М.П.Мусоргский "Картинки с выставки"ДШИ Рубцовского районаМодест Петрович Мусоргский Картинки с выставки
Автор презентации: ИГНАТЬЕВА Алина ученица 7 класса ДШИ Рубцовского района
Преподаватель : Колотова А.А.
Drupal commerceVasil BoychevThe document discusses using Drupal Commerce as an e-commerce platform. It provides statistics on internet usage globally and in specific regions to demonstrate the potential for online shopping. Finally, it promotes Drupal Commerce as an option for an e-commerce system, highlighting its adaptable, community-driven and fully-featured nature.
Whole Person Risk ModelingHaystax TechnologyPresentation delivered by Bryan Ware, CTO at Haystax Technology at The Research Board Symposium on Information Risk Management in NYC. This presentation provides an overview of the importance of this approach. Contact the author for a more detailed explanation of the approach.
Haystax Technology - About UsHaystax TechnologyNext generation analytics and cybersecurity solutions that takes a holistic approach to enabling, protecting, managing and supporting mission critical enterprise systems.
М.П.Мусоргский "Картинки с выставки"ДШИ Рубцовского районаМодест Петрович Мусоргский Картинки с выставки
Автор презентации: ИГНАТЬЕВА Алина ученица 7 класса ДШИ Рубцовского района
Преподаватель : Колотова А.А.
Drupal commerceVasil BoychevThe document discusses using Drupal Commerce as an e-commerce platform. It provides statistics on internet usage globally and in specific regions to demonstrate the potential for online shopping. Finally, it promotes Drupal Commerce as an option for an e-commerce system, highlighting its adaptable, community-driven and fully-featured nature.
Whole Person Risk ModelingHaystax TechnologyPresentation delivered by Bryan Ware, CTO at Haystax Technology at The Research Board Symposium on Information Risk Management in NYC. This presentation provides an overview of the importance of this approach. Contact the author for a more detailed explanation of the approach.
Haystax Technology - About UsHaystax TechnologyNext generation analytics and cybersecurity solutions that takes a holistic approach to enabling, protecting, managing and supporting mission critical enterprise systems.
American mfgfrancisco_cervantesCompany Information
American Mfg Company is a quality manufacturer of replacement parts for the wide variety of mud pumps, centrifugal pumps, drilling rigs, and swivels found on the World market today.
American's manufacturing plant is located in beautiful St. Joseph, Minnesota in America's heartland. A highly trained staff uses state-of-the-art equipment and proven quality control methods to produce the finest pump replacement parts found in the market today.
Our pump parts are used in many different industries including the water well, oilfield, geothermal and horizontal directional drilling industries. Every part we make is manufactured to standards equal or exceeding those of the O.E.M.
Sponda Financial Results Q1 2015 presentation 050515SpondaPlcSponda reported its Q1 2015 financial results. Occupancy rates were stable at 86.8% and cash flow from operations was strong despite property divestments. One development project was completed in Ruoholahti and a large new project, the Ratina shopping centre, started in Tampere. Property values in Finland were stable but declined in Russia due to temporary rent reductions. Sponda will continue its strategy of non-core property disposals and investing in prime properties in Helsinki and Tampere.
Sponda Results presentation Q4 2015SpondaPlcSponda reported its financial results for 2015. Key highlights included:
- The occupancy rate increased to 87.7% in Q4 2015.
- Sponda acquired six office properties and Forum Shopping Centre in Helsinki for EUR 576 million.
- Sponda's priorities for 2016 are to increase occupancy rates, continue non-core property divestments and core acquisitions, and maintain stable cash flow per share.
Literacy powerpointcchantellemunroThe narrator goes for a walk on a lovely day, exploring over a hill and through a gate, but becomes tired and sits down to rest by a relaxing stream. They fall asleep and have a strange dream about being lost and trying to find their way home while being chased by dogs. Upon waking, the narrator finds something strange in their hand.
Exploiting inference to improve temporal RDF annotations and queries for mach...Haystax TechnologyWe argue for time points with zero real-world
duration as a best ontological practice in point- and intervalbased
temporal representation and reasoning. We demonstrate
anomalies that unavoidably arise in the event calculus when realworld
time intervals corresponding to finest anticipated calendar
units (e.g., days or seconds, per application granularity) are taken
(naively or for implementation convenience) to be time “points.”
Our approach to eliminating the undesirable anomalies admits
durations of infinitesimal extent as the lower and/or upper
bounds that may constrain two time points’ juxtaposition.
Following Dean and McDermott, we exhibit axioms for temporal
constraint propagation that generalize corresponding naïve
axioms by treating infinitesimals as orthogonal first-class
quantities and we appeal to complex number arithmetic
(supported by programming languages such as Lisp) for
straightforward implementation. The resulting anomaly-free
operation is critical to effective event calculus application in
commonsense understanding applications, like machine reading.
Haystax Carbon for Insider Threat ManagementHaystax TechnologyHaystax offers the Carbon platform for insider threat management. Carbon uses a whole person Bayesian model incorporating multiple data sources and expert judgments to provide a contextual risk rating. It mathematically models adjudicative guidelines and prioritizes risks to focus investigative resources. Carbon improves over traditional rules-based detection systems that generate too many false alarms by analyzing an individual's pattern of life over time through its integrated model.
Mega Holdings prasentationenverayyildizThis document describes a hybrid multi-level marketing plan. Members earn commissions from sales in their organization across multiple levels, with higher levels providing larger commissions from more groups. Reaching higher levels exponentially increases total income potential. The plan aims to provide financial freedom and help members make a positive impact.
Ahuakate hezurretik abiatuz...AiturbietaJakin nahi duzu zer gertatzen zaion ahuakate hezur bati, ur-ingurune batean jarri ondoren? Proba ezazu!
facebook mMoya01Facebook fue creado por Mark Zuckerberg como un sitio para estudiantes de Harvard pero se expandió para cualquier persona con una cuenta de correo, actualmente tiene más de 900 millones de miembros en 70 idiomas y es más popular en Brasil, India, Indonesia, México y EE.UU.; también ha adquirido Instagram por $1,000 millones e WhatsApp por $16,000 millones para expandirse a mensajería móvil.
First class presentation GE14 G01 Jan 6th - Feb 26thUniversidad Virtual LiverpoolThis document provides information about an English course being offered from January 6th to February 26th, 2015. It is taught by Deborah Ann Estes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30-9:00. Students must be punctual as absences are limited to 20%. The course will use the book "Top Notch 3 Units 4-6" and be evaluated based on a final exam, daily MEC exercises, oral interaction, and a writing project. Students will need their employee ID and password to access the MEC system for assignments. Over the course, students will learn to discuss topics like reading habits, natural disasters, and life plans.
The Future of Advanced AnalyticsHaystax TechnologyApplying advanced analytic techniques to enable rapid real-time enterprise threat intelligence and awareness. This presentation looks at how data + algorithms can help enterprises improve their overall threat posture.
Processing Events in Probabilistic Risk AssessmentHaystax TechnologyHaystax Technology Labs presentation of white-paper on advanced threat analytics at 9th International Semantic Technologies Intelligence for Defense and Security (STIDS)
FINAL PR Portfolio ݺߣs Jaclyn FreedmanThis document appears to be a list of gaming and technology websites and publications with numbers next to them that may represent page views, followers, or some other metric. The list includes Forbes, Engadget, AZ Republic, Kotaku, Game Informer, Joystiq, and Twitter with the word "love" at the end.
Comparatives and SuperlativesUniversidad Virtual LiverpoolThe document discusses how to form comparatives in English using -er and more. It provides rules for adding -er or more to adjectives based on their syllable count and endings. Examples are given for adjectives that take -er versus those that take more, as well as irregular forms like good/better and bad/worse. The document concludes with practice examples applying the comparative rules.
Importance of pdhpelolfegThe document discusses the importance of physical education (PE) and personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) lessons for students. It states that these lessons promote safety awareness, help students develop cognitive reasoning, and allow students to recognize their strengths and weaknesses through confronting challenges. By participating in PE, students can strengthen relationships with peers, take on diverse roles, and develop skills like resolving conflicts. The document emphasizes that both PDHPE in school and a healthy education at home are necessary for students' well-being and active lifestyles.
Жанровая палитра музыкального искусстваШахтерская ОШ 19Теоретический материал по теме "Музыкальное искусство" для 9 классов общеобразовательной школы по предмету "Художественная культура"
Музыкальная живопись и живописная музыкаEkaterinaАвтор: Левагина Елена Васильевна
МОУ СОШ № 7 г. Петровска Саратовской области
Ссылка: http://pedsovet.su/load/120-1-0-5282
2. Опера
Опера (ит. opera - действие, произведение, от лат. opus -
труд, творение) - жанр музыкального искусства,
включающий драматическое действие, пение и танцы,
сопровождаемые оркестровой музыкой, а также
живописно-декоративное оформление.
Оперное произведение слагается из сольных эпизодов -
арий, речитативов, а также ансамблей, хоров, балетных
сцен, самостоятельных оркестровых номеров. Опера
делится на акты и картины.
Как самостоятельный жанр Опера распространилась в
Европе в XVII веке, в России - с середины XVIII века.
(итал. operetta, букв. — маленькая опера),
музыкально-театральный жанр, представление преимущественно
комедийного характера, в котором вокальные и инструментальные
музыкальные номера, а также танцы перемежаются диалогами.
Оперетта сложилась в Париже к сер. 19 в.
Для ранних образцов характерны сатирическая направленность,
злободневность, позднее большое значение приобретают лирическое
и жанровое начала.
В кон. 19 — нач. 20 вв. ведущее положение занимает венская
оперетта. Свои школы оперетты сложились и в других странах.
Среди мастеров оперетты: композиторы Ж. Оффенбах, Ш. Лекок, Ф.
Зуппе, И. Штраус-сын, Ф. Легар, Р. Планкет, И. Кальман; Н. М.
Стрельников, Б. А. Александров, И. О. Дунаевский, Г. С.
Милютин, Д. Д. Шостакович