This document provides instructions for stretches to do while sitting at a computer to relieve neck, shoulder, and lower back stiffness. It recommends doing the stretches every hour or whenever feeling stiff. The stretches include neck rolls, shoulder rolls, arm stretches, and stretches involving raising and crossing legs and arms. Doing the stretches regularly while computer working can help the user feel better by countering physical problems from prolonged sitting.
This document provides instructions for stretches to do while sitting at a computer to relieve neck, shoulder, and lower back stiffness. It recommends doing the stretches every hour or whenever feeling stiff. The stretches include neck rolls, shoulder rolls, arm stretches, and stretches involving raising and crossing legs and arms. Doing the stretches regularly while computer working can help the user feel better by countering physical problems from prolonged sitting.
The document contains descriptions and photos from Lior Dayan's travels throughout Southeast Asia, including Nepal, India, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Kashmir. The photos depict various landscapes like mountains, forests, lakes, and rice fields, as well as cultural sights such as monasteries, polo games, and craftspeople. People are also shown engaging in activities like fishing, sorting tomatoes, and taking breaks from work.
Anna Kostenko was born in 1975 in Kiev, Ukraine and has lived and worked in Krakow, Poland since 1991. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow where she studied painting from 1993 to 1998. Her work has been displayed in many countries including Poland, France, Germany, Ireland, and Spain and she has had three exhibitions at the Jorgensen Gallery. Her fascination with different cultures has led her to travel extensively and inspire her work.
Humor with LIFE Lessons ~ A 3-in-1 Free eBOOK (Eng. & Chi.).pdfOH TEIK BIN
A free eBook of 3 sets of Humor presentations with life lessons for each humor piece.
For reflection to help us grow in mind development - in wisdom and compassion.
The texts are in English and Chinese.
O documento fornece várias li??es de vida curtas em frases concisas. As principais li??es incluem: 1) aprender com os erros; 2) crescer n?o significa apenas ficar mais velho; 3) o silêncio é melhor do que a indiferen?a.
4. 壹、快樂第一步 我要快樂 ! 快樂痛苦都是一天 「好消息就是 : 當你改變態度, 壞消息都可以變成好消息。」 The good news is that the bad news can be turned into good news when you change you attitude! 羅拔 . 蘇古拉 (Robert Schuller) ※ 拿破崙說:我的一生中 , 找不到六天快樂的日子! ※ 海倫凱勒卻說: 我發現人生是如此的美妙 腓 4/4 :「你們要 --- 常常喜樂,我再說你們要喜樂」
5. 快乐是自己选择的 世上最奇妙的三個字 , 除了 我愛你 , 之外也許就是「 我覺得 」吧 ! 「我覺得」自己很美麗 , 「我」就美麗了起來 . 「我覺得」自己很快樂 , 「我」就快樂了起來 . 「我覺得」自己很幸福 , 「我」就幸福了起來 . 如果你不停說事情糟透了, 你一定會有機會成為先知。 If you keep saying that things are going to be bad, you have a chance of being a prophet. 艾薩克?辛格 (Isaac Singer)
20. 去溜達溜達清醒一下頭腦 肆 . 捨不得不快樂: 不能因為年老而停止快樂 當人與他的神一起挑戰崇山峻嶺, 不可能的事就會消失。 Impossibilities vanish when a man and his God confront a mountain. 羅拔?蘇古拉 (Robert Schuller) 羅 5/11 :「我們既藉著我主耶穌基督得以與神合好, 也就藉著祂,以神為樂」
35. 4. 打開 A. 笑 Keep on smiling ※ 不要多浪費一分鐘 , 去想不喜歡的人 ※ 人類是唯一會笑的動物 , 別讓這份天賦 生鏽了 ! ※ 快速的起步 , 快速的跌倒 , 然後快速爬起 B. 樂於助人 Willing to help others C. 保持幽默感 Sense of humor