策略性投資評估與管理機制 Strategic Investment Evaluation and Management MechanismsPaul (士杰) Dai (戴)
協助製造業轉型,替企業設計企業投資(CVC)之評估程序,依據投資屬性和成本來區分不同投資策略,並進行不同的投資評估流程。To assist the manufacturing industry in its transformation, we design evaluation procedures for Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) investments. These procedures differentiate investment strategies based on investment attributes and costs, and implement various investment evaluation processes accordingly.
策略形成工具教育訓練講義 Strategic Forging Tools: Educational Training MaterialsPaul (士杰) Dai (戴)
過去企業的年度策略規劃,經常缺乏有效工具輔助,往往只做了資料整理與分析,就以為得到結論。我們設計了一套有助於企業逐步釐清策略意圖並,並形成後續行動的輔助工具,並且將商模轉型的個案整理出來,當作企業發展第二成長曲線的參考依據。In the past, annual strategic planning for companies often lacked effective tools to assist the process. Frequently, after merely organizing and analyzing data, conclusions were drawn without further insight. We have designed a set of tools to help companies gradually clarify their strategic intentions and develop subsequent actions. Additionally, we have compiled case studies on business model transformation to serve as reference material for companies seeking to develop a second growth curve.
COO PLUS高階經理人班產品規劃 COO PLUS Executive Program Product PlanningPaul (士杰) Dai (戴)
這是一份針對顧問公司內部提出的產品規劃,雖然因為種種因素並未執行,但仍然具備參考價值。隨著資訊透明、網路科技以及人與人的連結日益密切,企業轉型已經無法像過去可能要10年才會遇到一次的重大議題。如何透過營運長的職務來作為企業轉型總指揮,需要專業的職能訓練與培養。This is a product plan proposed internally for a consulting company. Although it has not been executed due to various factors, it still holds reference value. With increasing information transparency, advancements in network technology, and closer human connections, corporate transformation is no longer a major issue that might occur once every decade. How to leverage the role of the Chief Operating Officer as the leader of corporate transformation requires specialized professional training and development.
居家裝修新商模-生態系標竿個案分享 New Business Models in Home Renovation - Benchmark Case Stu...Paul (士杰) Dai (戴)
為了輔導裝修業者透過設計生態系,發想出能提供更高價值的商業模式,整理了國內外幾個個案,作為刺激想法的教材。To assist renovation industry professionals in developing higher-value business models through design ecosystems, several domestic and international case studies have been compiled as instructional material to stimulate ideas.
JX金屬個案研討:從策略變遷角度切入 JX Metals Case Study: Analyzing from the Perspective of St...Paul (士杰) Dai (戴)
JX金屬的前身是日本礦業,我們透過觀察該個案長達10年的年報與公開資訊,推論與歸納其轉型策略,如何從百年企業轉型成先進的技術本位科技業。Formerly known as Japan Mining, JX Metals has undergone a significant transformation. By observing and analyzing 10 years of its annual reports and publicly available information, we aim to infer and summarize its transformation strategies, detailing how the company evolved from a century-old enterprise into an advanced, technology-driven industry leader.
優美科Umicore個案研討:從策略變遷角度切入 Umicore Case Study: Analyzing from the Perspective o...Paul (士杰) Dai (戴)
優美科是一家比利時的材料廠商,透過長達10年的公開資料、年報分析,找出值得效仿的企業轉型策略,以及如何擺脫礦業汙名的ESG作為。Umicore is a Belgian materials company. By analyzing 10 years of publicly available data and annual reports, we aim to identify commendable corporate transformation strategies and their ESG actions that helped the company overcome the stigma associated with mining
Kyocera Case Study: Analyzing f2015 京都陶瓷個案研討:從策略變遷角度切入 Kyocera Case Study: An...Paul (士杰) Dai (戴)
透過分析京都陶瓷10年內的年報與投資人報告,從策略演變的角度,推論其策略意圖與變革作為。By analyzing Kyocera's annual reports and investor reports over the past 10 years, infer its strategic intentions and transformation actions from the perspective of strategic evolution.
生態系競爭策略 Ecosystem competition strategy: Breaking industry boundaries and rede...Paul (士杰) Dai (戴)
商業生態系是「產業」的退化型態,卻是要在複雜變動的環境中,顛覆現有競爭者的重要策略作法。A business ecosystem is a degraded form of 'industry,' but it is an important strategic approach to disrupt existing competitors in a complex and changing environment.
引用"哈佛最受歡迎的行銷課 "中提到的案例,如何不競爭,真正在定位上做出差異化?
a. 逆向操作品牌:大家提供什麼,我就偏不提供
b. 跨界演出的品牌:這不是_____!這其實是______
c. 敵意挑釁的品牌:我們就是________(有這些缺點)!這就是我們的態度,我們就是只歡迎_____(某一種客戶)
The document discusses various topics without providing many details. It mentions several subjects, including relationships between concepts, but does not delve into explanations. The overall content is difficult to understand due to the lack of context and specificity.
生態系競爭策略 Ecosystem competition strategy: Breaking industry boundaries and rede...Paul (士杰) Dai (戴)
商業生態系是「產業」的退化型態,卻是要在複雜變動的環境中,顛覆現有競爭者的重要策略作法。A business ecosystem is a degraded form of 'industry,' but it is an important strategic approach to disrupt existing competitors in a complex and changing environment.
引用"哈佛最受歡迎的行銷課 "中提到的案例,如何不競爭,真正在定位上做出差異化?
a. 逆向操作品牌:大家提供什麼,我就偏不提供
b. 跨界演出的品牌:這不是_____!這其實是______
c. 敵意挑釁的品牌:我們就是________(有這些缺點)!這就是我們的態度,我們就是只歡迎_____(某一種客戶)
The document discusses various topics without providing many details. It mentions several subjects, including relationships between concepts, but does not delve into explanations. The overall content is difficult to understand due to the lack of context and specificity.
8. 意外變革的 Mission Church
( AMJ, 2007)
KKK 、不受歡迎、會員減少、 部衝突內
A house of prayer, a shrine of hope, a home of warmth....