Metastock formula primernsrammThe document introduces the basics of writing formulas in the MetaStock formula language, including using functions, operators, and data arrays to perform calculations on price data and create custom indicators. Simple examples are provided to demonstrate how to write formulas that calculate the daily price range, convert futures prices to a cash value, and show actual volume instead of the volume divided by 100 in the data files. The document explains how to create and edit custom indicators using these basic formulas.
Course Manual-2014-15-PGEPvarun jhanjeeThis document contains a syllabus for a course on corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions. It is divided into four quadmesters.
The first quadmester covers topics related to financial institutions and markets, capital market operations, quantitative methods, accounting, economics, and financial planning.
The second quadmester covers corporate finance, financial reporting standards, computer applications, laws, commodities, and derivatives.
The third quadmester covers financial econometrics, bank management, foreign exchange, valuation, technical analysis, and equity research.
The fourth quadmester covers behavioral finance, wealth management, investment banking, venture capital, mutual funds, and a project work.
TradeZilla - Trading system DesignMarketcallsThe document discusses the basics of trading system design and the Amibroker software. It covers key concepts like the components of a trading system, different types of traders and trading systems, and the stages of trading system design such as analysis, design, implementation, testing and evaluation. It also provides an overview of Amibroker capabilities like ease of use, custom indicators, backtesting and optimization. The document aims to help users understand trading systems and leverage Amibroker features to design and test their own systems.
TradeZilla - Trading system DesignMarketcallsThe document discusses the basics of trading system design and the Amibroker software. It covers key concepts like the components of a trading system, different types of traders and trading systems, and the stages of trading system design such as analysis, design, implementation, testing and evaluation. It also provides an overview of Amibroker capabilities like ease of use, custom indicators, backtesting and optimization. The document aims to help users understand trading systems and leverage Amibroker features to design and test their own systems.