Mongol helGanchimeg TsedevdorjEste documento habla sobre la historia y cultura de Mongolia. Brevemente describe la vida nómada de los mongoles y su estilo de vida basado en el pastoreo. También menciona algunas de las costumbres y tradiciones más importantes de Mongolia.
1 1 geossclasstorremarGeography is the study of Earth's land and features, including landforms, climate, and how these elements create environments that support living and nonliving things. Physical geography examines natural landforms and climate, while human geography looks at how people interact with and adapt to their environments based on factors like work, food, housing, religion, and how the environment affects human life. Maps are used to depict physical features, cities, boundaries and other symbols to represent different geographic information on regions, which are areas that have distinguishing characteristics from surrounding places. Resources like water, food, land, materials and money are valuable things found in nature that people need.
1 1 biasssclasstorremarThis document discusses bias in history writing. It notes that historians can have biases from their sources, opinions, and feelings that can influence how they portray historical figures or events. For example, Christopher Columbus is viewed as a hero in Europe but as similar to Hitler in Latin America. The document recommends recognizing the type of bias in historical writings by examining who is described favorably, if both sides are presented equally, and what sources are used. One early historian who tried to avoid bias was Polybius, who said a writer's passions and opinions should not influence their history.
Operation research completeRohit MishraThe linear programming problem seeks to minimize the objective function z = x1 + x2 + x3 subject to three constraints. The two-phase simplex method is used to solve the problem. In phase I, an artificial variable is introduced to convert inequality constraints to equations in order to find a feasible solution. Phase I results in x1 entering the basis. In phase II, the original objective function is optimized subject to the constraints, resulting in a maximum value of Z = 6 attained when x1 = 2, x2 = 0.
1 3 egyptian geographyssclasstorremarThe document provides information about ancient Egypt and the importance of the Nile River. It describes the Nile as the longest river in the world, flowing north through Egypt from central Africa to the Mediterranean Sea. It created a fertile valley that supported the rise of Egyptian civilization. The annual flooding of the Nile was vital, depositing rich silt that made the land ideal for farming and represented a "life-giving miracle" to the Egyptians.
In what ways does your media product useJackTann93The document discusses conventions in different media forms that the author researched before creating their own work. They looked at existing album covers, digipacks, posters, and music videos to understand typical layouts, styles, and elements used. The author aimed to follow conventions specific to the band Enter Shikari to make their work seem authentic, but also challenged some conventions by experimenting with new approaches.
Mongol helGanchimeg TsedevdorjEste documento habla sobre la historia y cultura de Mongolia. Brevemente describe la vida nómada de los mongoles y su estilo de vida basado en el pastoreo. También menciona algunas de las costumbres y tradiciones más importantes de Mongolia.
1 1 geossclasstorremarGeography is the study of Earth's land and features, including landforms, climate, and how these elements create environments that support living and nonliving things. Physical geography examines natural landforms and climate, while human geography looks at how people interact with and adapt to their environments based on factors like work, food, housing, religion, and how the environment affects human life. Maps are used to depict physical features, cities, boundaries and other symbols to represent different geographic information on regions, which are areas that have distinguishing characteristics from surrounding places. Resources like water, food, land, materials and money are valuable things found in nature that people need.
1 1 biasssclasstorremarThis document discusses bias in history writing. It notes that historians can have biases from their sources, opinions, and feelings that can influence how they portray historical figures or events. For example, Christopher Columbus is viewed as a hero in Europe but as similar to Hitler in Latin America. The document recommends recognizing the type of bias in historical writings by examining who is described favorably, if both sides are presented equally, and what sources are used. One early historian who tried to avoid bias was Polybius, who said a writer's passions and opinions should not influence their history.
Operation research completeRohit MishraThe linear programming problem seeks to minimize the objective function z = x1 + x2 + x3 subject to three constraints. The two-phase simplex method is used to solve the problem. In phase I, an artificial variable is introduced to convert inequality constraints to equations in order to find a feasible solution. Phase I results in x1 entering the basis. In phase II, the original objective function is optimized subject to the constraints, resulting in a maximum value of Z = 6 attained when x1 = 2, x2 = 0.
1 3 egyptian geographyssclasstorremarThe document provides information about ancient Egypt and the importance of the Nile River. It describes the Nile as the longest river in the world, flowing north through Egypt from central Africa to the Mediterranean Sea. It created a fertile valley that supported the rise of Egyptian civilization. The annual flooding of the Nile was vital, depositing rich silt that made the land ideal for farming and represented a "life-giving miracle" to the Egyptians.
In what ways does your media product useJackTann93The document discusses conventions in different media forms that the author researched before creating their own work. They looked at existing album covers, digipacks, posters, and music videos to understand typical layouts, styles, and elements used. The author aimed to follow conventions specific to the band Enter Shikari to make their work seem authentic, but also challenged some conventions by experimenting with new approaches.
The AztecsssclasstorremarThe Aztecs were a Mesoamerican civilization that flourished in central Mexico between the 14th and 16th centuries. They built their capital city of Tenochtitlan on an island in Lake Texcoco. At its peak, Tenochtitlan had an estimated population of 200,000 people and was one of the largest cities in the world at that time. The Aztecs developed an advanced civilization with a complex social hierarchy and culture that included hieroglyphic writing, astronomy, and a calendar. However, their empire fell when they were conquered by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés in the 16th century.
New movies coming out soonhawkinshhsThe document summarizes three upcoming movies: Step Up Revolution, about a dancer who helps a flash mob crew stage a protest; Marvel Adventures, where the Avengers team up to defend Earth from Loki and an inferior race; and Men in Black 3, the third installment of the popular series starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.
Resume EJJ LemmensejjlemmensErik Joseph Johannes Lemmens provides his curriculum vitae, which includes his education history, professional experience, qualifications, and references. He has a Master of Science degree in science communication and education from Utrecht University and has worked in various roles communicating science to the public, including at ADV Limburg developing awareness campaigns and managing social media. His objective is to bridge the gap between science, health, communication and society.
ʰԳٲó110061985Los tipos principales de maltrato infantil incluyen abuso físico, sexual, negligencia, emocional, económico y médico, así como el abandono.
Senior Project SpeechmistatrahydeTravis Hyde created a video documentary of his experience with the P90X workout program over 3 months. The program involves 12 DVDs with different exercise routines that target specific muscle groups. Travis found the program effective but too basic for an experienced athlete. During the first week, Travis injured his lower back while squatting and had to modify his leg exercises. Overall, Travis felt the program was well-organized but not necessary for someone already knowledgeable about different exercise types.
Senior project speechaleiahollands1) The document describes a student's senior project where she produced an album by recording a local alternative rock band.
2) The student learned how to use recording software, set up microphones, record each instrument, equalize levels, and add effects.
3) Throughout the process, the student encountered obstacles like technical issues with the soundboard and keeping the band focused, but overcame them through problem-solving and perseverance.
devopsdays RomemysqldbahelpTrent gave a bizarre DevOps talk covering a range of topics including his background in Linux systems administration, MySQL DBA work, and web startups. He discussed challenges with poor communication between different groups like developers and vendors or operations. He also touched on issues like space shuttle-style releases, hiring more operations staff, and challenges of large organizations exhausting local developer talent pools. His overall message was the importance of effective communication across contexts when delivering technology.