The document contains a repetitive list of the same URL " Exclusive" listed over 200 times. It provides no other notable information.
الطريق إلى النجاح إبراهيم الفقيJoOry SanThe document contains a single repeating phrase - " Exclusive" - listed over 500 times. It provides no other substantive information.
الطريق الى النجاح للدكتور ابراهيم الفقيhamada13The document contains a single repeating phrase - " Exclusive" - listed over 500 times. It provides no other meaningful information in 3 sentences or less.
موسوعة الطب الشعبى والعلاج البديلSabry AnwarThe document contains a single repeating line of text - " Exclusive" repeated over 500 times. It suggests exclusive content may be found at the given URL, though no other context or information is provided.
التربية المثالية للأبناء - www.newt3ch.netNew Tech.Net - التقنية.نتThe document contains a single repeating phrase - " Exclusive" - listed over 500 times. It suggests exclusive content may be available at the given URL, though no other context or information is provided.
كتاب الأب الغني والأب الفقيرMahmoud AbozaidThe document contains a repetitive list of the same URL " Exclusive" listed over 500 times. It does not contain any other text or context. The summary is that the document exclusively lists the same URL over 500 times without any other information.
العمل الجماعي إبراهيم-الفقي-رحمه-اللهHamada HamadaThe document repeatedly lists the URL Exclusive without providing any further context, description or information. It is therefore not possible to summarize the essential information within 3 sentences as there is no substantive information contained in the document.
فن واسرار اتخاذ القرار للدكتور ابراهيم الفقيhamada13The document contains a single repeated phrase - " Exclusive" - listed over 200 times without any other context or information provided. It appears to be promoting a website exclusively but provides no details about the site or its contents.
نم قدراتك الذهنية للدكتور إبراهيم الفقيhamada13The document contains a single repeating phrase - " Exclusive" - listed over 100 consecutive lines without any other text or context. It does not provide any meaningful information that can be summarized.
العمل الجماعى::ابراهيم الفقىAssoib RachidThe document contains a single repeating line of text - " Exclusive" - repeated over 200 times. It provides no other information beyond promoting that URL and label.
كيف تجيد استخدام عقلكmohammad505اعرف امكانيات عقلك وتعلم كيف تستفيد من قدراتك ... سيعطيك هذا الكتاب الطرق والمهارات التي تساعدك على تقوية الذاكرة والتفكير المبدع وغيرها من المهارات
الثوم الساحرAmmar AlruzThe document contains a single repeating phrase - " Exclusive" - listed over 100 times. It provides no other words or context, simply repeating the same text line after line.
توني بوزان قوة الذكاء الكلامي - النسخة الكاملةMheddin OmarThe document contains a single repeating line of text - " Exclusive" - repeated over 500 times. It suggests exclusive content may be found at the given URL, though no other context or information is provided.
كتابhmk163The document contains a repeated listing of the URL " Exclusive" over 200 times. It provides no other meaningful information in the repetitive text.
Natgeoarab.n53.arabsciences.comarabsciencesThe document contains a single URL - - repeated over 50 times without any other text or context. It appears to be promoting an exclusive section on the listed website through repetitive listing of the URL.
دايل كارنيجي فن التعامل مع الناسAhmed Al-Shamyدايل كارنيجي
فن التعامل مع الناس
فهرس الكتاب
الباب الأول
الأسس الرئيسية في معاملة الناس
الفصل الأول : لا تتعجل في محاسبة الناس
الفصل الثاني : السر الأعظم في معاملة الناس
الفصل الثالث : إن من يقدر على فعل ذلك يمتلك الدنيا ، ومن لم يقدر يسير الطريق بمفرده
الفصل الرابع : افعل ذلك تكن موضع إعجاب أينما ذهبت
الفصل الخامس : كيف تجعل الناس يحبونك في الحال ؟
الباب الثاني
طرق لإجتذاب الناس إلى طريقة تفكيرك
الفصل الأول : الطريقة الأكيدة لخلق الأعداء
الفصل الثاني : أقصر الطرق إلى تفكير الناس
الفصل الثالث : طريقة سقراط
الفصل الرابع : كيف تحصل على روح التعاون ؟
الفصل الخامس : نداء يستحوذ على الجميع
الباب الثالث
طرق تمتلك بها زمام الناس
الفصل الأول : كيف تنتقد وتسلم من الكراهية ؟
الفصل الثاني : من منا بلا خطيئة ؟
الفصل الثالث : ما من أحد يحب أن يتلقى الأوامر
الفصل الرابع : دع الشخص الآخر يحتفظ بماء وجهه
الباب الرابع
سبع طرق لجلب الطمأنينة والسعادة لك
الفصل الأول : اعرف نفسك وكن نفسك
الفصل الثاني : أتبيع ما تملك في مقابل بليون دولار ؟
الفصل الثالث : بقدر أهميتك يكون النقد الموجه إليك
الفصل الرابع : كن قوياً من أن ينال منك النقد
الفصل الخامس : كيف تتخلص من الإرهاق ؟
الفصل السادس : اتبع في عملك هذه العادات تتجنب الإرهاق
الفصل السابع : كيف تتخلص من الملل ؟
معلومات الكتاب
دار النشر : مكتبة جزيرة الورد
عدد الصفحات : 184 صفحة
نوع الملف : PDF
اللغة :العربية
غير حياتك فى 30 يوم هنا للدكتور ابراهيم الفقيhamada13The document contains a single repeating phrase - " Exclusive" - listed over 200 times. It provides no other text or context. In summary, the document exclusively promotes the website through repetitive listing but without any other descriptive content.
قوة عقلك الباطن أرثر تونى11محمود عبد المعطيThe document contains over 500 repetitions of the URL Exclusive. It provides no other notable information in 3 sentences or less.
كيف تكون نجما اجتماعيا لامعا / د, إبراهيم الفقيAziz AttiThe document contains a repetitive list of the same URL " Exclusive" posted multiple times without any other context or information provided.
Communication skillsRemas MohamedThis document discusses effective communication skills. It covers basic communication principles like giving and gathering good information to build mutual trust. It also discusses developing assertive communication skills through verbal, vocal, and visual cues. Key aspects of communication covered include active listening, overcoming communication barriers, and improving communication habits. The document provides guidance on communication fundamentals like the communication trilogy, asking exploring and probing questions, and receiving feedback.
ARAB HUMAN CAPITAL CHALLENGERemas MohamedThe document discusses the human capital challenge facing Arab countries. While the region has experienced strong economic growth, labor and human resource development has not kept pace, threatening sustainable growth. There is a shortage of skilled national labor, forcing heavy reliance on expatriates in some countries. Additionally, youth unemployment is high despite a large youth population, and female labor participation is low. Together these represent an underutilization of human capital in the region. Arab CEOs view addressing education systems and the skills gap as top priorities to close this human capital challenge.
Employability & skills for the business worldRemas MohamedThis document discusses preparing young people for future employment. It notes that one third of jobs require graduate-level skills, and graduate employment has seen growth while non-graduate prospects have declined. Employers want skills like teamwork, communication, and a good work ethic. They are impressed by honesty, IT skills, and reliability, but see gaps in business acumen, leadership, and decision-making. Universities are working to better develop employability skills by embedding them in programs instead of offering them separately. Teesside University has made changes like mandatory leadership modules and team assignments using business simulation software.
Factor analysis using SPSSRemas MohamedThe document describes conducting a factor analysis on SPSS to measure different aspects of student anxiety towards learning SPSS. A 23-item questionnaire was administered to over 2,500 students. Initial analysis of the correlation matrix found no issues with multicollinearity. The document then provides instructions for running the factor analysis in SPSS, including extracting factors, rotating the factors, and interpreting the output.
Communication skillsRemas MohamedThe document discusses communication skills and effective communication. It defines communication as the exchange of information between individuals through various channels like sight, sound, etc. Effective communication skills are important for careers and personal lives. Good communication involves sending clear verbal and nonverbal messages as well as actively listening to understand messages received. Barriers to communication include semantic, emotional, organizational, and superior-related barriers. The communication process involves sending a message through a channel which can be impacted by noise, and receiving feedback.
Communication SkillsRemas MohamedThis document provides an overview of communication concepts and processes. It defines communication and identifies its basic components as a sender, receiver, message, and feedback. The document outlines a communication model consisting of a sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback. It discusses different forms of communication including verbal, nonverbal, written, and visual. The document also notes that communication occurs within a social context and can be influenced by culture. The goal is to introduce foundational concepts around communication theory and processes.
PERSONAL SELLING AND SALES MANAGEMENTRemas MohamedThis document provides an overview of Chapter 21 from the textbook "Marketing, 6/e" which covers personal selling and sales management. It discusses different types of personal selling like order taking and order getting. The stages of the personal selling process are outlined as prospecting, pre-approach, approach, presentation, close, and follow-up. Sales management tasks like setting objectives, organizing the sales force, and evaluating performance are also summarized. Examples are given of how salespeople create value and different relationship selling approaches.
العمل الجماعى::ابراهيم الفقىAssoib RachidThe document contains a single repeating line of text - " Exclusive" - repeated over 200 times. It provides no other information beyond promoting that URL and label.
كيف تجيد استخدام عقلكmohammad505اعرف امكانيات عقلك وتعلم كيف تستفيد من قدراتك ... سيعطيك هذا الكتاب الطرق والمهارات التي تساعدك على تقوية الذاكرة والتفكير المبدع وغيرها من المهارات
الثوم الساحرAmmar AlruzThe document contains a single repeating phrase - " Exclusive" - listed over 100 times. It provides no other words or context, simply repeating the same text line after line.
توني بوزان قوة الذكاء الكلامي - النسخة الكاملةMheddin OmarThe document contains a single repeating line of text - " Exclusive" - repeated over 500 times. It suggests exclusive content may be found at the given URL, though no other context or information is provided.
كتابhmk163The document contains a repeated listing of the URL " Exclusive" over 200 times. It provides no other meaningful information in the repetitive text.
Natgeoarab.n53.arabsciences.comarabsciencesThe document contains a single URL - - repeated over 50 times without any other text or context. It appears to be promoting an exclusive section on the listed website through repetitive listing of the URL.
دايل كارنيجي فن التعامل مع الناسAhmed Al-Shamyدايل كارنيجي
فن التعامل مع الناس
فهرس الكتاب
الباب الأول
الأسس الرئيسية في معاملة الناس
الفصل الأول : لا تتعجل في محاسبة الناس
الفصل الثاني : السر الأعظم في معاملة الناس
الفصل الثالث : إن من يقدر على فعل ذلك يمتلك الدنيا ، ومن لم يقدر يسير الطريق بمفرده
الفصل الرابع : افعل ذلك تكن موضع إعجاب أينما ذهبت
الفصل الخامس : كيف تجعل الناس يحبونك في الحال ؟
الباب الثاني
طرق لإجتذاب الناس إلى طريقة تفكيرك
الفصل الأول : الطريقة الأكيدة لخلق الأعداء
الفصل الثاني : أقصر الطرق إلى تفكير الناس
الفصل الثالث : طريقة سقراط
الفصل الرابع : كيف تحصل على روح التعاون ؟
الفصل الخامس : نداء يستحوذ على الجميع
الباب الثالث
طرق تمتلك بها زمام الناس
الفصل الأول : كيف تنتقد وتسلم من الكراهية ؟
الفصل الثاني : من منا بلا خطيئة ؟
الفصل الثالث : ما من أحد يحب أن يتلقى الأوامر
الفصل الرابع : دع الشخص الآخر يحتفظ بماء وجهه
الباب الرابع
سبع طرق لجلب الطمأنينة والسعادة لك
الفصل الأول : اعرف نفسك وكن نفسك
الفصل الثاني : أتبيع ما تملك في مقابل بليون دولار ؟
الفصل الثالث : بقدر أهميتك يكون النقد الموجه إليك
الفصل الرابع : كن قوياً من أن ينال منك النقد
الفصل الخامس : كيف تتخلص من الإرهاق ؟
الفصل السادس : اتبع في عملك هذه العادات تتجنب الإرهاق
الفصل السابع : كيف تتخلص من الملل ؟
معلومات الكتاب
دار النشر : مكتبة جزيرة الورد
عدد الصفحات : 184 صفحة
نوع الملف : PDF
اللغة :العربية
غير حياتك فى 30 يوم هنا للدكتور ابراهيم الفقيhamada13The document contains a single repeating phrase - " Exclusive" - listed over 200 times. It provides no other text or context. In summary, the document exclusively promotes the website through repetitive listing but without any other descriptive content.
قوة عقلك الباطن أرثر تونى11محمود عبد المعطيThe document contains over 500 repetitions of the URL Exclusive. It provides no other notable information in 3 sentences or less.
كيف تكون نجما اجتماعيا لامعا / د, إبراهيم الفقيAziz AttiThe document contains a repetitive list of the same URL " Exclusive" posted multiple times without any other context or information provided.
Communication skillsRemas MohamedThis document discusses effective communication skills. It covers basic communication principles like giving and gathering good information to build mutual trust. It also discusses developing assertive communication skills through verbal, vocal, and visual cues. Key aspects of communication covered include active listening, overcoming communication barriers, and improving communication habits. The document provides guidance on communication fundamentals like the communication trilogy, asking exploring and probing questions, and receiving feedback.
ARAB HUMAN CAPITAL CHALLENGERemas MohamedThe document discusses the human capital challenge facing Arab countries. While the region has experienced strong economic growth, labor and human resource development has not kept pace, threatening sustainable growth. There is a shortage of skilled national labor, forcing heavy reliance on expatriates in some countries. Additionally, youth unemployment is high despite a large youth population, and female labor participation is low. Together these represent an underutilization of human capital in the region. Arab CEOs view addressing education systems and the skills gap as top priorities to close this human capital challenge.
Employability & skills for the business worldRemas MohamedThis document discusses preparing young people for future employment. It notes that one third of jobs require graduate-level skills, and graduate employment has seen growth while non-graduate prospects have declined. Employers want skills like teamwork, communication, and a good work ethic. They are impressed by honesty, IT skills, and reliability, but see gaps in business acumen, leadership, and decision-making. Universities are working to better develop employability skills by embedding them in programs instead of offering them separately. Teesside University has made changes like mandatory leadership modules and team assignments using business simulation software.
Factor analysis using SPSSRemas MohamedThe document describes conducting a factor analysis on SPSS to measure different aspects of student anxiety towards learning SPSS. A 23-item questionnaire was administered to over 2,500 students. Initial analysis of the correlation matrix found no issues with multicollinearity. The document then provides instructions for running the factor analysis in SPSS, including extracting factors, rotating the factors, and interpreting the output.
Communication skillsRemas MohamedThe document discusses communication skills and effective communication. It defines communication as the exchange of information between individuals through various channels like sight, sound, etc. Effective communication skills are important for careers and personal lives. Good communication involves sending clear verbal and nonverbal messages as well as actively listening to understand messages received. Barriers to communication include semantic, emotional, organizational, and superior-related barriers. The communication process involves sending a message through a channel which can be impacted by noise, and receiving feedback.
Communication SkillsRemas MohamedThis document provides an overview of communication concepts and processes. It defines communication and identifies its basic components as a sender, receiver, message, and feedback. The document outlines a communication model consisting of a sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback. It discusses different forms of communication including verbal, nonverbal, written, and visual. The document also notes that communication occurs within a social context and can be influenced by culture. The goal is to introduce foundational concepts around communication theory and processes.
PERSONAL SELLING AND SALES MANAGEMENTRemas MohamedThis document provides an overview of Chapter 21 from the textbook "Marketing, 6/e" which covers personal selling and sales management. It discusses different types of personal selling like order taking and order getting. The stages of the personal selling process are outlined as prospecting, pre-approach, approach, presentation, close, and follow-up. Sales management tasks like setting objectives, organizing the sales force, and evaluating performance are also summarized. Examples are given of how salespeople create value and different relationship selling approaches.
communication Remas MohamedThe document discusses the history of chocolate, describing how it originated from cacao beans grown by the Olmecs and Mayans in Mexico and Central America. It then explains how Spanish conquistadors brought cacao back to Europe in the 16th century, where it eventually became popular as a drink among the elite classes. Over time, chocolate became widely consumed in powder and solid forms across Europe and North America.
كتاب قوة عقلك الباطن وكيف تيقظ قواك الخفية - www.newt3ch.netNew Tech.Net - التقنية.نتThe document contains a repeated listing of the URL " Exclusive" over 200 times. It provides no other notable information in the repetitive text.
العمل_الجماعى ابراهيم_الفقىأصواب رشيد assoib rachidمل الجماعي هو القدرة على العمل معا من أجل تحقيق رؤية مشتركة. القدرة على مباشرة الإنجازات الفردية تجاه الأهداف التنظيمية. ذلك هو الوقود الذي يسمح للناس المشتركة لتحقيق نتائج غير المألوف. العمل الجماعي سواء كان ذلك في مكان العمل أو في ميدان كرة القدم ، أو حتى بين أفراد المجتمع المحلي ، والعمل الجماعي الفعال يمكن أن تسفر عن نتائج مذهلة. ومع ذلك ، بنجاح العمل كفريق واحد ليست سهلة كما قد يبدو. العمل الجماعي الفعال بالتأكيد لا يحدث تلقائيا ، بل يأخذ قدرا كبيرا من العمل الشاق وسطا. هناك عدد من العوامل التي يجب أن تكون في المكان الذي التحم معا كفريق واحد والعمل بسلاسة.
التفاوض الاحترافيAida AlRammahThe document contains a single URL - - repeated over 500 times. It provides no other meaningful information in 3 sentences or less.
رواية شوق الدرويشmaktbahComThe document contains a single URL - - repeated over 500 times. It provides no other meaningful information in 3 sentences or less.
كتاب عن التوحدamani alazmiThe document contains a single URL - - repeated over 200 times. It provides no other textual content or context.
الأم والطفل ف.تشيماروف 2dida91The document contains over 100 repetitions of the URL It provides no other notable information aside from this repeated URL address.
تحميل كتاب أعشاب و نباتات طبية للحيوية و السعادة الزوجية maktbahComThe document contains over 500 repetitions of the URL It provides no other textual content or context. In under 3 sentences, the document can be summarized as a list consisting solely of a URL repeated over 500 times with no other words or information provided.
فن المقابلات الناجحة | بيتر كانفيلدAhmed Al-Shamyإن سيرتك الذاتية الجيدة قد لفتت انتباه صاحب العمل وبالتالي قرر تقديم إليك الدعوة لحضور المقابلة الشخصية . هذه فرصتك السانحة لكي تقوم شخصيا بتعزيز كافة الأشياء المهمة التي قرأها عنك صاحب العمل . كما تجدر الإشارة أيضا إلى أن المقابلة الشخصية عبارة عن طريق مزدوج . أنت أجريت بحثا كبيرا عن الشركة قبل تقديم طلبك إليها ، لكن المقابلة الشخصية هي فرصتك لمعرفة المزيد من المعلومات عن الشركة ، ومقابلة بعض الأشخاص الذين يعملون بالشركة واتخاذ القرار بشأن ما إذا كانت هذه الشركة تمثل المكان الذي تتمنى العمل فيه .
المقابلة الشخصية تأذخ عدة أشكال وربما يتعين عليك الخوض في عدد منها لأن الشركات عادة ما تدعو المرشح المحتمل لحضور مقابلة شخصية ثانية وربما ثالثة ( على الرغم أن هذا عادة ما يحدث بالنسبة للوظائف الكبيرة ) . المقابلات الشخصية يمكن أن تؤدي إلى توتر الأعصاب ، لكن عليك أن تتحلى بالثقة بالنفس وتتذكر أن صاحب العمل طلب إجراء مقابلة شخصية معك لمعرفة المزيد من المعلومات عنك والتأكد من أنك تناسب شركته .
رواية شوق الدرويش - www.newt3ch.netNew Tech.Net - التقنية.نتThe document contains a single URL - - repeated over 500 times. It provides no other meaningful information in 3 sentences or less.
المبيعات العملاقة | ديفيد كاوبرAhmed Al-Shamyعندما بدأ ديفيد كاوبر حياته المهنية في عالم التأمين، كان وحيداً في بلد جديد دون معارف ولا يمتلك في جيبه أكثر من أربعين دولاراً. وبعد ثلاثة شهور من بدئه عمله، لم يكن قد باع بعد أي بوليصة تأمين. إلا أن ديفيد ظل متمسكاً بعمله إلى أن أصبح يبيع بوليصات تأمين بقيمة مليون دولار بشكل اعتيادي وليصبح أحد أهم وكيلي مبيعات التأمين في العالم.
هذه القصة تعدو كونها قصة رجل عصامي، إن كتاب "المبيعات العملاقة" هو وصف مأخوذ من المصدر مباشرة للاستراتيجيات الفريدة التي طورها ديفيد كاوبر للتغلغل في أسواق جديدة، وإبرام صفقات مبيعات بملايين عدة من الدولارات. ومع كتاب "المبيعات العملاقة" يمكن لأي وكيل مبيعات أن يتعلم الأفضل وأن يصل إلى قمة الأداء.
100 نصيحة للنومالسوق الشاملThe document contains over 500 repetitions of the URL It provides no other text or context. In summary, it is a list consisting solely of repeating the same URL over 500 times.
Who stole me sale - من سرق مبيعاتيAhmed FaresThe document contains a single URL - - repeated over 200 times. It provides no other text, images, or meaningful content. The document essentially repeats the same URL over 200 times without any other context or information.
التنمية وجهًا لوجه Remas MohamedThe document consists of a single Twitter handle - @bdullah_1395 - repeated over 100 times. It summarizes as:
The document repeatedly lists the same Twitter handle - @bdullah_1395 - over 100 times, with no other visible text or context provided.
Crisis managementRemas MohamedThis document discusses crisis management strategies for protecting Jewish institutions. It defines a crisis as any event that can harm constituents, facilities, finances or reputation. Crisis management involves making decisions to mitigate crises as they unfold. Key aspects of crisis management planning include creating escalation rules to report problems to senior staff and designating a crisis team to coordinate the institutional response. Escalation rules help prevent, detect and control crises by ensuring staff know when to notify management of issues. Choosing the right crisis team members and manager allows an institution to quickly respond to emergencies.
Sampling and sample size determinationRemas MohamedThis document discusses sampling and sample size determination. It defines key terms like population, population element, census, and provides reasons for using a sample such as cost, speed, accuracy, and avoiding destruction of test units. It outlines the steps in sampling which include defining the target population, selecting a sampling frame, choosing between probability or non-probability sampling, determining the sampling unit, and addressing sources of error. It then discusses different probability and non-probability sampling methods like simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, convenience sampling, judgment sampling, quota sampling, and snowball sampling. Factors to consider when determining sample size are discussed such as population variance or heterogeneity, acceptable error or confidence interval, confidence level.
EtiquetteRemas MohamedThis document provides etiquette guidelines for electronic communication, networking, dining, and professional attire. It emphasizes being brief, clear and respectful in emails and other communications. When dining professionally, guidelines include waiting to order, passing food politely, using utensils properly, and having good table manners. Proper professional attire is conservative, well-groomed and situationally appropriate. The purpose of etiquette is to make others feel comfortable and respect privacy and time.
hard v soft powerRemas MohamedThis document discusses the differences between hard power and soft power in international relations. Hard power refers to coercion and military force, while soft power involves persuasion and attraction. It notes that after WWII, the US had significant hard and soft power, relying more on hard power after 9/11. Soft power involves attracting others through culture, values and policies. While hard power is sometimes necessary, many countries now focus on soft power approaches. The conclusion debates whether it is better for a country to be feared or loved in international relations.
A theory-of-public-diplomacy-Remas MohamedThis document provides an abstract for a study on developing a theory of public diplomacy. It aims to test different explanations for why states practice public diplomacy, including rational, idealistic, and social trend motivations, using a novel quantitative method and statistical analysis. The study finds that rational explanations related to factors like wealth and prestige best explain public diplomacy activities. However, it also finds evidence that a social trend or norm is emerging as more states participate in public diplomacy beyond rational calculations. Idealistic motivations are found to have limited explanatory power despite concepts of "credible diplomacy." The document outlines the theoretical background and emergence of public diplomacy as a field of study.
Communication skills Remas MohamedThis document discusses effective communication skills. It covers basic communication principles like giving and gathering good information to build mutual trust. It also discusses developing assertive communication skills through verbal, vocal, and visual cues. Key aspects of communication covered include active listening, overcoming communication barriers, and improving communication habits. The document provides tips for communication in areas like receiving feedback and criticism.
Career webinar amber tb - mastering the art of self-promotionRemas MohamedThe document provides an overview of a presentation on mastering self-promotion. It discusses developing self-confidence, creating a personal brand, promoting yourself without arrogance, using tools like networking and storytelling, continuously improving the process, and reaping rewards such as career advancement. The presentation recommends developing an elevator pitch, preparing success stories, creating a portfolio, and using online tools and resources to effectively self-promote.
narcissisticRemas MohamedThe document discusses narcissistic leaders and different personality types. It notes that narcissists have always emerged to inspire people but also have a dark side where they are distrustful and isolated. Productive narcissists like Jack Welch are risk-takers who can motivate people with their vision and rhetoric, but they become unrealistic if they lack self-awareness. Working with narcissists is challenging as they do not listen to criticism and it is difficult for them to change. The document also outlines three main personality types - erotic, obsessive, and narcissistic - and their traits.
Ilm leadership skillsRemas MohamedThis document discusses leadership skills and effective leadership. It begins by outlining the session objectives, which are to understand what leadership is, identify the traits and skills of effective leaders, examine key leadership theories, understand the role and responsibilities of a team leader as well as the limits of their authority, and develop a plan to improve one's own leadership potential. The document then covers various leadership theories such as trait theory, functional theory, behavioral theory, situational theory, and transformational theory. It also discusses the responsibilities of a team leader and how to improve one's leadership, including developing an action plan through self-assessment and feedback.
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Cultivating an Innovative Mindset in STEM Presented by Google.pptxCareer Communications GroupLearning objective: Encourage innovation in the face of adversity. Panelists will discuss strategies for cultivating innovation and promoting a resilient growth mindset.
Master Data Science Course in Kerala and How to face an interviewbenjaminosethCracking a data science interview requires a strategic approach, strong domain knowledge, and hands-on expertise. This PPT is designed to help aspiring data scientists prepare effectively by understanding the core interview topics, real-world problem-solving techniques, and communication strategies. Whether you are new to data science or an experienced professional, this guide covers must-know topics like machine learning, statistics, data wrangling, and coding. With expert insights from a Data Science Course in Kerala, this presentation highlights industry-specific interview patterns, key questions, and problem-solving frameworks. Get ready to excel in your data science interviews with practical tips, real-world case studies, and best practices to land your dream job!
Bullying presentation/How to deal with bullying .pptxssuserb6cf2eAny form of verbal, psychological, or physical violence that is repeated by someone or a group, who is in a position of domination against one or more other individuals in a position of weakness and intends to harm its victims that are unable to defend themselves especially when the bully may have one or more followers who are willing to assist the primary bully or who reinforce the bully by providing positive feedback such as laughing