Dare to be Digital 2012 - Information presentation Dare to be DigitalDare to be Digital is a 9-week game development competition for student teams to create a video game prototype. Winners receive prizes and have their games showcased at Dare ProtoPlay. Past winners have received the BAFTA Ones to Watch Award. Teams of 5 students with mixed programming, art, and audio skills work over the summer to hone their skills, build industry contacts, and have the chance to further develop or commercialize their game. The application process involves submitting a game concept and team details by April 10th, then selected teams do interviews and present their pitch to industry judges.
2nd Equitarian Workshop LogisticsequitarianThe document summarizes the plans for the 2nd Equitarian Workshop to be held from October 10-14, 2011 in Tlapacoyan, Veracruz, Mexico. The workshop will bring together professionals, technicians and students interested in helping working equines. Participants will gain experience through stations on topics like dentistry, wounds, nutrition and community partnerships. The workshop aims to develop strategies to assist small farmers reliant on equines and improve their welfare. It will be hosted at the Centre for Teaching, Research and Extension in Tropical Animal Production in Veracruz.
5L Sarah CivilizationgsbSSThe document describes aspects of American culture and technology including:
- The White House and Barack Obama as the 44th US president.
- The modern US alphabet and writing implements like pens and paper.
- Architects who design buildings by sketching drawings and metal workers who make jewelry and tools.
- Different genres of American music and the instruments used to play them.
- Refrigerators and farms as ways to obtain stable food supplies.
- The religious diversity of the US including Christian churches.
- Advances in technology from early black and white TVs to modern devices like iPhones.
- The US space program achieving the first moon landing by Neil Armstrong in 1969.
Digital scavenger huntdrodriguezp6This digital scavenger hunt list contains items to photograph around a school such as a textbook, something green, an advertisement, and items indicating directions like an arrow or a sign saying "Westside." The list also includes taking a photo of litter and capturing something that holds liquid, with an open door and exit sign marking the end of the scavenger hunt.
Formulario sucursalesangiedaianaEl documento lista 19 registros de sucursales en diferentes países de Latinoamérica, incluyendo México, Colombia, Brasil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia y Perú. Cada registro incluye un identificador único y el nombre del país donde se ubica la sucursal.
Australia with gold coast, cairns and sydneywww.Tripmart.comtripmartAustralia Holidays - Book Australia Tours & travel packages at Tripmart. Largest number of Australia Tour & holiday Packages available. Go for a Hoilday, travel to Australia and its various tourist attractions with Australia holiday packages. Explore Australia Tourism with cheap vacation packages.
Thesis presentationElisabetta Di StefanoThe document proposes designing a central hub using a grassroots model to create a more transparent system for local communities to engage with government. It argues that such a system could strengthen democracy by allowing open discussion and sharing of ideas without fear, while sparking creativity, reform, and reestablishing trust in government by focusing on innovation through education. The goal is to repair the public forum and enable full participation that generates progressive action.
Thesis presentationElisabetta Di StefanoThis thesis hypothesizes that urban cities fall victim to bureaucratic friction imposed on civic agencies, which causes confusion and decreases civic engagement. The role of communication designers is to use visual and systems thinking in design to remove confusion, increase transparency, and promote progressive action. The proposed methodology can help eradicate bureaucratic systems by establishing sustainable infrastructure for civic agencies and communities, facilitating civic engagement and building bridges between complex relations.
Media evaluation music mag ewcarolinebirksatworkThe document evaluates a music magazine coursework project by Emily Watson. It discusses several key conventions of music magazines, including the front cover, double page spread (DPS), editor's letter, and contents page. For the front cover, Watson used different fonts, colors, and images to attract readers and included the magazine title, strapline, and cover lines. For the DPS and contents page, Watson experimented with layouts using columns, images, and text styles. The feedback on her black and white design was positive.
Formulario consulta generalangiedaianaEl documento contiene los datos personales de 15 pacientes incluyendo su nombre, apellido, edad, fecha de nacimiento, teléfono, dirección, sexo, fecha de consulta, fecha de control, médico tratante y especialidad.
2. Size Of Korean MarketKj Hong1) After Starbucks entered the Korean market in 1999, the number of coffee shops grew rapidly from 1,500 in 2006 to around 9,400 by the end of 2010, representing a six-fold increase.
2) While the overall Korean coffee market is growing, there are differences in growth rates and competition levels between regions. Those starting coffee businesses should consider these factors to find areas of lower competition and higher expected revenues.
3) Similar to the cosmetics industry, some coffee franchises focus on opening new shops for sales growth, but this model does not guarantee revenue for individual shops and risks oversaturation in markets like Seoul with over 2,900 shops already.
5L Sarah CivilizationgsbSSThe document describes aspects of American culture and technology including:
- The White House and Barack Obama as the 44th US president.
- The modern US alphabet and writing implements like pens and paper.
- Architects who design buildings by sketching drawings and metal workers who make jewelry and tools.
- Different genres of American music and the instruments used to play them.
- Refrigerators and farms as ways to obtain stable food supplies.
- The religious diversity of the US including Christian churches.
- Advances in technology from early black and white TVs to modern devices like iPhones.
- The US space program achieving the first moon landing by Neil Armstrong in 1969.
Digital scavenger huntdrodriguezp6This digital scavenger hunt list contains items to photograph around a school such as a textbook, something green, an advertisement, and items indicating directions like an arrow or a sign saying "Westside." The list also includes taking a photo of litter and capturing something that holds liquid, with an open door and exit sign marking the end of the scavenger hunt.
Formulario sucursalesangiedaianaEl documento lista 19 registros de sucursales en diferentes países de Latinoamérica, incluyendo México, Colombia, Brasil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia y Perú. Cada registro incluye un identificador único y el nombre del país donde se ubica la sucursal.
Australia with gold coast, cairns and sydneywww.Tripmart.comtripmartAustralia Holidays - Book Australia Tours & travel packages at Tripmart. Largest number of Australia Tour & holiday Packages available. Go for a Hoilday, travel to Australia and its various tourist attractions with Australia holiday packages. Explore Australia Tourism with cheap vacation packages.
Thesis presentationElisabetta Di StefanoThe document proposes designing a central hub using a grassroots model to create a more transparent system for local communities to engage with government. It argues that such a system could strengthen democracy by allowing open discussion and sharing of ideas without fear, while sparking creativity, reform, and reestablishing trust in government by focusing on innovation through education. The goal is to repair the public forum and enable full participation that generates progressive action.
Thesis presentationElisabetta Di StefanoThis thesis hypothesizes that urban cities fall victim to bureaucratic friction imposed on civic agencies, which causes confusion and decreases civic engagement. The role of communication designers is to use visual and systems thinking in design to remove confusion, increase transparency, and promote progressive action. The proposed methodology can help eradicate bureaucratic systems by establishing sustainable infrastructure for civic agencies and communities, facilitating civic engagement and building bridges between complex relations.
Media evaluation music mag ewcarolinebirksatworkThe document evaluates a music magazine coursework project by Emily Watson. It discusses several key conventions of music magazines, including the front cover, double page spread (DPS), editor's letter, and contents page. For the front cover, Watson used different fonts, colors, and images to attract readers and included the magazine title, strapline, and cover lines. For the DPS and contents page, Watson experimented with layouts using columns, images, and text styles. The feedback on her black and white design was positive.
Formulario consulta generalangiedaianaEl documento contiene los datos personales de 15 pacientes incluyendo su nombre, apellido, edad, fecha de nacimiento, teléfono, dirección, sexo, fecha de consulta, fecha de control, médico tratante y especialidad.
2. Size Of Korean MarketKj Hong1) After Starbucks entered the Korean market in 1999, the number of coffee shops grew rapidly from 1,500 in 2006 to around 9,400 by the end of 2010, representing a six-fold increase.
2) While the overall Korean coffee market is growing, there are differences in growth rates and competition levels between regions. Those starting coffee businesses should consider these factors to find areas of lower competition and higher expected revenues.
3) Similar to the cosmetics industry, some coffee franchises focus on opening new shops for sales growth, but this model does not guarantee revenue for individual shops and risks oversaturation in markets like Seoul with over 2,900 shops already.
презентация к конкурсному урокуkillarunsThe document discusses predictions for the future in the year 2100 including that online schools, special suits, glass domes, flying cars, and underwater cities may exist. Life may be very different as pollution levels could be so high that people use robotic housemaids and mini-submarines, and travel to the moon in shuttles. Traffic and fuel may cause high pollution unless solutions are found.
Целовальникова Екатерина, ученица МОУ СОШ 26
… То же самое Кирилл и Мефодий сделали и со славянским языком – разбили его на куски, перенесли их через решетку кириллицы в свои уста и склеили осколки собственной слюной и греческой глиной...
Милорад Павич. Хазарский словарь
2 english – a language of the worldkillarunsThe document outlines a lesson plan for an extracurricular event on the topic of "English - a language of the world" for 7th grade students. The goals are to develop language skills, systematize knowledge about English as a global language, and foster interest in language learning. The event includes introductory activities, a video, games to practice vocabulary, and a closing song. Students are asked to draw pictures about what English means to them. The overall message is that English is an important international language that people need for travel, work, and communication across cultures.
1 we love englishkillarunsThe document summarizes an English language concert held for students. It included performances of poems, songs, and plays in English. Students recited verses, sang songs, and acted out scenes from stories like "The Nightingale and the Rose" to demonstrate their English language skills. The concert emphasized the importance of English as a global language and encouraged students to continue improving their English to facilitate travel, work, and building international friendships.
English speaking countries the united kingdom of great britain and northern i...killarunsEnglish-speaking countries the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The English language
проектная работа немцовой таисии 6бkillarunsThe document discusses several British holidays including Christmas, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and Easter. For Christmas, people decorate trees, cook special dishes, send postcards, buy gifts, and celebrate with parties. Valentine's Day involves sending cards without signing them so people have to guess who they are from. For Mother's Day, people congratulate and give flowers and small gifts to mothers and other women. Easter includes giving eggs, going to church, cooking special meals, and having guests over.
план урокаkillarunsОткрытый урок в 7а классе по теме
«Проблемы окружающей среды»
Задачи урока:
1. Учебный аспект-систематизация знаний учащихся по теме, развитие навыков устной речи, чтения и аудирования.
2. Социокультурный аспект-привлечение интереса к проблемам своего города Ставрополя
3. Развивающий аспект-развитие способности к обобщению, анализу; развитие воображения, способности к распределению внимания.
4. Воспитательный аспект-формирование ответственного отношения к природе, к проблемам окружающей среды, формирование желания помочь природе.
The earth is our homekillarunsThis document discusses environmental problems and protection. It begins by defining the environment and listing common slogans about keeping land, water, and air clean. It then discusses several types of pollution that harm the environment, including air pollution, water pollution, nuclear pollution, and rubbish pollution. It provides examples of behaviors that harm the environment, such as polluting air and water, cutting down trees, leaving fires in forests, and littering. It also includes signs and instructions for environmental protection. In the end, it discusses how forests, water, and air are all being polluted and endangered, harming plant and animal life.
2. Милосердие - это сочувствие, любовь на деле,
готовность делать
добро каждому, мягкосердечность.
Доброта – помогать людям, делать все
честно и полезно.
Делающий добро другим,
отзывчивый, хороший
3. Прощение
Терпимость к чужим мнениям
Уважение прав других
дух партнерства
Уважение человеческого
Принятие другого таким,
какой он есть
5. Пословицы
Свет не без добрых людей
Без худа добра не бывает
Добра желаешь, добро и
Не ищи красоты, а ищи
Добро не лихо - ходит тихо
Добрый человек несет мир
(абхазская пословица)
Добро рождает доброту
Сделаешь добро - добро
найдешь (карачаевская)
Лучше быть добрым уродом,
чем злым красавцем
Добрый конь не устает,
добрый человек не отказывает
в помощи (татарская)