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Pesquisa Produção Audiovisual II Daniel Amaral 38989danielamaral1991O documento descreve três curtas-metragens sobre tradições artesanais brasileiras: "Barro de Bisalhães" sobre olaria em Minas Gerais, "Tecelagem e Cerâmica em Pedro II" sobre tecelagem no Piauí, e "Ciclus" sobre o ciclo da água. Ele fornece sinopses e fichas técnicas de cada vídeo.
Partes de la plantamautinoejEl documento describe las diferentes partes de una planta, incluyendo la raíz, el tallo, las hojas, las flores y el fruto y la semilla. La raíz crece bajo tierra y se ramifica para absorber agua y nutrientes. El tallo crece hacia arriba desde la raíz y soporta las hojas, flores y frutos. Las hojas realizan la fotosíntesis. Las flores son los órganos reproductores que luego se transforman en el fruto y la semilla.
Sintesis informativa 14 02 2012megaradioexpressEl documento describe una audiencia pública entre el gobernador de Oaxaca y los presidentes municipales para discutir problemas y necesidades. Los alcaldes plantearon necesidades de salud, educación, agua potable y saneamiento. También describe un enfrentamiento violento entre maestros sindicalizados por la escuela primaria en el pueblo de Xitla, que resultó en la ocupación de la escuela por un sindicato.
(Historically) The First MentorBomi ManekshawThe word "mentor" originates from Homer's Odyssey, in which Odysseus asks his trusted family friend Mentor to tutor his son Telemachus while Odysseus is away fighting in the Trojan War. Mentor effectively combines wisdom and sensitivity in imparting kingship skills to Telemachus. Superior mentors recognize that they facilitate a process of discovery for their protégés, practicing compassion and clear communication to help guide protégés toward mastery in their field rather than focusing on their own knowledge or abilities. Like the first Mentor, effective mentors love learning alongside their protégés and sharing knowledge rather than showing off, with the goal of helping protégés achieve their
Projetos na Industria QuimicaFrancisco ChavesO documento resume as qualificações e experiência profissional de Francisco José Moreira Chaves, incluindo seu doutorado em Ciências Ambientais, mestrado em Engenharia de Produção, especializações em Engenharia da Qualidade e Professores de Química, além de graduação em Engenharia Industrial. O documento também fornece detalhes sobre seus projetos e atividades profissionais relacionados a projetos industriais, gestão ambiental e qualidade.
Anexo II Cronograma AEMp2008El cronograma presenta el programa de una neurociencia BCC-3 durante 9 semanas. Incluye conferencias, clases teóricas y prácticas sobre diversos temas como técnicas electrofisiológicas, tejido nervioso, sinapsis, sistemas sensoriales, corteza cerebral, cerebelo y funciones superiores. Los estudiantes están divididos en grupos identificados por letras para las clases prácticas y hay profesores asignados a cada tema.
Partes de la PlantaJesusAlda147El documento resume las principales partes de las plantas, incluyendo la raíz, el tallo, las hojas, las flores, el fruto y la semilla. La raíz crece bajo tierra y absorbe agua y nutrientes del suelo para alimentar a la planta. El tallo crece hacia arriba desde la raíz y soporta las hojas, flores y frutos. Las hojas realizan la fotosíntesis y almacenan alimentos. Las flores son los órganos reproductores de la planta y contienen partes como la cor
Pagina 2Joa BarretoEl documento lista varias carreras universitarias, incluyendo Administración de Empresas, Administración de Sistemas Informáticos, Antropología, Arquitectura, Artes Plásticas, Biología, Ciencia Política, Cine y Televisión, Construcción, Contaduría Pública, Derecho, Diseño Gráfico, Diseño Industrial, Economía, Enfermería, Español y Filología Clásica, Estadística, Farmacia, Filología e Idiomas, Filosofía, Física,
Mla2011floatinglushGetGlue is a social network that allows users to check-in and share what media they are consuming with friends and get recommendations and rewards from partners. Instagram is an app that lets users take photos, choose filters to transform the photos, and share the memories with friends. Angry Birds is a game where players use birds to destroy pigs' fortified castles by navigating challenging physics, providing hours of gameplay and replay value across its 120 levels.
House Of Sixty FathersDeatHavoChaosTien Pao is a young boy living in a village in China that is invaded by Japanese forces. He and his family flee by boat but become separated. Tien Pao ends up stranded alone with only his pig. He has several encounters, including saving an American pilot who was shot down. With the help of guerilla fighters, Tien Pao is reunited with his parents, with the assistance of the same pilot who he originally helped.
Acesso epro infoLilianedersv1. O documento fornece instruções sobre como acessar e utilizar os recursos de uma plataforma de ensino a distância, incluindo como inserir fotos ou alterar dados cadastrais, recuperar senha, acessar material do curso, fóruns de discussão e biblioteca de conteúdos.
2. São descritos os passos para recuperar a senha por e-mail, acessar conteúdos do curso por turma, participar do fórum respondendo a tópicos e postando atividades em módulos na bibli
Happy Holidays from the TREW Crew!TREW MarketingSeasons' Greetings from the TREW Crew! We hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday shared with friends, family and smiles all around!
Share the holiday cheer by taking a look through our holiday cards over the years...
Espelho de tomada com suporte para celularAni InventoresO documento apresenta uma nova invenção chamada "Espelho de tomada com suporte para celular" desenvolvida por Cayo Henrique de Oliveira Rosa. A invenção fornece um suporte prático para carregar celulares enquanto eles estão conectados à tomada, resolvendo problemas com fios atravessados. O inventor está procurando empresas interessadas em licenciar ou comprar os direitos da patente.
Vamos brincarMensagens VirtuaisEste documento propõe um jogo de magia para realizar desejos, instruindo o leitor a repetir desejos e pedidos para si mesmo um número específico de vezes e enviar o texto para outras pessoas dentro de uma hora para que os desejos se tornem realidade.
Grécia 01Escola de Aplicação da UFPAO documento descreve a arte na Grécia antiga, com foco na arquitetura. A arquitetura grega atingiu seu auge nos edifícios públicos como templos, teatros e estádios, caracterizados pela funcionalidade, proporções harmônicas e decoração sutil. Os principais estilos arquitetônicos foram o dórico, jônico e coríntio, distintos pelas formas de suas colunas.
ley de SCTadeo EscobarEsta ley establece las normas para el servicio comunitario obligatorio que deben realizar los estudiantes de educación superior en Venezuela. El servicio comunitario tiene una duración mínima de 120 horas y busca fomentar la solidaridad de los estudiantes con la comunidad, aplicar sus conocimientos para beneficiar a la sociedad y enriquecer su formación académica. La ley define los roles y responsabilidades de las instituciones de educación superior y los estudiantes para la implementación del servicio comunitario.
Amazing FoodsEyadThe new menu at some restaurants features unusual items like McEye, McSeasoup, McMouse, McSnake, and McOctopussy in addition to the original McTomatoes.
Evaluating Rooftop and Vertical Gardens as an Adaptation Strategy for Urban A...School Vegetable Gardening - Victory GardensThe document evaluates rooftop and vertical gardens as an adaptation strategy for urban areas under climate change. It discusses how vegetation can help reduce the urban heat island effect and stormwater runoff. The study constructed a green roof field site and green roof hydrology model to assess the benefits of green roof infrastructure and vertical gardens in a Canadian context. It found that both technologies can help lower surface temperatures and reduce cooling loads in buildings.
Fairtrade prevencija trgovine decom"Freedom has no price!"Fairtrade kao sistem ciji standardi iskljucuju deciji rad cime se doprinosi prevenciji trgovine decom!
Μείωση κατανάλӬσης και επαναχρησιμοποίησηDimitra MylonakiΠρόγραμμα Ανακύκλωσης:
Δίνουμε ζωή στα σκουπίδια μας, προστατεύουμε το περιβάλλον μας
Βιώσιμη ΚατανάλωσηΓενική Γραμματεία ΚαταναλωτήΑπλά πράγματα που μπορούμε να κάνουμε ως καταναλωτές για να βοηθήσουμε τον πλανήτη.
Έχει υπολογιστεί ότι σήμερα, μέσα σε μία μέρα καταναλώνουμε τόσους φυσικούς πόρους, όσους κατανάλωνε ένας πολίτης ολόκληρο το χρόνο, διακόσια χρόνια πριν. Τα αποτελέσματα...
Partes de la PlantaJesusAlda147El documento resume las principales partes de las plantas, incluyendo la raíz, el tallo, las hojas, las flores, el fruto y la semilla. La raíz crece bajo tierra y absorbe agua y nutrientes del suelo para alimentar a la planta. El tallo crece hacia arriba desde la raíz y soporta las hojas, flores y frutos. Las hojas realizan la fotosíntesis y almacenan alimentos. Las flores son los órganos reproductores de la planta y contienen partes como la cor
Pagina 2Joa BarretoEl documento lista varias carreras universitarias, incluyendo Administración de Empresas, Administración de Sistemas Informáticos, Antropología, Arquitectura, Artes Plásticas, Biología, Ciencia Política, Cine y Televisión, Construcción, Contaduría Pública, Derecho, Diseño Gráfico, Diseño Industrial, Economía, Enfermería, Español y Filología Clásica, Estadística, Farmacia, Filología e Idiomas, Filosofía, Física,
Mla2011floatinglushGetGlue is a social network that allows users to check-in and share what media they are consuming with friends and get recommendations and rewards from partners. Instagram is an app that lets users take photos, choose filters to transform the photos, and share the memories with friends. Angry Birds is a game where players use birds to destroy pigs' fortified castles by navigating challenging physics, providing hours of gameplay and replay value across its 120 levels.
House Of Sixty FathersDeatHavoChaosTien Pao is a young boy living in a village in China that is invaded by Japanese forces. He and his family flee by boat but become separated. Tien Pao ends up stranded alone with only his pig. He has several encounters, including saving an American pilot who was shot down. With the help of guerilla fighters, Tien Pao is reunited with his parents, with the assistance of the same pilot who he originally helped.
Acesso epro infoLilianedersv1. O documento fornece instruções sobre como acessar e utilizar os recursos de uma plataforma de ensino a distância, incluindo como inserir fotos ou alterar dados cadastrais, recuperar senha, acessar material do curso, fóruns de discussão e biblioteca de conteúdos.
2. São descritos os passos para recuperar a senha por e-mail, acessar conteúdos do curso por turma, participar do fórum respondendo a tópicos e postando atividades em módulos na bibli
Happy Holidays from the TREW Crew!TREW MarketingSeasons' Greetings from the TREW Crew! We hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday shared with friends, family and smiles all around!
Share the holiday cheer by taking a look through our holiday cards over the years...
Espelho de tomada com suporte para celularAni InventoresO documento apresenta uma nova invenção chamada "Espelho de tomada com suporte para celular" desenvolvida por Cayo Henrique de Oliveira Rosa. A invenção fornece um suporte prático para carregar celulares enquanto eles estão conectados à tomada, resolvendo problemas com fios atravessados. O inventor está procurando empresas interessadas em licenciar ou comprar os direitos da patente.
Vamos brincarMensagens VirtuaisEste documento propõe um jogo de magia para realizar desejos, instruindo o leitor a repetir desejos e pedidos para si mesmo um número específico de vezes e enviar o texto para outras pessoas dentro de uma hora para que os desejos se tornem realidade.
Grécia 01Escola de Aplicação da UFPAO documento descreve a arte na Grécia antiga, com foco na arquitetura. A arquitetura grega atingiu seu auge nos edifícios públicos como templos, teatros e estádios, caracterizados pela funcionalidade, proporções harmônicas e decoração sutil. Os principais estilos arquitetônicos foram o dórico, jônico e coríntio, distintos pelas formas de suas colunas.
ley de SCTadeo EscobarEsta ley establece las normas para el servicio comunitario obligatorio que deben realizar los estudiantes de educación superior en Venezuela. El servicio comunitario tiene una duración mínima de 120 horas y busca fomentar la solidaridad de los estudiantes con la comunidad, aplicar sus conocimientos para beneficiar a la sociedad y enriquecer su formación académica. La ley define los roles y responsabilidades de las instituciones de educación superior y los estudiantes para la implementación del servicio comunitario.
Amazing FoodsEyadThe new menu at some restaurants features unusual items like McEye, McSeasoup, McMouse, McSnake, and McOctopussy in addition to the original McTomatoes.
Evaluating Rooftop and Vertical Gardens as an Adaptation Strategy for Urban A...School Vegetable Gardening - Victory GardensThe document evaluates rooftop and vertical gardens as an adaptation strategy for urban areas under climate change. It discusses how vegetation can help reduce the urban heat island effect and stormwater runoff. The study constructed a green roof field site and green roof hydrology model to assess the benefits of green roof infrastructure and vertical gardens in a Canadian context. It found that both technologies can help lower surface temperatures and reduce cooling loads in buildings.
Fairtrade prevencija trgovine decom"Freedom has no price!"Fairtrade kao sistem ciji standardi iskljucuju deciji rad cime se doprinosi prevenciji trgovine decom!
Μείωση κατανάλӬσης και επαναχρησιμοποίησηDimitra MylonakiΠρόγραμμα Ανακύκλωσης:
Δίνουμε ζωή στα σκουπίδια μας, προστατεύουμε το περιβάλλον μας
Βιώσιμη ΚατανάλωσηΓενική Γραμματεία ΚαταναλωτήΑπλά πράγματα που μπορούμε να κάνουμε ως καταναλωτές για να βοηθήσουμε τον πλανήτη.
Έχει υπολογιστεί ότι σήμερα, μέσα σε μία μέρα καταναλώνουμε τόσους φυσικούς πόρους, όσους κατανάλωνε ένας πολίτης ολόκληρο το χρόνο, διακόσια χρόνια πριν. Τα αποτελέσματα...
Διαχείριση Αποβλήτων, Πρόβλημα ή Ευκαιρία για μια εναλλακτική νέα οικονομία;Sotiris MilonasΔιαχείριση Αποβλήτων, Πρόβλημα ή Ευκαιρία για μια εναλλακτική νέα οικονομία;
GREEN CITIZEN’S GUIDE – The Eco-mummyCamille Delcour1. The document discusses the behaviors and choices of an "eco-mummy" or environmentally conscious mother.
2. It provides a checklist of actions eco-mummies can take like choosing natural and green products for their baby, eating seasonal fruits and vegetables, informing themselves about environmentally friendly companies, and reusing items like clothes.
3. The goal of the eco-mummy is to avoid toxic substances, show their child the importance of protecting nature, and pass on environmental values from a young age.
Fiche 9 Un Conseiller Consulaire A Quoi Ca Sert?Camille DelcourFiche descriptive du rôle du Conseiller Consulaire; fhiche créer par l'ADFE.
GREEN CITIZEN’S GUIDE – I USE LESS ENERGY 1Camille DelcourThe price of electricity in Greece has risen significantly in recent years, increasing household costs while incomes decrease. Greek households' electricity consumption has risen 21% in the last decade as access to electricity and electrical devices has increased. However, renewable energy sources only account for 9.2% of Greece's energy production, with the rest coming from fossil fuels that damage the environment. To reduce carbon footprints and energy costs, people must start reducing their household energy consumption, as homes use the most energy. Small changes can help lower electricity bills and benefit the environment.
GREEN CITIZEN'S GUIDE - ECOTOURISMCamille DelcourEcotourism is about caring for the environment during all activities and aspects of life, including holidays and travel. Being an eco-tourist means respecting the environment from the preparation stage of a trip all the way through one's behavior at the destination. Key aspects of eco-tourism include respecting the environment, seeking information, and demonstrating environmentally-friendly behavior.
CAMILLE PRODUCT REVIEW 4 LR ALOE VERA GELCamille DelcourThis document provides a review of a natural aloe gel product by Camille Delcour. In the summary:
1) Camille used the gel for her facial skin and eczema on her foot, finding fantastic results including soft skin and regression of eczema within a week.
2) The gel is described as fresh, practical to use, and easily/quickly absorbed without leaving greasy hands. It can be used to heal wounds, burns, bites, and more.
3) Regular daily use is said to improve the appearance of stretch marks and spider veins over time.
CAMILLE PRODUCT REVIEW 3 SANEX DeodorantCamille DelcourThe document summarizes a product review of the Sanex deodorant. It gives the product a grade of 59%, praising its affordable price and lack of harmful substances but noting it is not very effective against stress malodors. Additionally, the company provides little information about the environmental impact and production location of the product. In conclusion, while Sanex Zero is a reasonably priced option, it is not considered an ecological choice.
GREEN CITIZEN’S GUIDE – I WATCH OUT WATERCamille DelcourWater is a precious resource that is being used at a rate twice that of population growth. We must change our habits around water use in our homes and workplaces to address the growing risk of water scarcity. This guide provides easy and cost-effective tips to better manage water use at home in the bathroom and kitchen, outside in gardens, and wherever you go through respecting infrastructure and the environment. Small changes like using water saving gadgets can help reduce usage by up to 30% with inexpensive devices.
CAMILLE PRODUCT REVIEW 2 MyPLANET LAUNDRY POWDERCamille DelcourThe document discusses a product review of MyPlanet laundry powder by Camille Delcour. It finds the powder effectively cleans clothes while leaving them fresh smelling. The powder is both an ecological and Greek solution. It notes the company ROLCO has shifted to producing more green cleaning products. The review gives the powder high marks for its performance, the company's green actions, and its use of mostly Greek ingredients and essential oils. It finds the powder a good first choice for those starting a green transition.
GREEN CITIZEN'S GUIDE - I ECO-DRIVECamille DelcourEco-driving allows drivers to save up to 40% on fuel costs through adopting proper driving habits like driving tranquilly and regularly while anticipating traffic conditions. Eco-driving combines better and more ecological driving to improve a driver's carbon footprint, safety, and savings. Simple gestures like these can be easily adopted and help reduce accidents while increasing a vehicle's lifetime. Eco-driving is a state of mind and behavior that benefits both the environment and a driver's finances.
GREEN CITIZEN’S GUIDE - I RECYCLE - ELECTRIC/ELECTRONICAL DEVICESCamille DelcourIn 2009, nearly 50,000 tons of electronic and electrical devices were collected for recycling in Greece, with around 85% being recycled. However, many resources are lost when such devices are thrown in regular garbage bins instead of the special bins for electronic and electrical devices (EED) located in stores. These special bins can be used to recycle a wide range of large and small household devices, IT and telecommunications equipment, consumer equipment, lighting equipment, electrical and electronic tools, entertainment and sports equipment, and medical devices. Citizens are encouraged to share information about EED recycling in their neighborhoods.