depicts Richard scheming to gain the throne, including arranging the murder of his brother Clarence and the Princes in the Tower. However, Richmond leads a rebellion against Richard's tyrannical rule. They face off in battle at Bosworth Field, where Richmond defeats and kills Richard, becoming King Henry VII and ending the House of York.
Современные жилые комплексы: взгляд со стороны различных заинтересованных группТвоя столицаКонференция "Коммерческая и жилая функции: враги или союзники?", Минск, 2011
On the Hills of Tsarskoye SeloKarimThe project involves complex development of the territory with total area of 316.1 hectares and includes the construction of multi-apartment residential blocks as well as shopping, leisure and other commercial objects with public infrastructures.
КОМПЬЮТЕРНОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ОФИСАKarimБудут рассмотрены следующие основные вопросы:
• Оптимальный выбор компьютерной техники для решения офисных задач;
• Особенности совместимости программного обеспечения;
• Организация технического обслуживания компьютерной техники, предотвращение ее преждевременного выхода их строя;
• Операционные системы, особенности настройки и использования;
• Локальная компьютерная сеть и сеть Интернет;
• Борьба с компьютерными вирусами;
Государственный и муниципальный заказ в Российской Федерации: возможности, по...KarimГосударственный и муниципальный заказ в Российской Федерации: возможности, подготовка, участие
2. Для чего нужен Личный кабинет
между организациями
и СРО становится
3. Замена рассылки сообщениями в
личном кабинете
После введения в эксплуатацию «личных кабинетов» не будет
лишних писем в вашем электронном ящике.
Вся необходимая информация будет во вкладке
«конфиденциальная информация» вашего «личного кабинета».
5. Конфиденциальность
Информация для доступа в личный кабинет формируется из
п. 4 нового соглашения с Партнерством.
После формирования базы данных предприятий на
контактный e-mail будет выслан пароль для входа в
Интернет- кабинет.
7. Редактирование информации
Любые изменения в вашей компании, будь то адрес или
реквизиты, вы сможете своевременно исправить используя
редактирование информации о компании, что предотвратит
возможные ошибки при подготовки Свидетельства о допуске.
8. Своевременное выявление и
устранение замечаний
Любые замечания, связанные с задолженностями или
несоответствиями требований будут отображаться в вашем
личном кабинете с пояснениями.
Кнопка есть
ссылкой на
9. Обратная связь
Вы можете оставить ваши замечания и предложения
напрямую через личный кабинет.
Вам непременно ответят.
10. Спасибо за внимание
Ваши предложения по разработке и
внедрению «личных кабинетов»
направляйте по электронному адресу