Winston Churchill was a British politician best known for leading the UK during World War 2. He served as Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. Churchill was born in 1874 and had a long political career holding several cabinet positions before becoming Prime Minister. He died in 1965 at the age of 90 and was given a state funeral due to his leadership during World War 2.
Este documento presenta una foto tomada por la nave espacial Cassini-Juygens al llegar a los anillos de Saturno en 2004. La foto muestra la Tierra como un peque?o punto azul y pretende ense?ar una lección de humildad al mostrar lo insignificantes que son los problemas humanos a esta escala cósmica, pero también lo frágil que parece nuestro planeta y lo importante que es proteger nuestro único hogar.
The document summarizes a sustainability workshop for local businesses in Boonah, Australia. It discusses exploring the local economic landscape, effects of globalization and localization, building relationships and collaboration, and living sustainably within environmental limits. Participants will reflect on actions over the past month and plans for the next month to bring more sustainability to their businesses and community.
Winston Churchill was a British politician best known for leading the UK during World War 2. He served as Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. Churchill was born in 1874 and had a long political career holding several cabinet positions before becoming Prime Minister. He died in 1965 at the age of 90 and was given a state funeral due to his leadership during World War 2.
Este documento presenta una foto tomada por la nave espacial Cassini-Juygens al llegar a los anillos de Saturno en 2004. La foto muestra la Tierra como un peque?o punto azul y pretende ense?ar una lección de humildad al mostrar lo insignificantes que son los problemas humanos a esta escala cósmica, pero también lo frágil que parece nuestro planeta y lo importante que es proteger nuestro único hogar.
The document summarizes a sustainability workshop for local businesses in Boonah, Australia. It discusses exploring the local economic landscape, effects of globalization and localization, building relationships and collaboration, and living sustainably within environmental limits. Participants will reflect on actions over the past month and plans for the next month to bring more sustainability to their businesses and community.