The Director of Health & Human Services is responsible for developing, administering, and directing a comprehensive range of programs that address mental health, public health, child welfare, elderly services, disability services, veterans services, and other social services. The Director oversees the preparation of budgets, purchasing of contracted services, coordination of funding and grant activities, and provision of public health and mental health services. The Director also represents the County on committees, interacts with state officials, and directs staff and emergency preparedness planning.
The Director of Health & Human Services is responsible for developing, administering, and directing a comprehensive range of programs that address mental health, public health, child welfare, elderly services, disability services, veterans services, and other social services. The Director oversees the preparation of budgets, purchasing of contracted services, coordination of funding and grant activities, and provision of public health and mental health services. The Director also represents the County on committees, interacts with state officials, and directs staff and emergency preparedness planning.
140616 presentatie De rode loper en dan?-praktijkmiddag_helmondKING
Presentatie gehouden tijdens de praktijkmiddag dienstverlening van KING in Helmond op 16 juni. Thema: ondernemersdienstverlening.
Gemeente Delft is vorig jaar gestart met een verandertraject gericht op een integrale dienstverlening aan ondernemers. Wat heeft Delft sindsdien gedaan om de diverse afdelingen meer integraal te laten werken? Op welke manier borgt Delft de verbetering van de dienstverlening?
Met: Ton Cranenbroek (afdeling EZ, Helmond), Ben Janssen (bestuursadviseur Delft) en Aisia Okma (KING)
The document discusses the evolving role of pharmacists in health informatics. It notes that pharmacists are well-positioned to take on significant roles in clinical informatics due to their medication expertise and experience. The use of informatics in pharmacy settings has increased over time. For example, more pharmacists now have access to view electronic medical records in order to manage patient medication therapy. Informatics allows pharmacists to expand their roles and help improve healthcare through activities like developing clinical decision support systems.
Ringkasan dari dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Laporan ini membahas rancang bangun mesin pemipil dan penggiling jagung kapasitas 720 kg/jam.
2. Mesin ini dirancang untuk memisahkan biji jagung dari tongkolnya, kemudian menggiling biji jagung menjadi butiran kecil.
3. Proses pembuatan mesin ini meliputi perancangan komponen, perhitungan gaya dan daya, serta analisis biaya pembuatan.
Herramientas de gesti¨®n 2.0 para la microgesti¨®n del conocimiento del FAPCarlos Fern¨¢ndez Oropesa
Este documento presenta las herramientas 2.0 para la microgesti¨®n del conocimiento en atenci¨®n primaria. Incluye un programa sobre c¨®mo realizar b¨²squedas eficientes en Internet y organizar la informaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n analiza las fuentes b¨¢sicas como Medline y revistas, as¨ª como nuevas fuentes como blogs, YouTube y Twitter. Explica c¨®mo usar RSS, Flipboard y gestores bibliogr¨¢ficos para ordenar la informaci¨®n de manera pr¨¢ctica.
This document is an astrology birth chart for Sri Krishna acquired from an astrology book called Kundali Sanghrah by astrologer Vasant D. Bhatt. The document was sent by Deepak S. Sawant, also known by the nickname Mr. Ronnie, to various authorities and concerned parties on June 17, 2014.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan standar nasional Indonesia tentang baja tulangan beton. Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan definisi, jenis, syarat mutu, ukuran, dan sifat mekanik yang harus dipenuhi baja tulangan beton.