A Midsummer's Night Block PartyErika ThomasThe document proposes hosting a summer concert at Medallion nightclub featuring popular R&B artists to generate additional revenue and attract new customers. It outlines the objectives, benefits, budget, and 5-step plan which includes securing the venue, entertainment, marketing the event, coordinating vendors, and hosting the concert. The concert aims to make over half of the event costs through ticket and merchandise sales while establishing Medallion as the premier club in Los Angeles.
isaac_resume[1]isaac mutukuThe document provides a summary of Musyoki Isaac Mutuku's professional experience and qualifications for a role improving engineering aspects. It outlines his experience in equipment assembly, repair, installation and system operations from roles at Thika Power Limited, Rabai Power Limited, Bamburi Cement Limited, and Corrugated Sheets Limited. His educational background includes a diploma in mechanical engineering and secondary education qualifications.
Actividad1 Introducción. Yo, mi región, mi cultura...Uniautónoma del CaucaBreve presentación personal y descripción de la ciudad natal y sus costumbres de cada uno de los integrantes del curso.
Bringing Continuous Delivery to the Enterprise: It's all about the MindsetGene GotimerMost people that introduce agile techniques to an organization quickly learn that teaching the practices are easy. It is the cultural shifts that prove to be the hardest changes. For 4½ years, Gene Gotimer worked on the Forge.mil project, using agile techniques to build an application lifecycle management tool to enable agile projects within the US Department of Defense. It was an exemplar project, showing other DoD projects that software can be delivered quickly and confidently with more security and higher quality by using agile techniques. The project started out introducing agile development, moved on to implementing continuous integration, and then evangelizing continuous delivery. Along the way the team ran into a lot of obstacles, some typical of any large enterprise, others tied to the DoD. The major issues were pure philosophy: they just didn’t think like agile developers. Gene will share experiences and anecdotes from the project, and talk about how the team was able to work within and around the policies and, most importantly, the culture and mindset to move the project towards continuous delivery. Hopefully others in similar situations will be able to identify and avoid similar issues in their organizations.
Technology in the k 12 classroomtnhoang3This document discusses the benefits of using technology in K-12 classrooms. It argues that technology can help engage students and make learning more interactive. It also claims technology can transform classrooms by turning teachers into guides and allowing students to learn at their own pace. Additionally, the document suggests technology can boost students' self-esteem and make information more accessible.
Redes socialescristianbaquero94Pertenecer a una red social es importante para el proyecto de vida de una persona porque facilita el acceso rápido a información relevante de contactos clave y la posibilidad de intercambiar conocimientos con ellos, además de mantenerse al tanto de noticias locales y globales de manera diaria. Las redes sociales también permiten crear nuevas conexiones con personas de campos similares y adquirir conocimientos constantes, por lo que son útiles para la formación académica y profesional de una persona.
F ficha técnica educared docente aquinoGuillerminaAquinoEl documento describe un recurso educativo llamado "La Circulación" que cubre el proceso de circulación sanguínea en el cuerpo humano, la circulación de células tumorales en metástasis y la circulación termohalina de masas de agua. El recurso puede ser utilizado en áreas como Ciencias, Educación Física, Arte, Comunicación y Matemática.
MIPISE introduction à la finance participativeSebastien BIKMIPISE leader européen de solution de crowdfunding en marque blanche réalise une introduction des grandes tendances des marchés mondial et français.
Expo de legalMyriam Tipantuña Chiluisa1) El documento describe la herencia de caracteres patológicos siguiendo las leyes mendelianas. 2) Explica que los caracteres patológicos pueden aparecer de forma repentina debido a mutaciones o recombinaciones de factores recesivos latentes. 3) También analiza diferentes tipos de transmisión hereditaria de enfermedades según si el carácter enfermo o sano es dominante.
Monteria inglesPedroRada96With this presentation I want to present to my city Monteria and all his customs, local dishes and his tourist places.
20140304 einfuehrung-bpmn-v2-rpRobert PiehlerEinführung zu Grundlagen und Anwendung von BPMN zur Integration von Geschäftsprozessen in IT-Anwendungen bzw. zur Unterstützung von IT-Management-Prozessen.
Safer Smarter SeafarersChris YoungThis document discusses a proposal to create high-quality maritime training videos funded by the maritime industry. It argues that commercially produced training often fails to be relevant, high-quality, or effective for seafarers. The organization Fidra Films proposes a new model where they work with the industry to develop training videos on important topics, funded by sponsorships from maritime organizations. These videos would be freely available to all seafarers. They believe this can raise training standards across the industry and help prevent accidents, which would provide long-term returns for organizations that sponsor the videos.
Pengantar Mikrobiologi PanganTitis SariMateri ini merupakan materi pengantar untuk mata kuliah Pengawasan Mutu Makanan. Mata kuliah ini merupakan gabungan dari mata kuliah Mikrobiologi Pangan dan Pengawasan Mutu Makanan.
Linea de tiempoEnrique José Quispe MelloLinea del tiempo del proyecto "Encanto, sabor y cultura de la Provincia de Tacna" elaborada por los docentes del I.E.P "San Martín de Porres", Grupo Nº1
Individual Activity Accounts (IAAs)Luis Taveras EMBA, MS"To attune its social-welfare system to a changing economy and reduce inequality among individuals, France is currently considering a system of so-called Individual Activity Accounts (IAAs). My colleague Selma Mahfouz chaired a committee that prepared a blueprint for such a system."
Read more at https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/individual-social-benefits-account-economic-efficiency-by-jean-pisani-ferry-2015-10#kQaAol6VgsRbKzwc.99
Mezcla de mercadotecnia "Bebida el polvo"Auri IgrEste documento presenta la información de un nuevo producto llamado TANG. Se describe que viene en sobres de 40g con sabor a pepino y limón, que rinde 2 litros y no necesita azúcar. Se ofrece a un precio introductorio de $3.50 y con incentivos para compras mayores de 2 unidades. También incluye una lista de las principales ciudades en el norte, centro y sur de México donde se comercializará el producto, así como las cadenas de supermercados más importantes en cada región donde se venderá TANG.
Kamilah's shot and angles powerpointspmathThis document discusses different types of camera shots including extreme long shots, extreme close ups, eye level shots, low angle shots, long shots, over the shoulder shots, high angle shots, medium shots, two shots, rule of thirds composition, chest shots, and point of view shots. Each shot is defined along with examples and links to additional information sources. Photos are included and credited to illustrate different shots.
Actividad1 Introducción. Yo, mi región, mi cultura...Uniautónoma del CaucaBreve presentación personal y descripción de la ciudad natal y sus costumbres de cada uno de los integrantes del curso.
Bringing Continuous Delivery to the Enterprise: It's all about the MindsetGene GotimerMost people that introduce agile techniques to an organization quickly learn that teaching the practices are easy. It is the cultural shifts that prove to be the hardest changes. For 4½ years, Gene Gotimer worked on the Forge.mil project, using agile techniques to build an application lifecycle management tool to enable agile projects within the US Department of Defense. It was an exemplar project, showing other DoD projects that software can be delivered quickly and confidently with more security and higher quality by using agile techniques. The project started out introducing agile development, moved on to implementing continuous integration, and then evangelizing continuous delivery. Along the way the team ran into a lot of obstacles, some typical of any large enterprise, others tied to the DoD. The major issues were pure philosophy: they just didn’t think like agile developers. Gene will share experiences and anecdotes from the project, and talk about how the team was able to work within and around the policies and, most importantly, the culture and mindset to move the project towards continuous delivery. Hopefully others in similar situations will be able to identify and avoid similar issues in their organizations.
Technology in the k 12 classroomtnhoang3This document discusses the benefits of using technology in K-12 classrooms. It argues that technology can help engage students and make learning more interactive. It also claims technology can transform classrooms by turning teachers into guides and allowing students to learn at their own pace. Additionally, the document suggests technology can boost students' self-esteem and make information more accessible.
Redes socialescristianbaquero94Pertenecer a una red social es importante para el proyecto de vida de una persona porque facilita el acceso rápido a información relevante de contactos clave y la posibilidad de intercambiar conocimientos con ellos, además de mantenerse al tanto de noticias locales y globales de manera diaria. Las redes sociales también permiten crear nuevas conexiones con personas de campos similares y adquirir conocimientos constantes, por lo que son útiles para la formación académica y profesional de una persona.
F ficha técnica educared docente aquinoGuillerminaAquinoEl documento describe un recurso educativo llamado "La Circulación" que cubre el proceso de circulación sanguínea en el cuerpo humano, la circulación de células tumorales en metástasis y la circulación termohalina de masas de agua. El recurso puede ser utilizado en áreas como Ciencias, Educación Física, Arte, Comunicación y Matemática.
MIPISE introduction à la finance participativeSebastien BIKMIPISE leader européen de solution de crowdfunding en marque blanche réalise une introduction des grandes tendances des marchés mondial et français.
Expo de legalMyriam Tipantuña Chiluisa1) El documento describe la herencia de caracteres patológicos siguiendo las leyes mendelianas. 2) Explica que los caracteres patológicos pueden aparecer de forma repentina debido a mutaciones o recombinaciones de factores recesivos latentes. 3) También analiza diferentes tipos de transmisión hereditaria de enfermedades según si el carácter enfermo o sano es dominante.
Monteria inglesPedroRada96With this presentation I want to present to my city Monteria and all his customs, local dishes and his tourist places.
20140304 einfuehrung-bpmn-v2-rpRobert PiehlerEinführung zu Grundlagen und Anwendung von BPMN zur Integration von Geschäftsprozessen in IT-Anwendungen bzw. zur Unterstützung von IT-Management-Prozessen.
Safer Smarter SeafarersChris YoungThis document discusses a proposal to create high-quality maritime training videos funded by the maritime industry. It argues that commercially produced training often fails to be relevant, high-quality, or effective for seafarers. The organization Fidra Films proposes a new model where they work with the industry to develop training videos on important topics, funded by sponsorships from maritime organizations. These videos would be freely available to all seafarers. They believe this can raise training standards across the industry and help prevent accidents, which would provide long-term returns for organizations that sponsor the videos.
Pengantar Mikrobiologi PanganTitis SariMateri ini merupakan materi pengantar untuk mata kuliah Pengawasan Mutu Makanan. Mata kuliah ini merupakan gabungan dari mata kuliah Mikrobiologi Pangan dan Pengawasan Mutu Makanan.
Linea de tiempoEnrique José Quispe MelloLinea del tiempo del proyecto "Encanto, sabor y cultura de la Provincia de Tacna" elaborada por los docentes del I.E.P "San Martín de Porres", Grupo Nº1
Individual Activity Accounts (IAAs)Luis Taveras EMBA, MS"To attune its social-welfare system to a changing economy and reduce inequality among individuals, France is currently considering a system of so-called Individual Activity Accounts (IAAs). My colleague Selma Mahfouz chaired a committee that prepared a blueprint for such a system."
Read more at https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/individual-social-benefits-account-economic-efficiency-by-jean-pisani-ferry-2015-10#kQaAol6VgsRbKzwc.99
Mezcla de mercadotecnia "Bebida el polvo"Auri IgrEste documento presenta la información de un nuevo producto llamado TANG. Se describe que viene en sobres de 40g con sabor a pepino y limón, que rinde 2 litros y no necesita azúcar. Se ofrece a un precio introductorio de $3.50 y con incentivos para compras mayores de 2 unidades. También incluye una lista de las principales ciudades en el norte, centro y sur de México donde se comercializará el producto, así como las cadenas de supermercados más importantes en cada región donde se venderá TANG.
Kamilah's shot and angles powerpointspmathThis document discusses different types of camera shots including extreme long shots, extreme close ups, eye level shots, low angle shots, long shots, over the shoulder shots, high angle shots, medium shots, two shots, rule of thirds composition, chest shots, and point of view shots. Each shot is defined along with examples and links to additional information sources. Photos are included and credited to illustrate different shots.
2. 일상 속에서 본
나의 유형
본인의 시선
Socializer 70%
Explorers 65%
Achievers 30%
Killers 10%
3. Bartle Test of Gamer
Q. 새로운 상황에 대해 보상과 과정 중 무엇을 중
요시 여기는가
A.새로운 지역의 탐험을 통해 알아가는 것.
Q. 능력과 명예 중 어느 것을 선호하나.
A. 대중에게 잘 알려진 인물.
Q. 권위와 지식 중 어느 것을 더 선호하나
A.친구들 보다 더 많이 아는 것.
Q. 발견하는 것과 발명하는 것 중 선호하는 것.
A.어떻게 얻는지 아는것
Q. 지식과 물품중의 선택하기
A. 남들이 모르는 것을 아는 것.
Q. 흥미를 느끼는 요소는?
A.시나리오를 통한 스토리방식
Q.사람과 어울리는 것과 경쟁을 통해 승리하는 것
A.경쟁에서의 승리
Gamer DNA
4. Q.내가 죽임을 당했다.
Q. 선호하는 것
A.누군가의 말을 듣는 것.
A.과정을 통해 얻는 것.
A.실력을 쌓는 것
Q.선호하는 것.
A. 개성
Q.어느 것을 더욱 즐기는가
A.친구들에게 자랑하는 것
Q.어느 것을 가지길 원하는가
A.더 많은 경험
Q. 어느 것을 가지길 원하는
Q.선호하는 것
A.지위와 명예
Q. 어느 것을 더 선호하는가
A.전체 경쟁에서 승리하는 것
Bartle Test of Gamer
5. Q.위험한 상황에 대처
A.남에게 피해를 주지 않고 대처
Q.불안전한 곳으로 도전
A.즐길 수 있는 친구
Q.어느 것을 더욱 즐기나
A.내 자신의 노력을 통해 성취를 얻는 것.
Q.어려운 문제에 대한 대처
A.많은 사람과 협동을 통한 대처
Q. 어느 곳에서 성취하길 원하나
A.대중의 이목이 집중된 큰 무대
Q.새로운 사람과의 만남
A.조력자로서의 사람
Q. 어느 것을 선호하나
A.미지의 세계 탐험과 도전
Q.네가 알고자 하는 것
Q. 원하는 동료
A. 진취적이고 적극적인 조력자
Bartle Test of Gamer
6. Bartle Test Result
Facebook , NAVER, Youtube를 자주사용한다.
사람들과 공유하고 정보를 얻는 행위를 통해
Socialite가 더욱 높게 나올 것이라 추측했다.
결론적으로 socializer의 수치도 높게 나왔지만
Explorer의 성향이 더욱 높다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
7. 추정지는 Socialites 가 높게 나왔으나 실제 결과와는 다른 차이가 나왔다.
Bartle Test Result
그에 반해 Killer 값이 높게 나온 것을 알 수 있다.
8. facebook
(people fun)
지인들의 일상을 알 수 있는 소셜
네트워크 서비스(SNS)
자주 만날 수 없는 지인들의 일상과
그들의 안부를 공유할 수 있다.
많은 사람들의 정보 공유를 통해 사
회문제에 대한 인식이 높아진다.
13. Player1
본인의 시선 타인의 시선
Socializer 20% 10%
Explorers 5% 20%
Achievers 15% 40%
Killers 60% 30%
SNS의 Social 활동 비중이 낮다.
음악 app과 노트북을 이용한 과제는
자기 성취를 높이기 위해 노력하는 모
습을 보여준다.
Score: 85
Serious Fun(Exitement)
: 도전과 성취를 목표로 engagement 시킨다.
14. 본인의 시선 타인의 시선
Socializer 50% 40%
Explorers 5% 10%
Achievers 25% 30%
Killers 20% 20%
여러 대외활동과
SNS APP의 활용은 카카오톡과
페이스북등 sns의 활용은
Socialites의 성격이 강하다는 것
을 알 수 있다.
Score: 62
People Fun(Amusement)
: 소셜 관계를 통해 경쟁시키며 성취를 줌으로써
Engagement를 높인다.
15. 본인의 시선 타인의 시선
Socializer 70% 50%
Explorers 10% 10%
Achievers 15% 35%
Killers 5% 5%
아침에 일어나 TV를 보고
음악을 들으며 잠을 자는 모습은
미디어 행위를 통해 성취를 얻고
자 하는 것으로 보인다.
친구들과 빈번한 교류는
Socialite의 모습과 Achiever의 모
습을 보여준다.
Score: 60
People Fun(Amusement)
: 소셜 관계를 통해 경쟁시키며 성취를 줌으로써
Engagement를 높인다.
16. 본인의 시선 타인의 시선
Socializer 30% 30%
Explorers 0% 5%
Achievers 90% 60%
Killers 5% 5%
관심분야에 따로 자료를 조사하고
정리하는 태도는 Acheiver의 모습
이 드러난다.
Score: 75
People Fun(Amusement)
: 소셜 관계를 통해 경쟁시키며 성취를 줌으로써
Engagement를 높인다.
17. Result
설문 대상자의 신분이 모두 학생인 것을 고려
-비슷한 관심사를 가지고 비슷한 유형의 미디어 사용
자기개발과 사회적 인맥을 넓히기 위한 노력이 뚜렷히 보임
-정보를 얻거나 SNS의 주 사용
참여자는 주로 Socializes 와 Achivers의 성향을 띈다.