This document contains prayers and passages from the Bible used in the Order of Holy Communion. It includes a prayer of confession acknowledging sins and asking for forgiveness. It also includes Jesus' words when instituting the Lord's Supper, commanding believers to eat bread and drink wine in remembrance of him. The document guides participants to humbly partake of communion and gives thanks afterward.
This document provides guidelines for celebrating Holy Communion at home, including:
- Attitudes of joy, reverence, and prayer when preparing.
- Using white bread or crackers for the bread element, cutting into small pieces. Grape juice or red/purple soda as the cup element.
- Covering the bread and cup with a clean cloth during the service.
- Following the pastor's instructions during the online service to receive Communion.
This document contains prayers and passages from the Bible used in the Order of Holy Communion. It includes a prayer of confession acknowledging sins and asking for forgiveness. It also includes Jesus' words when instituting the Lord's Supper, commanding believers to eat bread and drink wine in remembrance of him. The document guides participants to humbly partake of communion and gives thanks afterward.
This document provides guidelines for celebrating Holy Communion at home, including:
- Attitudes of joy, reverence, and prayer when preparing.
- Using white bread or crackers for the bread element, cutting into small pieces. Grape juice or red/purple soda as the cup element.
- Covering the bread and cup with a clean cloth during the service.
- Following the pastor's instructions during the online service to receive Communion.
The document discusses the victory that Christians have through Jesus Christ. It references 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 which says that Jesus conquered death and sin. Through Jesus, believers can have victory over sins, fears, life's trials, and even death. Easter is about celebrating this victory that Jesus has won for all those who believe in him. The document suggests taking time to consider how to make use of the victory Jesus offers and what fears you can surrender to him. It concludes with the hymn "Because He Lives" which celebrates that through Jesus' resurrection, believers can face tomorrow without fear and with the assurance that their future is secure because Jesus lives.
Jesus prays in Gethsemane before his arrest and crucifixion. He is deeply distressed and asks his disciples to pray but they fall asleep. Jesus prays alone that God's will be done. He is arrested and tells his disciples the hour has come for the Son of Man to be delivered into the hands of sinners. The passage emphasizes Jesus facing suffering alone, that sometimes suffering cannot be avoided and must be endured, and the importance of persistent prayer to overcome temptation and do God's will.
Order for home worship - Palm Sunday - 05-04-2020kungkk
This document provides an order of service for a home worship on Palm Sunday. It includes:
1) An opening prayer thanking God for journeying with Jesus and helping followers understand his love.
2) Reading scripture and singing hymns/songs.
3) Reflecting on and discussing Luke 19:28-44 about Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey.
4) A message focusing on the unnamed owner of the donkey, and lessons of willingness to give to God, acknowledging what we have comes from him, and that what we give will be multiplied in value when used for him.
5) A closing prayer of thanksgiving and asking God to remind followers that Jesus is the master of
This document discusses Jesus' teachings on wealth and the difficulty of rich people entering the kingdom of God. It describes the Jewish view that wealth represented God's blessing, while poverty represented God's curse. It then discusses how wealth can create false dependency, tie people down, and lead to greed and selfishness. Finally, it outlines three requirements for entering the kingdom of God: accepting Jesus as savior, leaving behind earthly things that bind people, and using God-given wealth to bless those in need.
This document discusses how to embrace happiness in life despite its brevity. It argues that one should:
1) Make the most of today and enjoy the present moment rather than delaying happiness.
2) View wealth as a tool to help others, not just for personal enjoyment, as true happiness comes from love and caring for others.
3) Face adversities positively by trusting in God, as difficulties can summon happiness if approached with the right mindset.
1. A rich young man asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus told him to sell his possessions and give to the poor.
2. The man went away sad because he had many possessions. Jesus then said it is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God.
3. The disciples were amazed at Jesus' words, but he reminded them how difficult it is for the rich to trust in God and not wealth.