RateSutisa TantikulwijitThis document discusses concepts related to chemical kinetics and reaction rates. It provides equations for the rate of a reaction, rate constants, and how factors like concentration, temperature, catalysts and inhibitors affect the rate of reaction. It also discusses collision theory and activation energy, and uses examples to show how the addition of energy can allow reactions to proceed by overcoming the activation energy barrier.
Thesis. sustainability benchmarkingsaqibhkhanThis document discusses sustainability benchmarking, specifically benchmarking Thule and its competitors. It begins with an introduction to the growing challenges of climate change and resource scarcity, and the need for businesses to consider sustainability. There is currently a lack of consensus on key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring sustainability.
The document then analyzes several large, general sustainable companies (e.g. IKEA, Starbucks, H&M) based on a set of standardized KPIs. Companies in Thule's sector (outdoor equipment) are also examined, with Patagonia identified as a leader in sustainability performance. Thule's direct competitors are evaluated on their environmental and social approaches.
The analysis considers how
Чисте місто: національний проектpresscvua«Чисте місто» - сучасні комплекси з переробки ТПВ (твердих побутових відходів) - http://www.ukrproject.gov.ua/project/chiste-misto
Thesis- Predictive ModelssaqibhkhanThis document summarizes a degree project on predictive models for chronic renal disease using decision trees, naive Bayes, and case-based methods. The project used data on blood, urine tests, and symptoms to predict chronic renal disease. Three classifiers - decision tree, naive Bayes, and K-nearest neighbor - were applied and evaluated. Results showed naive Bayes had a comparative edge over the others in accuracy. Sensitivity and specificity tests were also used to examine classifier performance on the binary classification task. The CRISP-DM methodology was applied to build the predictive models over six phases.
RateSutisa TantikulwijitThis document discusses concepts related to chemical kinetics and reaction rates. It provides equations for the rate of a reaction, rate constants, and how factors like concentration, temperature, catalysts and inhibitors affect the rate of reaction. It also discusses collision theory and activation energy, and uses examples to show how the addition of energy can allow reactions to proceed by overcoming the activation energy barrier.
Thesis. sustainability benchmarkingsaqibhkhanThis document discusses sustainability benchmarking, specifically benchmarking Thule and its competitors. It begins with an introduction to the growing challenges of climate change and resource scarcity, and the need for businesses to consider sustainability. There is currently a lack of consensus on key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring sustainability.
The document then analyzes several large, general sustainable companies (e.g. IKEA, Starbucks, H&M) based on a set of standardized KPIs. Companies in Thule's sector (outdoor equipment) are also examined, with Patagonia identified as a leader in sustainability performance. Thule's direct competitors are evaluated on their environmental and social approaches.
The analysis considers how
Чисте місто: національний проектpresscvua«Чисте місто» - сучасні комплекси з переробки ТПВ (твердих побутових відходів) - http://www.ukrproject.gov.ua/project/chiste-misto
Thesis- Predictive ModelssaqibhkhanThis document summarizes a degree project on predictive models for chronic renal disease using decision trees, naive Bayes, and case-based methods. The project used data on blood, urine tests, and symptoms to predict chronic renal disease. Three classifiers - decision tree, naive Bayes, and K-nearest neighbor - were applied and evaluated. Results showed naive Bayes had a comparative edge over the others in accuracy. Sensitivity and specificity tests were also used to examine classifier performance on the binary classification task. The CRISP-DM methodology was applied to build the predictive models over six phases.
Графік проведення зборів #chernivtsipresscvuaВідповідно до п 2.1 рішення №151 від 14.04.2011 року другого пленарного засідання 7 сесії VI скликання
Чернівецької міської ради «Про встановлення мораторію на підвищення тарифів на житлово-комунальні послуги в місті Чернівцях» розроблено графік проведення побудинкових зборів споживачів послуг, на яких підприємства-надавачі послуг мають прозвітувати про фактично використані кошти за надані послуги в 2010-2011роках.
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