The document discusses importing ambient sound files and setting up triggers for other sounds in a game world created in UDK. Ambient sounds were imported as sound waves and placed in specific areas represented by blue circles to play depending on the player's location. Triggers were also set up using Kismet so that additional sounds would play when the player enters designated areas surrounded by green wire frames.
EclipseCon Eu 2015 - Breathe life into your Designer!melbats
You have your shiny new DSL up and running thanks to the Eclipse Modeling Technologies and you built a powerful tooling with graphical modelers, textual syntaxes or dedicated editors to support it. But how can you see what is going on when a model is executed ? Don't you need to simulate your design in some way ? Wouldn't you want to see your editors being animated directly within your modeling environment based on execution traces or simulator results?
The GEMOC Research Project designed a methodology to bring animation and execution analysis to DSLs. The companion technologies required to put this in action are small dedicated components (all open-source) at a "proof of concept" maturity level extending proven components : Sirius, Eclipse Debug, Xtend making such features within the reach of Eclipse based tooling. The general intent regarding those OSS technologies is to leverage them within different contexts and contribute them to Eclipse once proven strong enough. The method covers a large spectrum of use cases from DSLs with a straightforward execution semantic to a combination of different DSLs with concurrent execution semantic. Any tool provider can leverage both the technologies and the method to provide an executable DSL and animated graphical modelers to its users enabling simulation and debugging at an early phase of the design.
This talk presents the approach, the technologies and demonstrate it through an example: providing Eclipse Debug integration and diagram animation capabilities for Arduino Designer (EPL) : setting breakpoints, stepping forward or backward in the execution, inspecting the variables states... We will walk you through the steps required to develop such features, the choices to make and the trade-offs involved. Expects live demos with simulated blinking leds and a virtual cat robot !
SiriusCon 2015 - Breathe Life into Your Designer!melbats
You have your shiny new DSL up and running thanks to the Eclipse Modeling Technologies and you built a powerful tooling with graphical modelers, textual syntaxes or dedicated editors to support it. But how can you see what is going on when a model is executed ? Don't you need to simulate your design in some way ? Wouldn't you want to see your editors being animated directly within your modeling environment based on execution traces or simulator results?
The GEMOC Research Project designed a methodology to bring animation and execution analysis to DSLs. The companion technologies required to put this in action are small dedicated components (all open-source) at a "proof of concept" maturity level extending proven components : Sirius, Eclipse Debug, Xtend making such features within the reach of Eclipse based tooling. The general intent regarding those OSS technologies is to leverage them within different contexts and contribute them to Eclipse once proven strong enough. The method covers a large spectrum of use cases from DSLs with a straightforward execution semantic to a combination of different DSLs with concurrent execution semantic. Any tool provider can leverage both the technologies and the method to provide an executable DSL and animated graphical modelers to its users enabling simulation and debugging at an early phase of the design.
This talk presents the approach, the technologies and demonstrate it through an example: providing Eclipse Debug integration and diagram animation capabilities for Arduino Designer (EPL) : setting breakpoints, stepping forward or backward in the execution, inspecting the variables states... We will walk you through the steps required to develop such features, the choices to make and the trade-offs involved. Expects live demos with simulated blinking leds and a virtual cat robot ! This talks presents also xCapella an industrial use case onwhich the Gemoc methodology was applied.
This talks was presented at SiriusCon 2015 in collaboration with J¨¦r?me Le Noir from Thales.
The Arduino Designer documentation is available on :
EclipseCon Europe 2013 - Turning Eclipse into an Arduino programming platform...melbats
<em>"Daddy, daddy, how does a computer work?"</em>
We're used to say that curiosity is a bad habit but it is nonetheless one of the greatest strenghts of kids: they are eager to learn. Learn how a computer works, how one can build an application for a phone or a tablet, how one can create a video game. The best answer is probably to give them the tools to discover by themselves the answer to those questions.
Eclipse is used by hundreds of thousands of adults for programming activies, so why not by kids? How to turn Eclipse into a programming environment for kids?
This talk will present our approach and thoughts to simplify the Eclipse user interface for usage by kids. We will show how we created, thanks to <a>Sirius</a>, an easy-to-use and natural graphical tool to let kids discover programming.
A demonstration will present a prototype of a development environment that allows to program an Arduino using a simple and graphical block-based language.
EclipseCon France 2016 - Sirius 4.0: Let me Sirius that for you!melbats
- Sirius 4.0 was presented at EclipseCon France in June 2016, with new features including improved internationalization, SVG rendering, and integration with EMF Edit.
- Statistics on Sirius development were provided, with 10 active committers, 84 fixed bugs, and over 900 commits in the last year.
- The talk demonstrated how to define customizable properties views for complex Ecore models in Sirius using dynamic mappings based on property types. This allows automatically generating appropriate widgets without defining each one individually.
This presentation discusses the financial services sector in India. It outlines the role of the sector in facilitating investment and lending, as well as savings and income generation. Key segments of the market like retail brokerage are examined. The presentation also explores the exponential growth of banking, insurance, and financial markets in India, driven by factors like rising household income, savings rates, needs for innovative products, and technological advances. It concludes that India's favorable demographics and high savings position the financial services industry for continued strong growth and increased employment in coming years.
This talk was given at CESEC 2015 which is a Summer School on Critical Embedded Systems:
These slides present the Arduino Designer why and how we develop it with Eclipse Sirius:
It presents also the Eclipse Sirius Animation feature:
EclipseCon NA 2015 - Arduino designer : the making of!melbats
Video :
What brings together a model, a microcontroller and a cat ?
The Arduino Designer ! Last year, we demoed this new modeler which allows kids to easily write programs for Arduino platforms using a visual tool. The purpose of this new talk is to unveil the making-of of this modeler, by detailing how it is possible to quickly develop such a simple dedicated modeler thanks to Sirius.
We¡¯ll start by explaining how to use Sirius to create graphical editors such as the ones provided by the Arduino Designer. Then we¡¯ll see how to simplify the Eclipse UI to keep the minimum useful interactions for an RCP application dedicated to kids. Finally, we¡¯ll discuss how to integrate the modeler with a code generator and how to combine it with the Arduino tools to build and upload software into the Arduino hardware platform.
Join this session, and discover the power of graphical designers, the simplicity of creating new ones and integrating them with existing tools!
This document presents a case study on medical tourism between the USA and India. It applies David Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage to show how both countries can benefit from trade in medical services. The USA has higher costs for dental implants and crowns, while India has a comparative advantage in these procedures. If each country specializes according to its comparative costs, total global production of these services increases. Specialization allows the USA to import affordable dental care from India, while India exports these services. This demonstrates how trade based on comparative advantage can create gains for both countries.
This document provides information about luxury retail distribution in India. It discusses the breakdown of luxury spending across various categories as well as important factors like location that influence luxury retail operations. Several luxury retail malls and brands setting up operations in India are mentioned, including Phoenix Market City mall which operates across multiple Indian cities and is one of the largest malls in the country. Challenges for international luxury brands entering the Indian market are also summarized.