OECD Workshop: Measuring Business Impacts on People’s Well-being, Veronique M...StatsCommunications
This document introduces MSCI's ESG Sustainable Impact Metrics and taxonomy for classifying companies' products and services according to their contribution to addressing major social and environmental challenges. The taxonomy focuses corporate activities into 5 themes: Basic Needs, Empowerment, Climate Change, Natural Capital, and Sustainable Impact Solutions. It also provides a framework for selecting companies with meaningful positive impacts and minimizing exposure to those with potential negative impacts. The document illustrates how the MSCI ACWI Sustainable Impact Index estimates over $500 billion in annual revenues derived from sustainable impact themes.
8. 2 SROIとは
SROI is an evidence-based measurement tool designed to help organizations plan, manage,
and understand the social, environmental, and economic value created. --- SROI Canada.
SROI is a standarised approach to ensure that all material costs and benefits – economic,
social and environmental – are assigned an approximate and evidence-based value. --- Save
the Children.
By Frontiers own admission the estimates in this relatively new evidence based approach to
assessing costs and benefits are conservative.--- Royal Voluntary Service (UK).
9. SROI(Social Return on Investment:社会的収益投
2009 Office for the Third Sector, Cabinet Officeが、A guide to social return on
investment (Nicholls et al., 2009)を発刊
2012 その改訂版(Nicholls et al., 2012)を発刊
37. 文献
? Arvidson, Malin, Fergus Lyon, Stephen Mckay, and Domenico Moro. 2010.
The ambitions and challenges of SROI (Third Sector Research Centre
Working Paper 49). Third Sector Research Centre.
? Arvidson, Malin, Fergus Lyon, Stephen McKay and Domenico Moro.
Valuing the social? The nature and controversies of measuring social return
on investment (SROI) Voluntary Sector Review 4(1): 3-18.
? 藤井敦史、原田晃樹、大高研道(共編)2013『闘う社会的企業』勁草書房
? 濱田江里子 2014 21世紀における福祉国家のあり方と社会政策の役
割: 社会的投資アプローチ(social investment strategy)の検討を通じて
上智法学論集 58(1): 137-58.
? Jardine, Cara and Bill Whyte. 2013. Valuing Desistance? A Social Return on
Investment Case Study of a Throughcare Project for Short-Term Prisoners.
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 33(1): 20-32.
? 株式会社公共経営?社会戦略研究所 2014 マイクロソフトコミュニティIT
38. 文献
? NatCen (National Centre for Social Research), Institute for Volunteering
Research, University of Southampton, University of Birmingham and Public
Zone. 2011. Formative evaluation o v: The National Young Volunteers’
Service: Final repot. London, NatCen.
? Nicholls, Jeremy, Eilis Lawlor, Eva Neitzert and Tim Goodspeed. 2009. A
guide to Social Return on Investment. London: Office of the Third Sector,
Cabinet Office.
? Sahlberg, Pasi . 2011. Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from
Educational Change in Finland? (The Series on School Reform). Teachers
College Press.
? 塚本一郎、関正雄(編著) 2012 『社会貢献によるビジネス?イノベーショ
? 宇沢弘文 2000 『社会的共通資本』岩波新書
? Wright, Steve, John D. Nelson, James M. Cooper and Stephanie Murphy.
2009. An evaluation of the transport to employment (T2E) scheme in
Highland Scotland using social return on investment (SROI). Journal of
Transport Geography 17: 457-67.