St. lawrence seaway.Indian Maritime University, VisakhapatnamThe Saint Lawrence Seaway is a system of locks, canals, and channels that connects the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. Construction began in 1954 and was completed in 1959 through collaboration between the US and Canada. It extends from Montreal in Quebec, Canada to Lake Erie and includes the Welland Canal, with a total of 15 locks - 13 in Canada and 2 in the US. The seaway allows ocean-going vessels to travel inland as far as Lake Superior and is jointly managed by the two countries' Saint Lawrence Seaway Management Corporations.
Slammimng & Dek WetnessIndian Maritime University, VisakhapatnamThe document discusses slamming and deck wetness on vessels in rough seas. It provides three types of slamming that can occur: bottom, bow flare, and stern slamming. Slamming causes impulse loads and high pressure on the hull during impact with waves. The bottom between 10-25% of the length from the bow is most vulnerable. Deck wetness from shipping green water is determined by two methods: static and dynamic swell-up. Static swell-up reduces freeboard from bow wave and sinkage, while dynamic swell-up occurs from water pushed aside and sucked in by the bow's motion. Deck wetness can be reduced by increasing freeboard, reducing speed, or changing heading relative to waves.
Ship resistance in confined waterIndian Maritime University, VisakhapatnamThis document discusses the effects of shallow and restricted water on ships, including increased sinkage, trim, and resistance. It describes how squat, the combined sinkage and trim effect, increases sharply with ship speed. Empirical formulas are provided to estimate squat in canals and unrestricted shallow water. The changes to wave patterns and resistance at various ship speeds relative to the critical wave speed are also summarized.
Technical report writing كتابة التقارير التقنيةSarmed ShukurThis document discusses technical report writing. It provides definitions of reports and their importance. Reports are a means of communication used to describe a specific topic or subject to readers. They contain facts, data, and information to allow readers to make decisions or recommendations. Reports can be verbal or written. Written reports are considered an administrative document for communication between different levels. The document outlines the differences between verbal and written communication and some characteristics of good reports.
Wave resistanceIndian Maritime University, VisakhapatnamThis document discusses wave resistance in ships. It explains that wave resistance increases significantly at high speeds as waves generated by the ship grow larger. It also describes how the interference of bow and stern waves can result in either favorable or unfavorable wave patterns depending on their phase relationship. Finally, it discusses how ship speed is ideally operated in a "hollow" of the wave resistance curve where interference is favorable and resistance is lower.
نموذج اجتماع وأجندة - Meeting templateDr Ghaiath Husseinمن أجل تحقيق اجتماعات فعالة ومثمرة يساعد هذا النموذج على تحقيق هذا الهدف عبر تجهيز مسبق لاهم عناصر محاضر الاجتماعات Meeting template
Ocean propertiesIndian Maritime University, VisakhapatnamThis document provides information on various topics related to oceanography. It discusses features of the ocean floor like the continental shelf and slope. It also covers properties of water such as its incompressibility and transparency to sound. Additionally, it summarizes the dissolved salts in seawater, how fresh water density varies with temperature, and temperature variations in the ocean. Further topics include salinity, density, freezing points, energy spectrums, sound speed, and ocean circulation forces like winds, Coriolis effect, and Ekman transport. The document also briefly outlines surface currents, deep water currents, upwelling and downwelling, and interactions between surface and deep sea currents.
سلسلة بناء وتطوير القدرات إعداد وإدارة الاجتماعاتDr Ghaiath Hussein1. The document outlines the agenda and logistics for an upcoming conference. It includes details on timing, necessary materials, roles and responsibilities of attendees, and guidelines for participation.
2. Ground rules for the conference are established, including being on time, keeping phones silent, actively participating, listening carefully, accepting criticism, and only speaking when given permission.
3. An checklist is provided with tasks to complete before the start of the conference, such as setting up necessary equipment and amenities. Rehearsal of the schedule is recommended to ensure smooth facilitation of the event.
Ocean wavesIndian Maritime University, VisakhapatnamThe document discusses wave generation and properties. It explains that wind transfers energy to water, creating ripples and waves. Wave size depends on wind speed, direction, duration, and fetch. As waves move away from the wind area, they become swells with long periods and amplitudes. In shallow water, waves slow down, steepen, and eventually break when the height to length ratio reaches 1:7. The document also covers wave classifications, properties of deep water waves, pressure contours, and effects of waves on ship operations like motions, slamming, and speed loss.
موقع ملزمتي - قصة عبد الرحمن بن عوف خامسة إبتدائي الترم الثانيملزمتيThe document discusses improving work efficiency through better time management. It suggests starting each day by planning tasks and priorities to stay focused on the most important work. Team meetings should be used to coordinate efforts, provide updates, and resolve any issues in a timely manner to maximize productivity.
10 steps for a content strategyrabie soubraContent marketing is defined as the sum total of knowledge that a brand transmits to people over time to build a competitive advantage through creating social value and loyalty. There are 10 steps to an effective content strategy: 1) Set objectives around knowledge, timing, innovation and relationships; 2) Set KPIs like reach, engagement, clicks and replies; 3) Analyze competitors' strategies and strengths/weaknesses; 4) Identify pain points and knowledge gaps; 5) Understand different platform suitabilities; 6) Lay out the content strategy, tone and inventory; 7) Determine content types like images, video and articles; 8) Create and schedule content; 9) Publish content; 10) Measure engagement and performance.
المستهلك الاجتماعيrabie soubraThe document discusses how social media is changing consumer behavior. Some key points:
- 80% of consumers research products online before purchasing.
- 72% read reviews from other customers to inform their purchasing decisions.
- 61% are influenced by the opinions of friends and family on social media.
- Social media allows consumers to get opinions from a wide range of sources before making purchasing decisions. It also enables quick sharing of experiences with brands.
Pos Theoryrabie soubraThe document discusses the concept of positioning in marketing. Positioning involves finding the optimal place for a brand or product relative to competitors based on consumer perceptions. It is important because consumers make choices between brands, and marketers must condition consumers to associate their brand with a specific concept or attribute. The document also outlines different types of positioning strategies like product, price, and channel positioning and explains how positioning directly impacts market share.
Wave resistanceIndian Maritime University, VisakhapatnamThis document discusses wave resistance in ships. It explains that wave resistance increases significantly at high speeds as waves generated by the ship grow larger. It also describes how the interference of bow and stern waves can result in either favorable or unfavorable wave patterns depending on their phase relationship. Finally, it discusses how ship speed is ideally operated in a "hollow" of the wave resistance curve where interference is favorable and resistance is lower.
نموذج اجتماع وأجندة - Meeting templateDr Ghaiath Husseinمن أجل تحقيق اجتماعات فعالة ومثمرة يساعد هذا النموذج على تحقيق هذا الهدف عبر تجهيز مسبق لاهم عناصر محاضر الاجتماعات Meeting template
Ocean propertiesIndian Maritime University, VisakhapatnamThis document provides information on various topics related to oceanography. It discusses features of the ocean floor like the continental shelf and slope. It also covers properties of water such as its incompressibility and transparency to sound. Additionally, it summarizes the dissolved salts in seawater, how fresh water density varies with temperature, and temperature variations in the ocean. Further topics include salinity, density, freezing points, energy spectrums, sound speed, and ocean circulation forces like winds, Coriolis effect, and Ekman transport. The document also briefly outlines surface currents, deep water currents, upwelling and downwelling, and interactions between surface and deep sea currents.
سلسلة بناء وتطوير القدرات إعداد وإدارة الاجتماعاتDr Ghaiath Hussein1. The document outlines the agenda and logistics for an upcoming conference. It includes details on timing, necessary materials, roles and responsibilities of attendees, and guidelines for participation.
2. Ground rules for the conference are established, including being on time, keeping phones silent, actively participating, listening carefully, accepting criticism, and only speaking when given permission.
3. An checklist is provided with tasks to complete before the start of the conference, such as setting up necessary equipment and amenities. Rehearsal of the schedule is recommended to ensure smooth facilitation of the event.
Ocean wavesIndian Maritime University, VisakhapatnamThe document discusses wave generation and properties. It explains that wind transfers energy to water, creating ripples and waves. Wave size depends on wind speed, direction, duration, and fetch. As waves move away from the wind area, they become swells with long periods and amplitudes. In shallow water, waves slow down, steepen, and eventually break when the height to length ratio reaches 1:7. The document also covers wave classifications, properties of deep water waves, pressure contours, and effects of waves on ship operations like motions, slamming, and speed loss.
موقع ملزمتي - قصة عبد الرحمن بن عوف خامسة إبتدائي الترم الثانيملزمتيThe document discusses improving work efficiency through better time management. It suggests starting each day by planning tasks and priorities to stay focused on the most important work. Team meetings should be used to coordinate efforts, provide updates, and resolve any issues in a timely manner to maximize productivity.
10 steps for a content strategyrabie soubraContent marketing is defined as the sum total of knowledge that a brand transmits to people over time to build a competitive advantage through creating social value and loyalty. There are 10 steps to an effective content strategy: 1) Set objectives around knowledge, timing, innovation and relationships; 2) Set KPIs like reach, engagement, clicks and replies; 3) Analyze competitors' strategies and strengths/weaknesses; 4) Identify pain points and knowledge gaps; 5) Understand different platform suitabilities; 6) Lay out the content strategy, tone and inventory; 7) Determine content types like images, video and articles; 8) Create and schedule content; 9) Publish content; 10) Measure engagement and performance.
المستهلك الاجتماعيrabie soubraThe document discusses how social media is changing consumer behavior. Some key points:
- 80% of consumers research products online before purchasing.
- 72% read reviews from other customers to inform their purchasing decisions.
- 61% are influenced by the opinions of friends and family on social media.
- Social media allows consumers to get opinions from a wide range of sources before making purchasing decisions. It also enables quick sharing of experiences with brands.
Pos Theoryrabie soubraThe document discusses the concept of positioning in marketing. Positioning involves finding the optimal place for a brand or product relative to competitors based on consumer perceptions. It is important because consumers make choices between brands, and marketers must condition consumers to associate their brand with a specific concept or attribute. The document also outlines different types of positioning strategies like product, price, and channel positioning and explains how positioning directly impacts market share.