Round Corner Social MediaHridyesh BasallThis document discusses social media and its importance. Social media refers to activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and sharing of content like words, pictures, videos and audio. It allows people to easily share and comment on media at low or no cost. Two thirds of internet users globally visit social media. Popular social media platforms include Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Flickr and Twitter. The document discusses why social media is important for communication, delivering services, and consulting as it is cost-effective, instantaneous and responsive. It provides some usage statistics and concludes by discussing why colleges invest in social media for purposes like creating awareness, encouraging connections, and building strong alumni relations.
Round Corner Social MediaHridyesh BasallThis document discusses social media and its importance. Social media refers to activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and sharing of content like words, pictures, videos and audio. It allows people to easily share and comment on media at low or no cost. Two thirds of internet users globally visit social media. Popular social media platforms include Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Flickr and Twitter. The document discusses why social media is important for communication, delivering services, and consulting as it is cost-effective, instantaneous and responsive. It provides some usage statistics and concludes by discussing why colleges invest in social media for purposes like creating awareness, encouraging connections, and building strong alumni relations.
T&dritusharma8899721) Training is important for employees and companies to adapt to changing job demands and technologies. It increases employee skills, knowledge, and performance to benefit both employees and employers.
2) For employees, training enables career growth through promotions and job changes, increases productivity and job satisfaction, and makes them more employable. For companies, training reduces costs from mistakes and accidents, increases productivity and quality, and improves employee loyalty and retention.
3) Effective training follows learning principles like modeling good behaviors, motivating employees by emphasizing relevance, and providing feedback and reinforcement to solidify learning. When implemented properly, training benefits all stakeholders.
Presentation1 (7)AnushikNikoghosyanRabfan is a fantastic rabbit that is very clever and obedient. It can run, jump, and help prepare dishes in the kitchen. While it weighs 4 kilograms, it is still very strong and can lift objects up to 3 kilograms. Rabfan enjoys playing games like hide and seek, basketball, and volleyball. This document was a story about Rabfan the rabbit prepared by Anushik Nikoghosyan from the 7-2 class.
Legal Practicing as a Freelance DesignerinkCreativeStudioThis document discusses the legal protections and considerations for freelance graphic designers. It compares working at an agency versus freelancing, and outlines steps for starting a freelance career like gaining experience, setting hours, creating a portfolio, and networking. The document also recommends freelancers use contracts that specify payment terms to protect themselves legally and ask how to structure contracts, request payment, and save time.
Cybertron pc slayer ii gaming pc (blue)LilianaSuriThe CybertronPC Slayer II Gaming PC is a high-performance gaming desktop with the following key features:
1. It is powered by an Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz quad-core processor that can be overclocked, along with 16GB of RAM and a 1TB hard drive.
2. It includes an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti graphics card with 1GB of VRAM for powerful gaming.
3. Additional features include a Blu-ray/DVD burner, liquid cooling, LED fan control, and a 600W power supply. It is designed to provide both powerful performance and a quiet gaming experience.
Reseachpoo999The document discusses factors that influence students' selection of an MBA institute in Gujarat, India. It analyzes various factors through a survey of 150 students. Key factors included placement activities, infrastructure like computer labs, faculty experience, career goals, and university reputation. Placement activities, past records, faculty experience, and specialized courses were most influential. Factors like extracurricular activities, advertisements, and quotas were less important in students' selection decisions. The study aims to help universities understand what matters most to MBA applicants.
Apploi WhitepaperwilliaminnovatecvThe document discusses high turnover rates in the hospitality industry and how this negatively impacts productivity and profits. It argues that traditional resumes are ineffective for evaluating service industry candidates because they do not assess interpersonal skills or "hospitality quotient," which are most important. The document cites Danny Meyer's emphasis on hiring employees with strong emotional intelligence over technical skills alone. It concludes that new recruiting technologies should assess personality and qualifications beyond resumes to improve hiring and reduce turnover in the hospitality sector.
Comportamientos digitalesLuisaJuyaEste documento presenta 10 comportamientos digitales fundamentales: 1) Respeto, 2) Libertad, 3) Identidad, 4) Integridad, 5) Intimidad, 6) Autonomía, 7) Calidad de vida, 8) Cuidado y acompañamiento, 9) Respeto por la ley, y 10) Derechos de autor. Cada comportamiento incluye enlaces a sitios web relacionados con el tema.
максим горькийOlga GolubevaПрезентация посвящена жизни и творчеству Максима Горького. Автор - учитель русского языка
и литературы МОУ
Поповской СОШ Нагорная С.А.
Их именами названы улицы Вологды. Часть 1OpenLibrary35"Их именами названы улицы Вологды. Часть 1". Материал подготовлен Вологодской областной юношеской библиотекой им. В. Ф. Тендяркова.
Presentation1 (7)AnushikNikoghosyanRabfan is a fantastic rabbit that is very clever and obedient. It can run, jump, and help prepare dishes in the kitchen. While it weighs 4 kilograms, it is still very strong and can lift objects up to 3 kilograms. Rabfan enjoys playing games like hide and seek, basketball, and volleyball. This document was a story about Rabfan the rabbit prepared by Anushik Nikoghosyan from the 7-2 class.
Presentation1 AnushikNikoghosyanThe document describes a pet that can run, jump, sit, and jump on command. It likes carrots and can help prepare dishes using its strength to lift up to 3 kilograms despite weighing 4 kilograms itself. The document was written by Anushik Nikoghosyan, a student in the 7-2 class.
2. Биография
Родился 29 июля (10 августа н.с.) в Полтаве в
семье художника. После окончания
гимназии в Петербурге в 1913 поступил на
юридический факультет Петербургского
университета. Начавшаяся мировая война
прервала обучение. В 1915, закончив
ускоренные военные курсы, Зощенко ушел
на фронт. Участвовал во многих боях, был
ранен и отравлен газами. Имел четыре
боевых ордена.
6. В апреле 1919 был демобилизован по болезни
сердца и начал службу следователем в
Уголовном надзоре. В 1920 поступил в
Петроградский военный порт
делопроизводителем, с этого времени стал
заниматься литературной деятельностью. В 1922
вышла первая книга рассказов М. Зощенко
"Рассказы Назара Ильича, господина
Синебрюхова", затем следует целый ряд
сборников рассказов: "Сентиментальные
повести" (1923 — 36), "Голубая книга"
(1935), "Исторические повести" и др. Всего с
1922 до 1946 насчитывается 91 издание и
переиздание его книг.
9. • В этом же году закончил повесть "Перед восходом
солнца", которая подверглась самой резкой критике.
• В 1944 — 1946 много работал для театров. Две его комедии были
поставлены в Ленинградском драматическом театре, одна из
которых — "Парусиновый портфель"— выдержала 200
представлений за год.
11. • В период 1946 — 1953 писатель
главным образом занимался
переводческой деятельностью.
• В июле 1953 Зощенко был вновь
принят в Союз писателей. В последние
годы жизни печатался в журналах
"Крокодил" и "Огонек".
• Умер М. Зощенко в Ленинграде 22
июля 1958, похоронен в Сестрорецке.