Ú䴡 EN LA PREHISTÒRIAsusipeiroten2Coneguem què passava en la prehistòria,.. com descobriren la música, per a què la utilitzaven i alguns instruments musicals que es fabricaven.
Apostolic church 21 apr 2013SSMCThis document discusses the roles and responsibilities of God's Church. It discusses how believers are fellow citizens with the saints and members of God's household. It notes that the Church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. The Church grows into a holy temple as believers are built together as God's dwelling place. The document then provides biblical examples of strengthening disciples and appointing elders to lead local churches. It also discusses dealing with problems and false teachings through appointing qualified leaders. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of unity and networking between churches.
Ú䴡 EN LA PREHISTÒRIAsusipeiroten2Coneguem què passava en la prehistòria,.. com descobriren la música, per a què la utilitzaven i alguns instruments musicals que es fabricaven.
Apostolic church 21 apr 2013SSMCThis document discusses the roles and responsibilities of God's Church. It discusses how believers are fellow citizens with the saints and members of God's household. It notes that the Church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. The Church grows into a holy temple as believers are built together as God's dwelling place. The document then provides biblical examples of strengthening disciples and appointing elders to lead local churches. It also discusses dealing with problems and false teachings through appointing qualified leaders. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of unity and networking between churches.
Apostolic Creed Part 4 Sermon Dec 22, 2013SSMCPart 4 of Sermon Series on Apostolic Creed, "I believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting"
Dollars to Doughnuts: Predicting Prescription Drug Costs of Beneficiaries and...M. Christopher RoebuckABSTRACT
Dollars to Doughnuts: Predicting Prescription Drug Costs of Beneficiaries and the Medicare Program Under Part D
M. Christopher Roebuck, MBA1
Dominick Esposito, PhD2
Meredith Lewis, BS1
1 Caremark, Hunt Valley, MD
2 Mathematica Policy Research, Princeton, NJ
Research Objective
To examine drug utilization and out-of-pocket costs of Medicare beneficiaries using a Medicare prescription drug discount card, including beneficiaries who qualified for the Transitional Assistance Program (TAP).
Study Design
Data included eligibility and prescription claims for enrollees in 34 separate Medicare drug discount card programs managed by Caremark. We used claims data to calculate annualized utilization and costs for beneficiaries and, in turn, simulated Medicare beneficiaries’ out-of-pocket costs (excluding premiums) and costs to Medicare under the Part D benefit. We estimated a generalized linear model (GLM; gamma distribution with log link function) for both beneficiary costs and Medicare payments under Part D to identify factors associated with drug expenditures. A probit model for the likelihood of falling into the doughnut hole was also specified. Explanatory variables in the models included demographic characteristics (age, gender, region, and TAP status), the generic dispensing rate, and 62 disease indicators derived using a pharmacy-based classification system.
Population Studied
Beneficiaries enrolled for a minimum of six months with at least one claim between June 2004 and November 2005 (n=37,425). Participants were largely female (67%), between the ages of 65 and 80 (70%), and had an average of 2.2 medical conditions, with hypertension (52%), hypercholesterolemia (27%), and diabetes (16%) being among the most prevalent.
Principal Findings
On average, beneficiaries in the sample filled 19 prescriptions at an annual cost of $538. Under the standard Part D benefit, mean total drug expenditures for these seniors would be $849 annually with $412 paid by the beneficiary and $437 paid by Medicare. About 6% of these beneficiaries have annual spending greater than $2,250 (the benefit’s “doughnut hole”). TAP beneficiaries (46%) would have higher out-of-pocket costs under Part D than the drug discount card ($429 versus $256; p<0><0><0><0.001).
TAP beneficiaries who do not qualify for subsidized coverage under Part D will face higher out-of-pocket costs than under the discount drug card program, assuming fixed drug utilization. Increased use of generic drugs in proportion to brand name drugs would benefit the Medicare program more than beneficiaries, on average, due to the standard benefit’s structure.
Implications for Policy, Delivery, and Practice
In choosing whether or not to enroll in Medicare Part D, seniors will compare their annual premium with the expected payout of the Medicare program. These results suggest the average, risk-neutral beneficiary would only enroll at monthly premiums below $36 ($437 divided by 12). If faced with higher out-of-pocket costs, low-income beneficiaries who do not qualify for subsidies may reduce their prescription drug utilization potentially resulting in adverse health effects. Finally, to reduce costs to both beneficiaries and taxpayers, Medicare should promote the substitution of generic medications whenever possible. Assuming 29 million Medicare Part D enrollees, the Medicare program could save more than $1.2 billion annually by increasing the generic dispensing rate 10%.
Social Media for the New News BrandMandy JenkinsDeveloping a social media strategy for a new news-focused brand, with emphasis on community engagement, marketing, customer service and monetization.
8 Critical Success Factorsfor Lead GenerationGil.BUntil now, "lead generation" was associated with direct mail campaigns, sometimes supported by a flashy website, sporadic trade show appearances, intense email blasts or stabs at telemarketing, but with very little, if any, special attention brought to bear on the complex sale.
Meanwhile, marketers are constantly reminded that the company needs more sales leads NOW. Unfortunately, that immediacy often means sacrificing quality for sheer quantity.
A flood of ordinary, low-quality leads doesn\'t mean better sales - so why waste your time? The challenge is to adopt lead generation programs that will increase the odds of creating better sales leads, ultimately resulting in long-term, happy and profitable customers.
Funny Traffic SignsJanine PecherHey there, this is a small collection of funny traffic signs (amongst others) I found on the Internet. It could be used for a "different" English lesson =)
99 Strategie per Aumentare da Subito Contatti e Prenotazioni online del tuo H...IrisaLa prima guida completa in Italia per aumentare contatti e prenotazioni online.
Edizione aggiornata al 2010 con un capitolo dedicato al come aumentare la quantità e la qualità delle recensioni su TripAdvisor.
Le strategie, accompagnate da esempi concreti, sono semplici da utilizzare e possono essere applicate in pochi minuti per aumentare da subito il fatturato online del tuo Hotel.
Saba ahmedssssahmedThis document discusses several projects related to renewable energy, product design, and social initiatives:
1) A proposal for on-site wind power generation for commercial buildings using nano-robots to address issues like transmission losses and fluctuating wind speeds.
2) The redesign of a stove to increase fuel efficiency and distribute heat for rural households in Western Tibet.
3) A mentorship program connecting art students to mentor young artists to promote job opportunities.
КОМПЬЮТЕРНОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ СОВРЕМЕННОГО ОФИСАKarimБудут рассмотрены следующие основные вопросы:
• Оптимальный выбор компьютерной техники для решения офисных задач;
• Особенности совместимости программного обеспечения;
• Организация технического обслуживания компьютерной техники, предотвращение ее преждевременного выхода их строя;
• Операционные системы, особенности настройки и использования;
• Локальная компьютерная сеть и сеть Интернет;
• Борьба с компьютерными вирусами;
Material apoyoMeymorsalEl documento presenta una recopilación de enlaces a artículos sobre diversos temas relacionados con las redes y la comunicación digital. Incluye secciones sobre fundamentos de redes, protocolos TCP/IP, componentes de redes, topologías, ventajas y desventajas, historia de Internet, navegadores y buscadores, correo electrónico, seguridad en redes, tipos de redes, protocolos IMAP y POP, comunicación virtual, riesgos de redes sociales, ética y aspectos legales, virus computacionales, spyware y firewall.
Formation Pinterest réalisée en Décembre 2012 pour OrangeChristian RadmilovitchSéance de formation Pinterest pour les équipes communication de Orange :
- Qu'est-ce que Pinterest ?
- Résultats et chiffres clé
- Comment ça marche ?
- 4 études de cas
Conservation Of Waterguest76406b9This document provides tips for saving water and money through water conservation. It lists several easy tips, such as only running full loads of laundry, turning off faucets while brushing teeth, fixing leaks immediately, watering lawns once a week, and using automatic shut-off nozzles on hoses. Following these simple water saving habits can both reduce utility bills and conserve a valuable resource.
Musica a la prehistòria i a l`edat antiga per Jose V. Saporta CapellaJose Vicente Saporta CapellaBREVE RESUMEN DE LA EVOLUCIÓN DE LA Ú䴡 DESDE LA PREHISTORIA HASTA LA EDAD MEDIA POR. J.V.S.C