Yups, everyone has its own journey... However, in the ways to our destinies, we at least meet each other for a while...
No matter how long we can enjoy our time, it's very nice to meet, to listen, to share, to hug, to cry...
Hoping that while we leave, we can say goodbye with much blessings peacefully to each other...
Yvonne :)
The document describes the life story of someone named Lolek. It discusses that he was born in Poland and lost his mother at a young age. As a child, he enjoyed soccer, swimming, and was a good student. He later liked theater but his friends convinced him to continue another path. He lived through World War II where he could not attend school. As an adult, he was put in charge of a company and felt his life and others changed. The story discusses his relationships, travels, struggles, and finding purpose in helping others. It asks the reader to remember him with a smile and continue assisting others as he did.
Let The Feeling Touch Your Mind 01(触动你的生命力 01)nk1953
This document is a collection of copyright notices and credits for photos from the website http://www.trekearth.com. It includes the title "Let the feeling touch your mind" in Chinese, along with the author's name, email, and date from Nanjing, China. The majority of the document lists photo copyright notices from various photographers.
Yups, everyone has its own journey... However, in the ways to our destinies, we at least meet each other for a while...
No matter how long we can enjoy our time, it's very nice to meet, to listen, to share, to hug, to cry...
Hoping that while we leave, we can say goodbye with much blessings peacefully to each other...
Yvonne :)
The document describes the life story of someone named Lolek. It discusses that he was born in Poland and lost his mother at a young age. As a child, he enjoyed soccer, swimming, and was a good student. He later liked theater but his friends convinced him to continue another path. He lived through World War II where he could not attend school. As an adult, he was put in charge of a company and felt his life and others changed. The story discusses his relationships, travels, struggles, and finding purpose in helping others. It asks the reader to remember him with a smile and continue assisting others as he did.
Let The Feeling Touch Your Mind 01(触动你的生命力 01)nk1953
This document is a collection of copyright notices and credits for photos from the website http://www.trekearth.com. It includes the title "Let the feeling touch your mind" in Chinese, along with the author's name, email, and date from Nanjing, China. The majority of the document lists photo copyright notices from various photographers.
La escultura representa a una mujer y su hijo esperando ansiosos en el muelle el regreso de las lanchas de pesca con su marido. Fue creada por el escultor Antonio Rodríguez García y se encuentra en el puerto de Candás, representando a todas las mujeres que aguardaron con temor la vuelta de sus hombres del mar.
Los delfines viven en manadas en aguas templadas y tropicales alrededor del mundo. Son mamíferos carnívoros que se comunican, se reproducen y crían a sus crías de manera similar a los humanos, aunque su alimentación cambia a medida que crecen. A pesar de que a veces interactúan de forma amistosa con humanos, los delfines también han atacado a personas y sus depredadores naturales incluyen tiburones.
The document is a collection of photos taken by Eddie Lee in Nanjing, China on April 15, 2010. The photos are from his desktop wallpaper and include images of a new Noah's Ark and students. The document also lists Eddie Lee's name in Chinese and English as well as the date and location the photos were taken.
Three US Navy aircraft carriers conducted a photo opportunity with their fighter jets. A new stealth fighter prototype, the F/A-37, was observed on the USS George Washington carrying out tests. The USS New York was also photographed; it was constructed using 24 tons of steel salvaged from the World Trade Center as a tribute to the victims of 9/11.
Sandra Bullock won the Best Actress Oscar in 2010 for her role in The Blind Side. She rose to fame in the 1990s in successful films like Speed and While You Were Sleeping. More recently, her career has included roles in Miss Congeniality and Crash, which received critical acclaim. In 2009, The Proposal and The Blind Side were the most financially successful films of her career. For her role in The Blind Side, Bullock won a Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild Award, and the Academy Award for Best Actress.
According to neuroscientist Richard Davidson's research:
1. Meditating Buddhist monks showed much greater brain activation and better organized neural connections in the prefrontal cortex compared to student volunteers.
2. This suggests mental training through meditation can physically change the structure and function of the brain.
3. Davidson's previous research found the left prefrontal cortex is associated with happiness, and the monks' brain activity was especially high in this region.