Mario Babettas is seeking a career as a chartered accountant. He has a 2:1 degree in Accountancy and Business and over 3 years of experience working in accounting roles. His experience includes roles as an assistant accountant at Securitas UK where he maintains accounts and reconciles statements. He also has proficiency in accounting software like Navision. Mario has strong communication, leadership, and numeracy skills that would serve him well as a chartered accountant.
Electrical load forecasting using Hijri causal eventsMaged M. ElJazzar
1. M. M. Elgazzar and E. E. Hemayed, "Electrical load forecasting using Hijri causal events," 2016 Eighteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), Cairo, Egypt, 2016, pp. 902-906.
Reproductive Health Training manual - HEPS UGANDAHepsuganda
This document provides an overview and introduction to a training manual on health rights and responsibilities in Uganda, with a focus on voluntary family planning. The objectives are to increase knowledge about free, full and informed choice in family planning and the role of contraceptive stock availability. The project aims to empower communities to address contraceptive stockouts at local health facilities and expand contraceptive choice. It will mobilize communities to take action on stockouts and share evidence with national stakeholders to advocate for improved availability of a broad range of contraceptives. The manual covers definitions of key terms, health rights including family planning rights, myths and misconceptions, and clients' responsibilities regarding health services and family planning choices.
The document provides information about an upcoming Nevada Disability Prevention Coalition (NDPC) event and details about the organization. The event is a breakfast and learn on May 13th at HealthSouth Desert Canyon from 7:30-11:00am. NDPC's mission is to bring awareness to disability prevention and the importance of return to work programs. The document includes information about NDPC's leadership, previous events, and their new website.
The document summarizes a CMS Team workshop on Scrum roles and best practices. The workshop agenda includes:
1. Introducing Scrum roles through videos and activities like a donut sorting exercise and Lego building challenge.
2. Discussing the responsibilities of the Product Owner to maximize value and prioritize backlog, the Scrum Master to ensure processes are followed and provide coaching, and the self-organizing Development Team.
3. Having teams reflect on their current roles and practices, investigate Scrum roles, and identify action items to improve efficiency.
El documento clasifica y describe brevemente las caracter¨ªsticas de varios animales, incluyendo c¨®mo se alimentan, d¨®nde viven y c¨®mo se transportan. Los animales discutidos son murci¨¦lagos, p¨¢jaros, ¨¢guilas, hormigas, vacas, peces, ranas y serpientes.
The newsletter provides information about HEPS Uganda's activities from January to March 2015. It discusses several projects including capacity building for advocacy, improving treatment for early childhood diseases in the private sector through medical detailing services, and advocating for better health in two districts. It also mentions HEPS recruiting new staff and orienting them, attending meetings on health care financing and access to medicines, and a staff member participating in an HIV prevention fellowship in South Africa.
This document provides an overview of the National Community Hubs Program for 2015, including its achievements and outcomes evaluation. The program operated 42 community hubs across Australia that supported over 110,000 adult and 146,000 child attendances. An evaluation of six hubs found they are having a positive impact on families and the local community by improving outcomes in areas like English proficiency, parenting skills, and children's education. Going forward, priorities include strengthening support for hub leaders and securing sustainable long-term funding.
This document provides recommendations for websites that are helpful for listening practice. It outlines 5 options that offer authentic listening materials on current topics from around the world. These websites provide opportunities to improve listening skills through online courses, news reports, and tasks at different difficulty levels while also developing note-taking abilities and focusing on various topics. They are suitable for many English levels and allow interacting with others while listening.
Towards A Time Based Video Search Engine for Al Quran Interpretation,Maged M. ElJazzar
This document proposes a Hadith web browser verification extension that allows users to highlight religious texts on webpages and check their authenticity by triggering a remote database query. The proposed methodology involves developing a Javascript browser plugin that automatically queries a Hadith classification database when the user highlights potential Hadith text. The database will return classification results to the user through a simple interface. Future work includes adding more Hadith collections to the database, performing trend analysis on large datasets, and ranking Hadith sources on the internet.
The document describes the author's experience attending a Church of God in Christ service for the first time through a coworker. Some notable differences included a stronger spiritual connection felt, enjoying the use of music in worship, and feeling welcomed by the congregation. The author was impressed by the opportunity to better understand different religious services and plans to attend more in the future to broaden their perspective.