坏忘扶扶抑抄 抗批把扼抉志抉抄 扭把抉快抗找 扭把快忱扼找忘志抖攸抖 扼抉忌抉抄 把忘戒把忘忌抉找抗批 妒妥-扼找把忘找快忍我我 忱抖攸 抗抉技扭忘扶我我 妓妊妞 妙我坐 扶忘 抉扼扶抉志忘扶我我 我扶扳抉把技忘扯我我 扭把快忱扼找忘志抖快扶扶抉抄 志 我扶找快把扶快找快. 坎抑抖 扭把抉志快忱快扶 忘扶忘抖我戒 扼找把忘找快忍我我 我 扼找把批抗找批把抑 抗抉技扭忘扶我我, 忘批忱我找 扼批投快扼找志批攻投我抒 忌我戒扶快扼-扭把抉扯快扼扼抉志 我 抉忌扼抖批忪我志忘攻投我抒 我抒 我扶扳抉把技忘扯我抉扶扶抑抒 扼我扼找快技. 妓忘戒把忘忌抉找忘扶 扭把抉快抗找 妒妥-扼找把忘找快忍我我, 扭抉戒志抉抖攸攻投我抄 扼忱快抖忘找抆 抗抉技扭忘扶我攻 忌抉抖快快 扭把抉戒把忘折扶抉抄, 折快找抗抉 抗抉扶找把抉抖我把抉志忘找抆 我扶志快扼找我扯我我 志 妒妥, 扼抉戒忱忘志忘找抆 我扶扳把忘扼找把批抗找批把批, 忘忱快抗志忘找扶批攻 戒忘忱忘折忘技 忌我戒扶快扼忘. 圾 抒抉忱快 扭把抉快抗找忘 抉扭把快忱快抖快扶我忘 快忱我扶忘攸 扭抖忘找扳抉把技抑 忱抖攸 把快忘抖我戒忘扯我我 我扶扳抉把技忘扯我抉扶扶抉抄 扼我扼找快技抑 扶忘 忌忘戒快 Open SOA.
IT-strategy development for JSC "MiG". This coursework was carried out in the second term of MIPT master's of discipline ?IT-management? in 2010. Anatoly developed the IT-strategy for the company JSC ?MiG? based on information provided by the Internet. He analyzed the strategy and structure of the company, audited business processes and information systems. He made a draft of the IT-strategy document and presentation. It may improving IT-management to the next era.
itelligence is an experienced international SAP partner with over 2,300 employees worldwide. It provides a full range of IT services including SAP hosting, consulting, support, outsourcing, and licenses. It has 10 data centers around the world and offers 24/7 hosting of SAP systems, application management services, and cloud services. As part of the NTT Group, it can access NTT's global IP network and has partnerships with SAP.
坏忘扶扶抑抄 抗批把扼抉志抉抄 扭把抉快抗找 扭把快忱扼找忘志抖攸抖 扼抉忌抉抄 把忘戒把忘忌抉找抗批 妒妥-扼找把忘找快忍我我 忱抖攸 抗抉技扭忘扶我我 妓妊妞 妙我坐 扶忘 抉扼扶抉志忘扶我我 我扶扳抉把技忘扯我我 扭把快忱扼找忘志抖快扶扶抉抄 志 我扶找快把扶快找快. 坎抑抖 扭把抉志快忱快扶 忘扶忘抖我戒 扼找把忘找快忍我我 我 扼找把批抗找批把抑 抗抉技扭忘扶我我, 忘批忱我找 扼批投快扼找志批攻投我抒 忌我戒扶快扼-扭把抉扯快扼扼抉志 我 抉忌扼抖批忪我志忘攻投我抒 我抒 我扶扳抉把技忘扯我抉扶扶抑抒 扼我扼找快技. 妓忘戒把忘忌抉找忘扶 扭把抉快抗找 妒妥-扼找把忘找快忍我我, 扭抉戒志抉抖攸攻投我抄 扼忱快抖忘找抆 抗抉技扭忘扶我攻 忌抉抖快快 扭把抉戒把忘折扶抉抄, 折快找抗抉 抗抉扶找把抉抖我把抉志忘找抆 我扶志快扼找我扯我我 志 妒妥, 扼抉戒忱忘志忘找抆 我扶扳把忘扼找把批抗找批把批, 忘忱快抗志忘找扶批攻 戒忘忱忘折忘技 忌我戒扶快扼忘. 圾 抒抉忱快 扭把抉快抗找忘 抉扭把快忱快抖快扶我忘 快忱我扶忘攸 扭抖忘找扳抉把技抑 忱抖攸 把快忘抖我戒忘扯我我 我扶扳抉把技忘扯我抉扶扶抉抄 扼我扼找快技抑 扶忘 忌忘戒快 Open SOA.
IT-strategy development for JSC "MiG". This coursework was carried out in the second term of MIPT master's of discipline ?IT-management? in 2010. Anatoly developed the IT-strategy for the company JSC ?MiG? based on information provided by the Internet. He analyzed the strategy and structure of the company, audited business processes and information systems. He made a draft of the IT-strategy document and presentation. It may improving IT-management to the next era.
itelligence is an experienced international SAP partner with over 2,300 employees worldwide. It provides a full range of IT services including SAP hosting, consulting, support, outsourcing, and licenses. It has 10 data centers around the world and offers 24/7 hosting of SAP systems, application management services, and cloud services. As part of the NTT Group, it can access NTT's global IP network and has partnerships with SAP.