I am a loser powerpoint 2lanahawiz1995The document discusses how the media product represents teenagers and social groups. Key aspects of representation discussed include location, gender, ethnicity, costume, class and age. Research was done on social realist films to determine how to accurately portray these aspects. The film aims to represent teenagers in tracksuits and hoodies to portray the stereotypical image. The main protagonist is mixed race to fit conventions. The location at the start shows a dreary working class area. Right-wing newspapers tend to portray teenagers more negatively, using words like "thugs" and "mobs", while the film aims to capture this representation of teenagers.
I am a loser powerpointlanahawiz1995The document discusses how the media product represents teenagers and social groups. Key aspects of representation discussed include location, gender, ethnicity, costume, class and age. Right-wing media tends to portray teenagers in a negative light, using headlines like "Thugs and Thieves" and describing them as "mobs" or threatening. The document's media product aims to represent teenagers consistently with these stereotypes through the protagonist's mixed ethnicity, hoodies and tracksuits as costume, and run-down locations. Researching films like Kidulthood informed the representations employed.
I am a loser powerpoint 2lanahawiz1995The document discusses how the media product represents teenagers and social groups. Key aspects of representation discussed include location, gender, ethnicity, costume, class and age. Research was done on social realist films to determine how to accurately portray these aspects. The film aims to represent teenagers in tracksuits and hoodies to portray the stereotypical image. The main protagonist is mixed race to fit conventions. The location at the start shows a dreary working class area. Right-wing newspapers tend to portray teenagers more negatively, using words like "thugs" and "mobs", while the film aims to capture this representation of teenagers.
I am a loser powerpointlanahawiz1995The document discusses how the media product represents teenagers and social groups. Key aspects of representation discussed include location, gender, ethnicity, costume, class and age. Right-wing media tends to portray teenagers in a negative light, using headlines like "Thugs and Thieves" and describing them as "mobs" or threatening. The document's media product aims to represent teenagers consistently with these stereotypes through the protagonist's mixed ethnicity, hoodies and tracksuits as costume, and run-down locations. Researching films like Kidulthood informed the representations employed.
I am a loser exlanahawiz1995This document discusses stereotypical representations of teenagers in media. It notes that teenagers are often portrayed negatively through their clothing (e.g. hoodies and tracksuits), ethnicity (e.g. mixed race), and settings (e.g. run-down estates). Right-wing newspapers in particular tend to represent teenagers as "thugs, thieves, mobs" and associate them with violence and danger. The document advocates portraying teenagers in a stereotypical manner to appeal to audiences, through clothing, settings, and characters, as seen in other "social realist" films about working-class youth. It argues this approach will help create a successful media product by drawing on research about common teenage representations.
I am a loser powerpoint 1lanahawiz1995The document discusses how the media product represents certain social groups. It focuses on teenagers and how they are commonly portrayed in social realism films and right-wing media. Specifically, it notes that the film aims to represent teenagers accurately by using locations, costumes, and characters that fit stereotypes - including having the main character be mixed race, using hoodies and tracksuits as costumes, and setting it in a working-class neighborhood shown at night. The document also analyzes how right-wing newspapers tend to portray teenagers more negatively through headlines calling them "thugs" and images showing them as reckless or threatening. The media product aims to align with these typical representations of teenagers.
Evaluation Question 2lanahawiz1995The document discusses how the media product represents teenagers and social groups. Key aspects of representation discussed include location, gender, ethnicity, costume, class and age. Right-wing media tends to portray teenagers in a negative light, using headlines like "Thugs and Thieves" and describing them as "Mobs". The document's media product aims to represent teenagers consistently with these stereotypes through the protagonist's mixed ethnicity, working-class location, and costumes like hoodies and tracksuits. Researching films like Kidulthood informed the representations employed.
Hiperlinks.palourdinha2014This document contains a list of 10 links related to government and educational institutions in Santarém, Brazil. The links include the Federal University of Pará, the State Department of Education of Pará, the Department of Traffic of Pará, the Federal University of Pará campus in Santarém, the Municipal Prefecture of Santarém, the Ministry of Education, and a portal for civil servants.
Finallanahawiz1995The document discusses how the media product represents social groups like teenagers. Research was done on social realist films and how they portray working class characters, locations, costumes, ethnicity and gender. The film aims to match these representations by having the main character be mixed race, using an estate as the location, and costumes like hoodies and tracksuits. Right-wing media often portrays teenagers more negatively compared to left-wing media, using words like "thugs" and associating them with violence and crime. Representing teenagers in a way that fits social stereotypes may help the media product appeal to its intended teenage audience.
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I am a loser exlanahawiz1995This document discusses stereotypical representations of teenagers in media. It notes that teenagers are often portrayed negatively through their clothing (e.g. hoodies and tracksuits), ethnicity (e.g. mixed race), and settings (e.g. run-down estates). Right-wing newspapers in particular tend to represent teenagers as "thugs, thieves, mobs" and associate them with violence and danger. The document advocates portraying teenagers in a stereotypical socially realistic style to appeal to teenage audiences, including through choices of costumes, locations, and characters' attributes.
Evaluation Criteria 2lanahawiz1995This document discusses how media represents teenagers and different social groups. It analyzes the portrayal of teenagers in both left-wing and right-wing UK newspapers. Right-wing newspapers tend to portray teenagers in a more negative light, focusing on stereotypes like hoodies, tracksuits, and troubled neighborhoods. The document also discusses how the filmmakers represented teenagers in their own media product by dressing actors in dark costumes, using a mixed-race protagonist, and filming in a run-down neighborhood setting to match stereotypes commonly seen in other "social realism" films about working-class British youth.
Wi tricityHari PrasadThis document discusses wireless power transfer, also known as witricity. It provides background on early pioneers in wireless power like Nikola Tesla. Witricity works through inductive coupling or resonant induction to transfer power over short or medium ranges. Longer range transfer is possible through electromagnetic waves. Witricity offers advantages like eliminating cables but faces obstacles in penetrating materials like metal. The future potential applications include wirelessly charging electrical vehicles and consumer electronics without plugging them in.
EVALUATION 2lanahawiz1995The document discusses how the media product represents certain social groups. It focuses on teenagers and how they are commonly portrayed in social realism films and right-wing media. Specifically, it notes that the film aims to represent teenagers accurately by using locations, costumes, and characters that fit stereotypes - including having the main character be a mixed-race teenager in a hoodie. Right-wing newspapers tend to portray teenagers more negatively through headlines calling them "thugs" and "mobs" and images showing them as careless or dangerous. By capturing these elements of representation, the media product aims to match the portrayal of teenagers in other similar films and media.
Mundial brasil 2014cristianpy681El documento lista los nombres de países y jugadores de fútbol de diferentes nacionalidades. Menciona países como España, Italia, Inglaterra, Camerún e Irán, y jugadores como Radamel Falcao de Colombia, Segundo Alejando Castillo de Ecuador, Frank Ribery de Francia, Luis Montes de México y Mario Gómez de Alemania.
Bases de datos NoSQL Multi-Modelos, caso de estudio: OrientDBWilmer GonzalezEste documento presenta un resumen de OrientDB, una base de datos NoSQL multi-modelo. Describe los conceptos básicos de las bases de datos NoSQL, incluyendo la arquitectura poli-glota y las arquitecturas lambda. Luego profundiza en el caso de estudio de OrientDB, una base de datos desarrollada desde 1998 que soporta múltiples modelos como documentos y grafos dentro de su motor de almacenamiento nativo. Finalmente, compara OrientDB con otras bases de datos y resume sus ventajas.
Cognitive strategiesswetegirlThe document outlines various cognitive strategies that language learners can use to help them learn more successfully, including: planning tasks and checking comprehension, using background knowledge and making predictions, personalizing information, applying knowledge of other languages, substituting or paraphrasing unknown words, using images or kinesthetic senses, finding and applying patterns, taking notes, using graphic organizers, accessing information sources, cooperating with others, and self-talk. The strategies involve deliberately manipulating language through various techniques like repetition, organization, summarization, and guessing meaning from context.
Community ophthalmologySatish JeriaThis document summarizes information about community ophthalmology and the National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB) in India. It discusses the basic principles of community ophthalmology, types of blindness, goals of the NPCB program, and strategies to reduce blindness prevalence such as cataract surgery programs and health education. The global Vision 2020 initiative to eliminate avoidable blindness is also summarized.
Corneal topographySatish JeriaThe cornea is the main refractive element of the eye, contributing 70% of the eye's refractive power. Even minor changes to its shape can significantly alter the image formed on the retina. The cornea has an elliptical anterior surface and a circular posterior surface. It varies in thickness from center to periphery. Corneal topography is used to map the shape of the cornea using various techniques such as Placido disk, elevation-based, and Scheimpflug imaging. Topography provides quantitative data on corneal curvature, thickness, and irregularities that aid in diagnosing conditions like keratoconus.
Rol iskusstva v_velikoy_otechestvennoy_voyne (3)DimaPupkinОдержать победу над фашизмом в Советском Союзе помогали не только военное мастерство и техника, но также боевой и моральный дух солдат. В сохранении этого боевого духа особую роль играло искусство, которое даже в годы войны не переставало быть нужным для людей. В то время важным было каждое направление: живопись, кинематограф, литература, музыка — все это внесло свой вклад в преодолении силы захватчиков.
Отраженье минувших днейАнастасия ШумскихАлтайская краевая детская библиотека им. Н. К. Крупской формирует свои фонды с 1920-х годов путем кропотливого и тщательного отбора изданий, представляющих историческую и культурную ценность. Наша библиотека обладает не только уникальным фондом, но, подчас, и поистине незаурядными книгами.
2. 15 марта ему исполняется 90 лет. Родился он
в семье юриста, в городе Орске
Оренбургской области.
В 1931 году семья Бондаревых переехала в
Москву. Детство его прошло довольно обычно
- обычная юношеская жизнь с ее радостями и
огорчениями. В ряде его интересов большое
место всегда занимали книги. Этому во
многом способствовала мать. Так и
протекала бы жизнь, если бы не война. Она
расставила все по своим местам, и главное
испытание характера будущий писатель
получил именно на войне.
3. В 1941 году комсомолец Бондарев вместе
с тысячами юных москвичей участвовал в
сооружении оборонительных укреплений
под Смоленском. Окончив школу(1942),
прошел обучение в пехотном училище и
был направлен на фронт, под Сталинград.
Фронтовой путь Бондарева отмечен
боевыми наградами: орденом
Отечественной войны I степени, двумя
медалями "За отвагу", медалями "За
оборону Сталинграда", "За победу над
Германией", польскими медалями. На
войне он вступил в Коммунистическую
партию и оставался в ее рядах до 1991
4. Именно на фронте в
сознание Ю. Бондарева
окончательно вошли
кристально чистые и
ясные заповеди любви к
Родине, порядочности,
верности. И там же, на
войне, писатель понял
главное: "человек
рождается для любви, а
не для ненависти"
5. После войны Юрий Бондарев поступил в
Литературный институт. Он быстро стал
популярным писателем и был одним из
самых печатаемых советских авторов.
Первое произведение вышло в печать в
1949 году. Затем было несколько книг, из
которых наиболее известны книги о
войне: "Батальоны просят огня", "Горячий
снег", "Последние залпы", "Тишина" и
многие другие.
В 1963 году Юрий Бондарев был принят в
Союз кинематографистов. По всем этим
произведениям написаны сценарии и
сняты кинофильмы. Юрий Бондарев
принимал участие в написании почти всех
сценариев. Надо отметить, что
произведения Бондарева переведены
более чем на 70 языков.
6. По его произведениям сняты художественные
фильмы "Последние залпы", "Тишина", "Горячий
снег", "Батальоны просят огня", "Берег", "Выбор".
По его сценарию снята эпопея "Освобождение. Как
одному из авторов сценария фильмов "Освобождение"
в 1972 году Ю. В. Бондареву была присуждена
Ленинская премия. Бондарев является лауреатом
множества премий и имеет много наград.
Наряду с творчеством он ведет и активную
общественную деятельность, являлся членом
редколлегии, редактором раздела литературы и
критики "Литературной газеты.
В настоящее время Ю. В. Бондарев - действительный
член Русской, Международной славянской и
Пушкинской академий, а также Академии российской
словесности. Он избран почетным профессором
Государственного открытого педагогического
7. В людях писатель чрезвычайно ценит
добропорядочность: "Это значит уметь
быть сдержанным, уметь слушать
собеседника (великое достоинство в
общении людей), не переступать границы
гнева, а именно - уметь владеть собой, не
опоздать прийти на зов о помощи в чужой
беде, уметь быть благодарным..."