The document discusses a GPU cluster configuration with compute nodes running the slurmd daemon and Nvidia Volta GPUs. A management node runs the slurmctld daemon to manage jobs in the queue across the cluster. A monitoring node runs tools like Prometheus to monitor the cluster.
Api Strat Portland 2017 Serverless Extensibility talkGlenn Block
The document discusses the evolution of extensibility for software-as-a-service (SaaS) products. It describes how extensibility was easier when companies hosted their own software but became more challenging with the rise of cloud computing and SaaS. Webhooks revolutionized SaaS extensibility by allowing third-party code to run isolated from the SaaS, but customers still had to host and manage the code. The document introduces serverless extensibility as the next step, where SaaS products can directly invoke third-party extensions running on serverless platforms without requiring customer management. Examples of serverless extensibility include Auth0 Extend and integrations with platforms like AWS Lambda.
This document summarizes a Cybozu Meetup event focused on frontend technologies. It discusses Cybozu's transition from traditional server-rendered web applications to single-page applications built with React. It also covers Cybozu's use of Closure Compiler, TypeScript, JSDoc, and other tools for JavaScript development. Best practices are shared around testing, linting, and integrating third-party code. Accessibility standards and strategies for securely embedding third-party code are also mentioned.
WalB: Real-time and Incremental Backup System for Block Devicesuchan_nos
WalB is an open-source backup system that consists of block devices, called WalB devices, and userland utilities, called WalB tools. A WalB device records write-I/Os. WalB tools extracts them to create restorable snapshots in an incremental manner.
Compared with dm-snap and dm-thin, WalB is designed to achieve small I/O latency overhead and short backup time. We conducted an experiment to take an incremental backup of a volume under random write workload. The result confirms those advantages of WalB.
Cybozu cloud platform, which has 500TB volumes and processes 25TB write-I/Os per day, is required to achieve (1) stable workload performance without I/O spikes which may affect application user experience and (2) short backup interval specified in our service level objective. WalB satisfies the requirements, while dm-snap is not enough to and dm-thin is not expected to.