Applications of laserMashithohRosliThis document discusses various applications of lasers in scientific, medical, industrial, and military fields. It provides examples of how lasers are used in spectroscopy, lunar laser ranging, photochemistry, laser cooling, nuclear fusion, microscopy, cosmetic surgery, eye surgery, dentistry, industrial cutting and welding, barcodes, communications, and more. In the military, lasers are applied to rangefinding, target designation, defensive countermeasures, airborne weapons, and efforts to disable opponents non-lethally. The document emphasizes how lasers have revolutionized various fields through their diverse applications.
The 'unjammable' quantum radarMustakeem ChaudhriThe researchers from the University of Rochester have developed an "unjammable" quantum radar that uses the quantum properties of photons. The radar is able to detect any attempts to intercept and modify the radar signal, as this would change the quantum properties of the photons. Mehul Malik tested the concept by bouncing photons off a target and measuring errors in polarization of returned photons. The system imaged the target accurately without interference, but detected attempts to spoof the image, demonstrating the first unjammable quantum radar. However, the researchers note the system could still be vulnerable to more sophisticated jamming techniques.
Pharmaceutical imaging techniques (2)sakshi9Pharmaceutical imaging techniques provide visual representations of objects like body parts or pharmaceutical products for quality control, data collection, or disease diagnosis using computerized methods like ultrasound or spectroscopy. Imaging technologies are gaining attention in the pharmaceutical industry due to their potential to accelerate drug discovery and development. Common techniques discussed in the document include chemical imaging, elemental imaging, digital imaging, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, and micro-X-ray fluorescence, which are used for applications like content uniformity testing, particle characterization, counterfeit detection, and detecting drug distribution.
Constitutionprincipals2012Jamie LunaThe document outlines the seven principles of the United States Constitution:
1) Popular sovereignty - ultimate authority rests with the people.
2) Limited government - the government is limited to only the powers granted in the Constitution.
3) Federalism - the division of power between state and national governments.
4) Separation of powers - legislative, executive and judicial branches each have separate powers to prevent abuse.
5) Checks and balances - each branch checks the powers of the other branches.
6) Republicanism - the people elect representatives for government positions.
7) Individual rights - rights like freedom of speech and religion are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
Constitutionprincipals2012Jamie LunaThe document outlines the seven principles of the United States Constitution:
1) Popular sovereignty - ultimate authority rests with the people.
2) Limited government - the government is limited to only the powers granted in the Constitution.
3) Federalism - the division of power between state and national governments.
4) Separation of powers - legislative, executive and judicial branches each have separate powers to prevent abuse.
5) Checks and balances - each branch checks the powers of the other branches.
6) Republicanism - the people elect representatives for government positions.
7) Individual rights - rights like freedom of speech and religion are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
2. სინათლის სხივი არის სინათლის უწვრულესი კონა, რომლის გასწვრივაც ვრცელდება სინათლე. სარკეების საშუალებით შესაძლებელია არა მხოლოდ სხივების შეკრება და გაშლა, არამედ სხეულის გამოსახულების მიღება. სარკეები გამოიყენება სხვადასხვა ოპტიკურ ხელსაწყოებში. ოპტიკური ხელსაწყოები