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The document discusses the increasing focus on sustainability in the agri-food sector. Major companies like Unilever have announced ambitious sustainability goals to cut CO2 emissions, water use, and waste production in half over the next decade while doubling revenue. Sustainability has become a competitive advantage as consumers increasingly demand more sustainable options. Though the concept of sustainability has existed since the 1980s, high-profile events like Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth brought greater attention to issues like climate change in recent years, driving more action from companies. NGOs also play a role in improving sustainability in food chains by advocating for issues and running pilot projects.
- The document analyzes recent evidence that human evolution through positive selection has accelerated greatly in the last 40,000 years, especially since the development of agriculture 10,000 years ago.
- Using data from the HapMap project, the authors estimate selection rates and allele ages that indicate much more rapid adaptation than would be expected from a constant selection rate over human history.
- However, a constant high rate of adaptation is inconsistent with observed levels of human genetic diversity and the number of amino acid changes between humans and chimpanzees. The evidence supports a model where increasing human population size has accelerated the rate of adaptive evolution.
This document discusses cell perforation using pulsed electric fields (PEF) to preserve fresh juice. It notes that microbes are naturally present in fresh juice and can exponentially grow, potentially causing foodborne illness outbreaks. The document then explains that applying a pulsed electric field to the juice using PEF technology creates an electric field distribution that perforates microbe cell membranes, immediately eliminating their viability. The result is healthy juice with an extended shelf-life of 21-60 days without refrigeration.
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and (@toptechtalks)
This study compared the effects of pulsed electric field (PEF) processing and high-temperature short-time (HTST) thermal pasteurization on the shelf life and quality attributes of apple juice. Apple juice treated with both methods was analyzed for microbial growth and quality changes over 168 days of storage. PEF processing was less effective at reducing microbial counts compared to HTST, but maintained better color and sensory qualities closer to fresh juice. While HTST provided greater microbial safety, PEF processing has potential as a non-thermal alternative for maintaining nutritional and sensory qualities of fruit juices if further design improvements can enhance its microbial inactivation effectiveness to meet food safety standards.
This document discusses electrode material migration during pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment of foods. It provides background on how PEF treatment works to inactivate microbes while retaining food quality, but can also lead to undesirable electrochemical reactions and migration of metals from electrodes into the food. The document describes previous research that has studied this problem and suggested ways to control it, such as through pulse parameters and electrode material selection. It then outlines an experimental setup and samples that will be used to further investigate the effect of pulse characteristics and solution pH on electrode material migration in aqueous solutions.
Lunchlezing op het ministerie van EZ te Den Haag over Disruptieve Innovatie, de transitie naar de 6e cyclus van kondratief, voedselinnovaties en voedseltechnologie. De grote PLOF's
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follow @deheij on twitter
Technical information:
The document provides information about TOP, a value based knowledge company that provides research and development services to the food industry. It summarizes that TOP has 25 employees, works with food producers and equipment manufacturers to commercialize novel technologies, and provides services in areas like food design, process development, and innovation management.
More information can be found on:
Pela natureza dos custos fixos, criou-se o Custeio Vari│vel onde s┏ custos vari│veis s?o agregados aos produtos. Isso gera lucros que acompanham as vendas, diferente do Custeio por Absor??o. Entretanto, o Custeio Vari│vel n?o └ aceito para balan?os externos por contrariar princ┴pios cont│beis. ? poss┴vel us│-lo internamente e ajust│-lo ao final do per┴odo.
1) O Concurso de Vitrines Kolonie tem como objetivo integrar o com└rcio de Nova Hartz com a tem│tica do 10o Festival Kolonie Hartz, decorando as vitrines.
2) O concurso └ promovido pela prefeitura e associa??o cultural de Nova Hartz, com apoio da C?mara de Dirigentes Lojistas, e premiar│ as melhores vitrines.
3) Os estabelecimentos comerciais de Nova Hartz podem participar mediante inscri??o at└ 16 de junho, e as vitrines ser?o avaliadas entre 27 a
際際滷s montados para trabalho com OBJETIVOS MERAMENTE PEDAG?GICOS para a disciplina M┴dias Sociais do UniCEUB.
Adriana Paula Crux┷n Marques
Jeanine de Assis Soares
J└ssyca Von Doelinger Borba
Marcelo Ribeiro Silva
Renan Felipe Moreira Liebl
D└couvrez Canvas, une nouvelle fonctionnalit└ excitante de la plateforme qui vous pemet d¨ex└cuter n¨importe quelle application Web, └crite en n¨importe quel langage, au sein de l¨interface utilisateur Salesforce.
Acc└dez de fa?on s└curis└e ┐ vos enregistrements Salesforce depuis les └crans de vos applications, profitez des fonctions de collaboration de Chatter et faites communiquer vos applications par un syst┬me de publication/souscription.
Transformez vos applications d¨entreprises existantes telles que SAP en applications collaboratives et cr└ez une exp└rience utilisateur homog┬ne et innovante.
More information on:
and (@toptechtalks)
This study compared the effects of pulsed electric field (PEF) processing and high-temperature short-time (HTST) thermal pasteurization on the shelf life and quality attributes of apple juice. Apple juice treated with both methods was analyzed for microbial growth and quality changes over 168 days of storage. PEF processing was less effective at reducing microbial counts compared to HTST, but maintained better color and sensory qualities closer to fresh juice. While HTST provided greater microbial safety, PEF processing has potential as a non-thermal alternative for maintaining nutritional and sensory qualities of fruit juices if further design improvements can enhance its microbial inactivation effectiveness to meet food safety standards.
This document discusses electrode material migration during pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment of foods. It provides background on how PEF treatment works to inactivate microbes while retaining food quality, but can also lead to undesirable electrochemical reactions and migration of metals from electrodes into the food. The document describes previous research that has studied this problem and suggested ways to control it, such as through pulse parameters and electrode material selection. It then outlines an experimental setup and samples that will be used to further investigate the effect of pulse characteristics and solution pH on electrode material migration in aqueous solutions.
Lunchlezing op het ministerie van EZ te Den Haag over Disruptieve Innovatie, de transitie naar de 6e cyclus van kondratief, voedselinnovaties en voedseltechnologie. De grote PLOF's
see more on:
follow @deheij on twitter
Technical information:
The document provides information about TOP, a value based knowledge company that provides research and development services to the food industry. It summarizes that TOP has 25 employees, works with food producers and equipment manufacturers to commercialize novel technologies, and provides services in areas like food design, process development, and innovation management.
More information can be found on:
Pela natureza dos custos fixos, criou-se o Custeio Vari│vel onde s┏ custos vari│veis s?o agregados aos produtos. Isso gera lucros que acompanham as vendas, diferente do Custeio por Absor??o. Entretanto, o Custeio Vari│vel n?o └ aceito para balan?os externos por contrariar princ┴pios cont│beis. ? poss┴vel us│-lo internamente e ajust│-lo ao final do per┴odo.
1) O Concurso de Vitrines Kolonie tem como objetivo integrar o com└rcio de Nova Hartz com a tem│tica do 10o Festival Kolonie Hartz, decorando as vitrines.
2) O concurso └ promovido pela prefeitura e associa??o cultural de Nova Hartz, com apoio da C?mara de Dirigentes Lojistas, e premiar│ as melhores vitrines.
3) Os estabelecimentos comerciais de Nova Hartz podem participar mediante inscri??o at└ 16 de junho, e as vitrines ser?o avaliadas entre 27 a
際際滷s montados para trabalho com OBJETIVOS MERAMENTE PEDAG?GICOS para a disciplina M┴dias Sociais do UniCEUB.
Adriana Paula Crux┷n Marques
Jeanine de Assis Soares
J└ssyca Von Doelinger Borba
Marcelo Ribeiro Silva
Renan Felipe Moreira Liebl
D└couvrez Canvas, une nouvelle fonctionnalit└ excitante de la plateforme qui vous pemet d¨ex└cuter n¨importe quelle application Web, └crite en n¨importe quel langage, au sein de l¨interface utilisateur Salesforce.
Acc└dez de fa?on s└curis└e ┐ vos enregistrements Salesforce depuis les └crans de vos applications, profitez des fonctions de collaboration de Chatter et faites communiquer vos applications par un syst┬me de publication/souscription.
Transformez vos applications d¨entreprises existantes telles que SAP en applications collaboratives et cr└ez une exp└rience utilisateur homog┬ne et innovante.