Ramiro Fauve is an artist, designer, musician, and writer from Argentina. He has extensive experience in graphic design, advertising, mural painting, and fine art. Some of his most notable works include a 400-foot mural on the I-10 freeway in LA, a large Nike mural in Hollywood, and a portrait of Tupac Shakur. Fauve also has a background in music as a singer, songwriter, and producer. He draws inspiration from his experiences growing up in a politically active household and travels the themes of his artworks.
Regularly add quality content to your site to improve your search engine rankings. Focus on getting relevant sites to link to your content through quality in-bound links. Optimize your website pages and posts for specific keyword phrases that people search for, and claim your Google Place listing for location-based searches. Jon Tinberg of The Digital Marketing Agency provides an eGuide with more SEO tips and can be contacted for further assistance.
This document showcases the wall art and mural work of Gabrielle, including tropical bathrooms murals, 16th and 17th century style murals, ballerina paintings, and wine cellar murals. Details and photos are provided for projects completed in coordination with various interior designers, as well as a life-sized Hollywood stars mural for a PR company in Zurich, Switzerland.