Mistero e CuriositàmarcoianneMistero e Curiosità dal mondo con un pizzico di pazzia.
Su Mistero-Curioso.com troverai articoli che narrano di Cospirazioni, Alchimia, Magia,Spiritismo e pazzie delle persone, alcune divertenti altre terrificanti
My dream homekristjan1This document describes a dream home consisting of a 2 story cottage with 2 garages located in Mustla, with features including a big garden, balcony, large living room with windows, a big black kitchen that is easy to cook in, a romantic colorful guest room, a big romantic bedroom with a brown bed, a large attic, and a mini bar in the shelter.
Mistero e CuriositàmarcoianneMistero e Curiosità dal mondo con un pizzico di pazzia.
Su Mistero-Curioso.com troverai articoli che narrano di Cospirazioni, Alchimia, Magia,Spiritismo e pazzie delle persone, alcune divertenti altre terrificanti
My dream homekristjan1This document describes a dream home consisting of a 2 story cottage with 2 garages located in Mustla, with features including a big garden, balcony, large living room with windows, a big black kitchen that is easy to cook in, a romantic colorful guest room, a big romantic bedroom with a brown bed, a large attic, and a mini bar in the shelter.
Supplai chain managementanggasaputra89Dokumen tersebut berisi ringkasan biodata seseorang beserta pengalaman kerjanya. Juga berisi penjelasan tentang manajemen pergudangan dan suplai rantai yang mencakup pengertian, fungsi, tujuan, dan perencanaan tata letak gudang.
English recipeRiosK19To make a yogurt parfait, layer blueberries, vanilla yogurt, graham cookie crumbs, strawberry yogurt, almond shavings, chocolate pudding, and chocolate chips in a cup, starting with blueberries on the bottom and ending with chocolate chips on top, for a delicious dessert combining fruit, yogurt, cookies, nuts, and chocolate.
GamificationansangwonGamification uses game mechanics and thinking to engage users and solve problems. Game mechanics include points, levels, leaderboards, badges, challenges, onboarding, and engagement loops. Points are an important mechanic and come in five types: experience points, redeemable points, skill points, karma points, and reputation points. Examples of points systems include NAVER's use of reputation points called "내공" and Chinese restaurants' use of redeemable coupons. Gamification can be an effective marketing strategy for companies.
Presentation1geraldinedfloresThe document appears to be notes about a little boy, a dream car, and guitar lessons preparing for Christmas carols. It mentions a little boy's cutest smile and dream car in brief notes without full sentences or context.
GamificationansangwonGamification uses game mechanics and thinking to engage users and solve problems. Game mechanics include points, levels, leaderboards, badges, challenges, onboarding, and engagement loops. Points are an important mechanic and come in five types: experience points, redeemable points, skill points, karma points, and reputation points. The document provides examples of how NAVER and Chinese restaurants gamify through using reputation points and redeemable points/coupons respectively. Gamification can be an effective marketing strategy for companies.
GamificationansangwonGamification uses game mechanics and thinking to engage users and solve problems. Game mechanics include points, levels, leaderboards, badges, challenges, onboarding, and engagement loops. Points are an important mechanic and come in five types: experience points, redeemable points, skill points, karma points, and reputation points. The document provides examples of how NAVER and Chinese restaurants gamify through using reputation points and redeemable points/coupons respectively. Gamification can be an effective marketing strategy for companies.
Report 2 - What is the future of dropbox?Andrea BalducciThis document contains a SWOT analysis and TOWS analysis for Dropbox. The SWOT analysis identifies Dropbox's strengths as its large consumer base, innovative culture, ability to raise funds, and attractive products. Weaknesses include weaker security than competitors, late entry into the B2B segment, lower storage space/price ratio, and low presence in emerging markets. Opportunities include the growing trend toward cloud services for businesses and emerging markets. Threats include plummeting cloud storage prices and increased global competition. The TOWS analysis proposes leveraging Dropbox's strengths to focus on the B2B market and using partnerships to enter emerging markets by overcoming its weaknesses in those areas.
Dropbox pricing strategyVladimir OrekhovIn this presentation I discuss the particular implementation of the freemium subscription-based model in case of Dropbox.
[GDC2010] Blizzard Design Process_KORPaul JungKorean Translation of GDC10's Blizzard Session: MAKING A STANDARD (AND TRYING TO STICK TO IT!): BLIZZARD DESIGN PHILOSOPHIES, not yet ready to provide downloads.
왜 게임 데이터 분석인가? (텐투플레이 웨비나)Hyeyon Kwon왜 게임 데이터 분석을 해야할까요?
영상: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHjMmAMPXlY
게임 데이터 분석을 제대로 하지 않았을 때 발생할 수 있는 여러가지 편향 오류와 함께 데이터 분석 인사이트를 소개해드립니다.
2. 나의 게이머 타입
Q1. Would you rather
너는 어떤가?
A1. Become a hero faster than your friends
나의 친구들보다 빨리 영웅이 되고싶다.
Q2. Do you tend to
너의 경향은?
A2. Know things no one else does
아무도 모르는 것을 안다.
Q3. On an MMORPG, would you rather be known as
MMORPG에서 너는 어떤가?
A3. The person with the best, most unique equipment in the game
게임에서 최고가 최고다.
Q4. Which would you rather do
너는 어떤가?
A4. Getting to a certain experience level faster than anyone else
누구보다 빠르게 경험을 습득한다.
3. 나의 게이머 타입
Q5. Would you rather
너는 어떤가?
A5. Know where to find things
물건이 어디에 있는지
Q6. Is it better to be
무엇이 더 나은가?
A6. Feared
Q7. What's worse
무엇이 더 나쁜가?
A7. To be without power
권력이 없는 것
Q8. Which is more exciting
무엇이 더 흥분되는가?
A8. A deadly battle
결과를 모르는 전투
Q9. Would you rather
너는 어떤가?
A9. Vanquish your enemies
적을 죽인다.
Q10. Would you rather
너는 어떤가?
A10. Show them the sharp blade of your axe
적들에게 도끼의 날카로움을 보여준다
Q11. Which do you enjoy more in MMORPG quests
MMORPG 퀘스트에서 무엇을 더 즐기는가?
A11. Getting the rewards at the end?
퀘스트 완료 후 보상 받는 것
Q12. Which is more enjoyable to you
무엇을 더 즐기는가?
A12. Bragging about it to your friends?
친구들에게 과시하는 것
4. 나의 게이머 타입
Q13. Would you rather be
너는 어떻게 될건가?
A13. Wealthy
Q14. Which would you rather be noticed for on an MMORPG?
MMORPG에서 무엇에 중점을 두는가?
A14. Your equipment
Q15. Are you more comfortable, as a player on an MMORPG
MMORPG 플레이중 보다 편안할때는?
A15. Talking with friends in a tavern?
이야기 할 때
Q16. Would you rather receive as a quest reward
어느 보상을 원하는가?
A16. Experience points
5. 나의 게이머 타입
Q17. On an MMORPG, would you rather
MMORPG에서 너는 어떤가?
A17. Have a sword twice as powerful as any other in the game
두배 센 무기를 갖는 것
Q18. Would you rather have
무엇을 갖고싶나?
A18. Two levels of experience
2배의 경험치
Q19. Would you rather have
무엇을 갖고싶나?
A19. A spell that increases the rate at which you gain experience points?
Q20. On an MMORPG, would you be more prone to brag about
MMORPG에서 무엇을 자랑하고 싶나?
A20. Your equipment
6. 나의 게이머 타입
Q21. You are being chased by a monster on an MMORPG. Do you
MMORPG에서 몬스터를 잡으려고 할 때 어떡할건가?
A21. Ask a friend for help in killing it
친구에게 도움 요청
Q22. You want to fight a really tough dragon. How would you approach this problem?
강력한 용과 싸우려할 때 대처법은?
A22. Get a big group of players to kill it.
파티를 맺어서 싸운다.
Q23. What's more important in an MMORPG to you?
MMORPG에서 중요한 것은?
A23. The number of people
Q24. You're about to go into an unknown dungeon. You have your choice of one more person for your
미지의 던전에 같이 가고 싶은 사람은?
A24. A bard, who's a good friend of yours and who's great for entertaining you and your friends
좋은 친구인 음유시인
7. 나의 게이머 타입
Q25. Which would you enjoy more as an MMORPG player?
MMORPG에서 어떤 것을 즐기나?
A25. Running your own tavern?
유저들과 대화, 파티플레이
Q26. You meet a new player. Do you think of him as
새로운 유저를 만난다면 어떤사람인가?
A26. Someone who can appreciate your knowledge of the game
나의 게임 지식을 알려줄 수 있는 사람
Q27. Would you rather win
어떤 것을 이기고 싶나?
A27. A trivia contest
Q28. On a MMORPG, would rather join a clan/guild of
어느 클랜에 가입하겠는가?
A28. Assassins
자객들의 클랜
8. 나의 게이머 타입
Q29. You learn that another player is planning your demise. Do you
누군가 나를 죽이려한다면?
A29. Attack him before he attacks you
그 전에 죽인다.
Q30. If you're alone in an area, do you think
어떤 지역에 홀로 남는다면?
A30. It's safe to explore
안전하게 탐사
<예상결과> <검사결과>
Achiever 50%
Killer 40%
Explorer 20%
Socializer 70%
Achiever 120%
Killer 73%
Explorer 53%
Socializer 47%
9. 나의 게이머 타입
<분석 결론>
검사를 하기전 수업시간에 교재에 있는 글을 통해 예상 했을 때, 평소 게임을
할 때 게임 자체나 승리에 신경쓰지 않는 경향이라 생각하여 Socializer(사교가)에
가장 많은 비율을 주고, 어려운 퀘스트나 미션이 주어 졌을 때 포기하려는
경향이 있다고 생각 하여 Acheiever(성취가)에는 적은 비율을 주었다.
하지만 검사 결과는 Acheiever(성취가) 가 120%나 되는 결과가 나왔다.
이를 통해 지문이 영어로 구성되어 있어 해석의 문제가 있을 수 있고,
내가 예상한 것은 본인의 판단이므로 주관적이라는 점을 통해
다른 결과를 초래했다고 생각한다.
10. 나의 App을 통한 재미타입
Communicate -주요목적이 사람들과의 대화이다.
Cooperate -그룹 채팅방 이용하여 많은 사람들이 함께 대화한다.
People fun
Collection – 보다 좋은 선수카드를 수집해야한다.
Rhythm – 타격시 박자에 맞춰서 한다.
Repetition – 공격과 수비를 번갈아가며 반복한다.
Serious fun
11. 타인의 사례분석
페이스북, 카카오톡, 카카오스토리(SNS)을 이용.
쿠키런, 애니팡(SNG)을 이용.
과제, 프로그래밍.
Player1 예상
Achiever 66% 74%
Killer 30% 43%
Explorer 40% 53%
Socializer 75% 80%
Easy fun
12. 타인의 사례분석
대중교통 이용시 동영상 시청.
프로야구 시청.
리그오브레전드 유저.
Hard fun
Player2 예상
Achiever 80% 60%
Killer 40% 73%
Explorer 50% 43%
Socializer 60% 50%
13. 타인의 사례분석
페이스북, 카카오톡 (SNS)을 이용.
음악 감상.
리그오브레전드 유저.
Hard fun
Player3 예상
Achiever 20% 63%
Killer 20% 70%
Explorer 0% 40%
Socializer 60% 80%
14. 타인의 사례분석
여자친구와 많은 연락.
자소서 작성, 스펙 관련 카페.
캔디크러쉬(SNG) 이용.
Player4 예상
Achiever 70% 90%
Killer 20% 42%
Explorer 60% 20%
Socializer 45% 75%
Easy fun
15. 타인의 사례분석
<분석 결론>
SNS를 이용하는 유저의 경우 사람들과 소통을 중요시하고, 연락을 즐기는 것으로
생각하여 People fun, Socializer의 경향을 높게 측정.
SNG를 이용하는 유저의 경우 간단한 조작과 아기자기함을 좋아하는것으로
생각하여 Easy fun 경향이 있다고 측정.
리그오브레전드를 이용하는 유저의 경우 전략적으로 임하고, 승리를 갈망하는
것으로 생각하여 Hard fun, Killer 경향을 높게 측정.
이러한 근거와 글의 상세함에 따라 Player 4명에 대해 평가를 하였다.