القيادة الحديثةMuhammed Rashedبرنامج بيساعدك تتعرف على القيادة ومفهوم القيادة الحديثة والفرق بين الادارة والقيادة الحديثة وصفات القائد العصري ودلالات وجود ازمة القيادة بالمؤسسات وانماط القادة ونظريات القيادة المهمة
الجمالونات - رسومات تنفيذية 2 - سنة3 - ابراهيم الرداعيIbrahem Qasimللتحميل: https://mribrahem.github.io/college_research/
جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا
معماري مستوى ثالث 2013-2014
ضمن متطلبات مادة رسومات تنفيذية2
إبراهيم الرداعي
هو عنصر انشائي ، عادة مصنوع منالخشبأو القطاعات أو المواسير المعدنية أو الخرسانة المسلحة، ويتألف عامة من 3 أجزاء: أحدهم أفقي والآخرين مائلين يستندان على بعضهم البعض من جهة وعلى الجزء الأفقي من الطرف الأخر.كما ان القوة المساهمة في اتزان الجمالون تكون مساوية لبعضها
النظرية التشكيلية الجديدة - نظريات عمارةTaha Farwanيتضمن هذا المستند مجموعة من المعلومات المتعلقة بنظرية التشكيلية الجديدة من ناحية المنشاء ومن روادها وأين درست وكيف أنتهت.
The Chicken/Egg SpiralGoteo / PlatoniqThe document discusses the relationship between economic growth, environmental protection, and technological progress. It argues that while technological progress is often seen as decoupling economic growth from environmental impacts, in reality technological progress and economic growth are interlinked and both depend on natural capital stocks. Even with efficiency gains from technological progress, rising production and consumption will continue to increase environmental pressures unless the overall scale of the economy remains within ecological limits. A steady state economy with stable or mildly fluctuating production and consumption is needed for long-term sustainability.
Take a train tripjohn middelkoopThe White Pass-Yukon Railway runs from Whitehorse, Yukon to Skagway, Alaska. It is considered a fantastic sight for those who have seen it in person, as the railway route provides amazing views between the two locations. The document provides links to websites related to the railway route and encourages visiting www.website.ws/hamilton150 for more information.
Revoluciones rusasNéstor De La TorreLa revolución rusa de 1905, la Revolución de Octubre de 1917, la Revolución de Febrero de 1917 y la Revolución de Octubre de 1925 se enumeran cronológicamente, junto con referencias a la película El acorazado Potemkin de Eisenstein y al escritor Dostoievsky como figuras culturales rusas importantes.
Help! Six types of degrowthGoteo / PlatoniqThe document summarizes six different interpretations of the concept of "degrowth": 1) GDP degrowth, 2) consumption degrowth, 3) work-time degrowth, 4) radical degrowth, 5) physical degrowth, and 6) GDP fetishism degrowth. It analyzes each interpretation and argues that types 1, 2, and 4 are not very convincing, while type 5 is not new. It concludes that type 3 makes the most sense and that focusing on effective environmental policies and democratic support for such policies is more important than whether they lead to GDP growth or degrowth.
Barkin decrecbarcelonaGoteo / PlatoniqThis document discusses strategies for sustainable development through degrowth and strengthening tradition. It proposes alternative social models based on rural resurgence, dynamic agriculture, and productive diversity. Specific strategies mentioned include developing autonomous and self-sufficient communities through diversifying production, ecosystem management, and renewable energy. Local knowledge and networks would be strengthened to build a solidarity economy with quality, sustainable systems and regional barter markets. Overall, the document advocates for developing local solutions and traditional knowledge as alternatives to mainstream development models.
النظرية التشكيلية الجديدة - نظريات عمارةTaha Farwanيتضمن هذا المستند مجموعة من المعلومات المتعلقة بنظرية التشكيلية الجديدة من ناحية المنشاء ومن روادها وأين درست وكيف أنتهت.
The Chicken/Egg SpiralGoteo / PlatoniqThe document discusses the relationship between economic growth, environmental protection, and technological progress. It argues that while technological progress is often seen as decoupling economic growth from environmental impacts, in reality technological progress and economic growth are interlinked and both depend on natural capital stocks. Even with efficiency gains from technological progress, rising production and consumption will continue to increase environmental pressures unless the overall scale of the economy remains within ecological limits. A steady state economy with stable or mildly fluctuating production and consumption is needed for long-term sustainability.
Take a train tripjohn middelkoopThe White Pass-Yukon Railway runs from Whitehorse, Yukon to Skagway, Alaska. It is considered a fantastic sight for those who have seen it in person, as the railway route provides amazing views between the two locations. The document provides links to websites related to the railway route and encourages visiting www.website.ws/hamilton150 for more information.
Revoluciones rusasNéstor De La TorreLa revolución rusa de 1905, la Revolución de Octubre de 1917, la Revolución de Febrero de 1917 y la Revolución de Octubre de 1925 se enumeran cronológicamente, junto con referencias a la película El acorazado Potemkin de Eisenstein y al escritor Dostoievsky como figuras culturales rusas importantes.
Help! Six types of degrowthGoteo / PlatoniqThe document summarizes six different interpretations of the concept of "degrowth": 1) GDP degrowth, 2) consumption degrowth, 3) work-time degrowth, 4) radical degrowth, 5) physical degrowth, and 6) GDP fetishism degrowth. It analyzes each interpretation and argues that types 1, 2, and 4 are not very convincing, while type 5 is not new. It concludes that type 3 makes the most sense and that focusing on effective environmental policies and democratic support for such policies is more important than whether they lead to GDP growth or degrowth.
Barkin decrecbarcelonaGoteo / PlatoniqThis document discusses strategies for sustainable development through degrowth and strengthening tradition. It proposes alternative social models based on rural resurgence, dynamic agriculture, and productive diversity. Specific strategies mentioned include developing autonomous and self-sufficient communities through diversifying production, ecosystem management, and renewable energy. Local knowledge and networks would be strengthened to build a solidarity economy with quality, sustainable systems and regional barter markets. Overall, the document advocates for developing local solutions and traditional knowledge as alternatives to mainstream development models.
Degrowth and ‘unemployment’; Guaranteed jobs?Goteo / PlatoniqThe document discusses different policy approaches to addressing unemployment, including guaranteed jobs programs. It argues that joblessness causes psychological and social issues distinct from poverty, and that societies could guarantee jobs just as they guarantee other public services like education. Guaranteed jobs are presented as a solution that treats full employment as a political rather than purely economic issue, and could help support degrowth by decoupling jobs from economic growth. Examples of existing guaranteed jobs programs in places like India and Argentina are provided. Alternative policies around welfare, subsidizing private sector hiring, and reducing working hours are discussed but presented as indirect approaches compared to directly guaranteeing employment.
Happy Degrowth vs Unhappy GrowthGoteo / PlatoniqThe document outlines an endogenous growth model that examines the relationship between economic growth, well-being, and sustainability. It presents a model where individuals derive utility from private consumption, leisure, social status compared to others, and consumption of relational goods. The model compares outcomes under decentralized, myopically planned, and centrally planned economies. It shows that the optimal outcome is characterized by high leisure, low or zero growth, and requires planning - it cannot be achieved through laissez-faire policies. The transition to the optimal steady state may require a period of negative growth.
البيانات الفوقية للمواقع الحكومية العراقية على الانترنت وتأثيرهاالدكتور طلال ناظم الزهيريبحث الدكتور طلال ناظم الزهيري منشور في العدد الثاني من المجلة العراقية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات
إدارة السجلات والارشفة الالكترونيةEssam Obaidمما لا شك فيه ان جميع المؤسسات بمختلف أنواعها على المستوى الحكومي أو الأهلي او القطاع الخاص تحتاج إلى ادارة للمحتوى المعلوماتي المتاح لديها، ومع وجود طرق وأساليب لحفظ ذلك المحتوى سواء كانت عبارة عن وثائق أوأفلام أوصور أوخرائط أو سجلات او ملفات أو أوراق وموجودة بشكل تقليدي أو او حتى بشكل الكتروني دون اجراء عمليات التنظيم والحفظ والاسترجاع، فلابد على تلك المؤسسات أن تمتلك نظم لإدارة هذا المحتوى فيما يسمى بنظم إدارة الوثائق أو السجلات أو الأرشفة الالكترونية أو التوثيق وما إلى ذلك من مسميات متعددة تستخدم تبادليا بين بعضها البعض.
المكتبات الرقمية الشخصية تحربة بناء باستخدام نظام Greenstoneالدكتور طلال ناظم الزهيريبحث الاستاذ الدكتور طلال ناظم الزهيري منشور في مجلة الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات اعلم العدد الاول 2008