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امل دنقل الاعمال الكاملةسعيد مخربشامل دنقل شاعر مصري ملتزم تميز باسلوبه الشعري السهل الممتنع وباتضمينه للاساطير والققصص الدينية في شعره مانحا اياها معاني ودلالات جديدة تناسب المرحلة التي عايشها
التنمية وجهًا لوجه Remas MohamedThe document consists of a single Twitter handle - @bdullah_1395 - repeated over 100 times. It summarizes as:
The document repeatedly lists the same Twitter handle - @bdullah_1395 - over 100 times, with no other visible text or context provided.
Crisis managementRemas MohamedThis document discusses crisis management strategies for protecting Jewish institutions. It defines a crisis as any event that can harm constituents, facilities, finances or reputation. Crisis management involves making decisions to mitigate crises as they unfold. Key aspects of crisis management planning include creating escalation rules to report problems to senior staff and designating a crisis team to coordinate the institutional response. Escalation rules help prevent, detect and control crises by ensuring staff know when to notify management of issues. Choosing the right crisis team members and manager allows an institution to quickly respond to emergencies.
Sampling and sample size determinationRemas MohamedThis document discusses sampling and sample size determination. It defines key terms like population, population element, census, and provides reasons for using a sample such as cost, speed, accuracy, and avoiding destruction of test units. It outlines the steps in sampling which include defining the target population, selecting a sampling frame, choosing between probability or non-probability sampling, determining the sampling unit, and addressing sources of error. It then discusses different probability and non-probability sampling methods like simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, convenience sampling, judgment sampling, quota sampling, and snowball sampling. Factors to consider when determining sample size are discussed such as population variance or heterogeneity, acceptable error or confidence interval, confidence level.
التنمية وجهًا لوجه Remas MohamedThe document consists of a single Twitter handle - @bdullah_1395 - repeated over 100 times. It summarizes as:
The document repeatedly lists the same Twitter handle - @bdullah_1395 - over 100 times, with no other visible text or context provided.
Crisis managementRemas MohamedThis document discusses crisis management strategies for protecting Jewish institutions. It defines a crisis as any event that can harm constituents, facilities, finances or reputation. Crisis management involves making decisions to mitigate crises as they unfold. Key aspects of crisis management planning include creating escalation rules to report problems to senior staff and designating a crisis team to coordinate the institutional response. Escalation rules help prevent, detect and control crises by ensuring staff know when to notify management of issues. Choosing the right crisis team members and manager allows an institution to quickly respond to emergencies.
Sampling and sample size determinationRemas MohamedThis document discusses sampling and sample size determination. It defines key terms like population, population element, census, and provides reasons for using a sample such as cost, speed, accuracy, and avoiding destruction of test units. It outlines the steps in sampling which include defining the target population, selecting a sampling frame, choosing between probability or non-probability sampling, determining the sampling unit, and addressing sources of error. It then discusses different probability and non-probability sampling methods like simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, convenience sampling, judgment sampling, quota sampling, and snowball sampling. Factors to consider when determining sample size are discussed such as population variance or heterogeneity, acceptable error or confidence interval, confidence level.
فن التعامل مع الناسRemas MohamedThe document contains a repetitive list of the same URL "www.ibtesama.com/vb Exclusive" listed over 200 times. It provides no other notable information.
EtiquetteRemas MohamedThis document provides etiquette guidelines for electronic communication, networking, dining, and professional attire. It emphasizes being brief, clear and respectful in emails and other communications. When dining professionally, guidelines include waiting to order, passing food politely, using utensils properly, and having good table manners. Proper professional attire is conservative, well-groomed and situationally appropriate. The purpose of etiquette is to make others feel comfortable and respect privacy and time.
hard v soft powerRemas MohamedThis document discusses the differences between hard power and soft power in international relations. Hard power refers to coercion and military force, while soft power involves persuasion and attraction. It notes that after WWII, the US had significant hard and soft power, relying more on hard power after 9/11. Soft power involves attracting others through culture, values and policies. While hard power is sometimes necessary, many countries now focus on soft power approaches. The conclusion debates whether it is better for a country to be feared or loved in international relations.
A theory-of-public-diplomacy-Remas MohamedThis document provides an abstract for a study on developing a theory of public diplomacy. It aims to test different explanations for why states practice public diplomacy, including rational, idealistic, and social trend motivations, using a novel quantitative method and statistical analysis. The study finds that rational explanations related to factors like wealth and prestige best explain public diplomacy activities. However, it also finds evidence that a social trend or norm is emerging as more states participate in public diplomacy beyond rational calculations. Idealistic motivations are found to have limited explanatory power despite concepts of "credible diplomacy." The document outlines the theoretical background and emergence of public diplomacy as a field of study.
Communication SkillsRemas MohamedThis document provides an overview of communication concepts and processes. It defines communication and identifies its basic components as a sender, receiver, message, and feedback. The document outlines a communication model consisting of a sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback. It discusses different forms of communication including verbal, nonverbal, written, and visual. The document also notes that communication occurs within a social context and can be influenced by culture. The goal is to introduce foundational concepts around communication theory and processes.
communication Remas MohamedThe document discusses the history of chocolate, describing how it originated from cacao beans grown by the Olmecs and Mayans in Mexico and Central America. It then explains how Spanish conquistadors brought cacao back to Europe in the 16th century, where it eventually became popular as a drink among the elite classes. Over time, chocolate became widely consumed in powder and solid forms across Europe and North America.