Ici presentationGoshen CollegeThe document discusses the challenges faced by a CIO at a college over several years, including four reorganizations, four bosses, budget cuts, and the need to implement numerous new systems. It describes how the CIO had to recalibrate the IT mission statement to focus on leveraging technology to deliver academic programs globally and improve the student experience. To cope with rapid changes and a faster pace, the CIO emphasizes team building, relationship building, technology innovation, process improvement, better data analysis, and seeking new partners and strategies. While change can be difficult, the need for visionary IT leadership in higher education has never been greater.
GDG Montréal - Account Manager Basics and Use CaseSidereoThe document discusses user accounts and synchronization in Android applications. It covers the Authenticator, Account, ContentProvider, SyncAdapter, and ContentResolver components involved in synchronization. It provides examples of how these components work together and considerations for their implementation, including supporting multiple account types with a single Authenticator.
Who needs an_estimateagileandbeyondThe document summarizes a panel discussion on software project estimates. The panelists discuss the purpose of estimates, including schedule control, cost control, and comparison shopping. They define an estimate as a technical contributor taking time away from work to predict a project's schedule and provide hours and dates. The panelists introduce themselves as Matt Heusser, Steve Rogalsky, David Hoppe, and Angela Harms. Additional resources on moving beyond estimates and using alternatives like "No Estimates" and "Naked Planning" are provided.
Case StudyILANTUS Technologies - The document describes case studies of how various companies from different industries implemented ILANTUS EXPRESS password management and single sign-on products to reduce helpdesk calls and improve productivity.
- A leading infrastructure finance company in India saw a 20% reduction in password reset calls, freeing up approximately 300 calls per month after implementing ILANTUS Password Express.
- A large cement sheet manufacturer in India deployed ILANTUS Password Express for 500 users, allowing self-service password resets.
- A global BPO company with 20,000 users saw an 80% reduction in password reset calls within 1 month of implementing ILANTUS Password Express.
Case study plan branding 28sep maggioysterDigital MarketingThis document outlines a marketing proposal for relaunching Maggi Oyster sauce. It proposes creating an online platform with recipes, videos, and a community for women to share cooking tips using Maggi Oyster. The implementation section describes launching a teaser campaign, followed by a website with recipe collections, photo sharing, and a contest to engage users. It estimates the proposal will generate over 105,000 visits and 15,000 members in two months on a budget of 9 million VND, tracking success through metrics like visits, engagement, and fan growth.
One weird tip to Improve Collaboration - Matt Heusser/DAVID HOPPEagileandbeyondThe document discusses pairing as a strange tip for improving collaboration. Pairing involves two people working together on a task such as coding. The document suggests pairing can improve productivity as people can help each other and defend against being overpowered. It also notes pairing allows people to keep each other warm and helps one another up if they fall down.
Corps of EngineersShane PayneThe document discusses a training program for USACE Memphis District leadermen led by Army NCO instructors. Leadermen are first-line leaders in USACE who execute operations similarly to Army team leaders. The traditional civilian training did not adequately prepare leadermen for their roles. The Memphis District worked with the Army Engineer School to adapt the Warrior Leader Course for leadermen. NCO instructors conducted 3 days of training focused on communication, problem solving, and time management. The training was a success and benefited both the leadermen and NCO instructors through exposure to different work and professional development opportunities. The Memphis District plans to continue the training program.
Veg choice-menu-standarddiligentinfosystemsThis document provides a detailed menu listing over 100 vegetarian food items across categories like beverages, salads, snacks, sweets, rice dishes, curries and more that are available from Prism Event Management for catering events. It includes options for drinks, starters, main courses and desserts to provide a full vegetarian meal.
Життя та творчість Фредеріко Ґарсія Лорки та його.pptxmkiriluk553..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
28-од Затвердження програми Ключові компетентності учителя фізичної культури ...cprgoplКлючові компетентності учителя фізичної культури в
умовах дистанційного та змішаного навчання
Перша психологічна допомога. Курс для освітян.pptxssuser7541ef1Перша психологічна допомога. Курс для освітян. Зібрано психологом КУ "ЦПРПП Барської МР" Франчук Н.В.
16. Українські землі у складі Австро-Угорщини в другій половині XIX ст..pptxvojtovicbogdan82Після революції 1848—1849 рр. в Австрійській імперії формується фабрично-заводська промисловість.
1867 - прийнято Конституцію
1868 - унітарна Австрійська імперія перетворилася в дуальну (двоїсту) Австро-Угорську імперію, конституційну монархію.
Галичиною управляв австрійський намісник, край одержав обмежену внутрішню автономію.
1861 - у Львові розпочав свою роботу’ Галицький обласний сейм. Східна Галичина була об'єднана із Західною Галичиною в єдине Королівство Галіції і Лодомерії.
Case study plan branding 28sep maggioysterDigital MarketingThis document outlines a marketing proposal for relaunching Maggi Oyster sauce. It proposes creating an online platform with recipes, videos, and a community for women to share cooking tips using Maggi Oyster. The implementation section describes launching a teaser campaign, followed by a website with recipe collections, photo sharing, and a contest to engage users. It estimates the proposal will generate over 105,000 visits and 15,000 members in two months on a budget of 9 million VND, tracking success through metrics like visits, engagement, and fan growth.
One weird tip to Improve Collaboration - Matt Heusser/DAVID HOPPEagileandbeyondThe document discusses pairing as a strange tip for improving collaboration. Pairing involves two people working together on a task such as coding. The document suggests pairing can improve productivity as people can help each other and defend against being overpowered. It also notes pairing allows people to keep each other warm and helps one another up if they fall down.
Corps of EngineersShane PayneThe document discusses a training program for USACE Memphis District leadermen led by Army NCO instructors. Leadermen are first-line leaders in USACE who execute operations similarly to Army team leaders. The traditional civilian training did not adequately prepare leadermen for their roles. The Memphis District worked with the Army Engineer School to adapt the Warrior Leader Course for leadermen. NCO instructors conducted 3 days of training focused on communication, problem solving, and time management. The training was a success and benefited both the leadermen and NCO instructors through exposure to different work and professional development opportunities. The Memphis District plans to continue the training program.
Veg choice-menu-standarddiligentinfosystemsThis document provides a detailed menu listing over 100 vegetarian food items across categories like beverages, salads, snacks, sweets, rice dishes, curries and more that are available from Prism Event Management for catering events. It includes options for drinks, starters, main courses and desserts to provide a full vegetarian meal.
Життя та творчість Фредеріко Ґарсія Лорки та його.pptxmkiriluk553..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
28-од Затвердження програми Ключові компетентності учителя фізичної культури ...cprgoplКлючові компетентності учителя фізичної культури в
умовах дистанційного та змішаного навчання
Перша психологічна допомога. Курс для освітян.pptxssuser7541ef1Перша психологічна допомога. Курс для освітян. Зібрано психологом КУ "ЦПРПП Барської МР" Франчук Н.В.
16. Українські землі у складі Австро-Угорщини в другій половині XIX ст..pptxvojtovicbogdan82Після революції 1848—1849 рр. в Австрійській імперії формується фабрично-заводська промисловість.
1867 - прийнято Конституцію
1868 - унітарна Австрійська імперія перетворилася в дуальну (двоїсту) Австро-Угорську імперію, конституційну монархію.
Галичиною управляв австрійський намісник, край одержав обмежену внутрішню автономію.
1861 - у Львові розпочав свою роботу’ Галицький обласний сейм. Східна Галичина була об'єднана із Західною Галичиною в єдине Королівство Галіції і Лодомерії.
Довідник для бакалаврів ОПП «Економіка підприємства»tetiana1958Довідник для бакалаврів ОПП «Економіка підприємства».
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