DelhiSuresh KumarDelhi has been an important city in India throughout history and was home to many ruling dynasties. The author loves Delhi, where they were born and their family still lives. Having spent 15 years in Delhi, the author feels deeply rooted to the city and that they belong there. Delhi is a beautiful city with many parks and gardens, as well as the flowing Yamuna River. The author is sentimentally and emotionally attached to Delhi and would feel their heart break if they lost their connection to the city.
POLAR A360- Guia de tallas FIPsportGuiá para saber la talla de tu Polar A360
Disciplinary Intuitions / Maker Motes: an overview of the learning systemKenneth LimDisciplinary Intuitions offers an elegant way to align several strands of interest to learners and educators today, such as maker culture, STEM, and an increasing emphasis on field-based studies.
This slideshow depicts one such example, of how open-source hardware (such as Raspberry Pi and Arduino) can be used to help surface learners' intuitions about their local environments. The hardware serve as sensor nodes (or motes) with which micro-climatic data can be collected.
Through the collation and representation of data from within environments already familiar to the learners, analyses are more authentic to them and understanding is more enduring. This curriculum approach is known as Maker Motes, and was featured in the 4 July 2015 edition of Singapore's daily Chinese-language broadsheet - the Lianhe Zaobao. We also work collaboratively with the Universitias Pendidikan Indonesia on a Digital Learning for Development grant, awarded by the International Development Research Centre.
Mens Shirt & Ladies TopsSimon .This document lists various men's and women's clothing items including shirts, dresses, and vests. It provides details on fabrics, finishes, and treatments for each item such as stone washing, acid washing, garment laser printing, and water-repellent coatings. Special features are also mentioned such as embroidery on a ladies dress and an Asahi Guard tag on one shirt style that protects against water, oil, and dirt.
Corporate Taxation financial management decesionanoop kumarThe document discusses various aspects of tax planning and financial management decisions from a tax perspective. It defines tax planning as actions taken by a taxpayer to meet tax obligations in an orderly manner while availing all permissible exemptions. Tax planning is necessary to minimize tax costs in the same way businesses try to reduce other costs. Tax planning considerations include direct and indirect taxes and the key objectives are availing tax concessions while arranging affairs to minimize tax incidence. The document also discusses tax management, capital structure, investment decisions including making or buying parts, and considerations for setting up new industrial units.
Mascota espayol BCNFernando del CastilloCon la colaboración de Gabriel Liniero Ippoliti, un mostro!
Hypercomsulkyradio3062VeriFone Equipment announced it will acquire Hypercom, a company that markets secure digital payment and electronic transaction technologies, in an all-stock deal valued at approximately $485 million expected to close in the second half of 2011. Hypercom provides payment terminals and PIN access tools for retail and petroleum industries as well as payment systems for medical services and transit ticketing in Europe, Middle East, Asia Pacific and North America, and its revenues have grown from $290 million to approximately $450 million; VeriFone is acquiring Hypercom to increase its presence in European markets.
João FernandoleopalasjhA Floresta da Tijuca começou como um maciço florestal devastado nos séculos XVII e XVIII, o que prejudicou o clima e o abastecimento de água no Rio de Janeiro. Em 1861, D. Pedro II ordenou o reflorestamento da área e iniciou um processo de replantio que deu origem à floresta urbana protegida hoje como Parque Nacional da Tijuca.
Pistol And Cannon MechanismSiva ChidambaramThis document provides information on different types of firearms and their mechanisms. It describes how cannons, pistols, machine guns, and torpedoes work. Cannons use gunpowder to propel cannonballs by the combustion of gunpowder creating pressure. Pistols use triggers to release hammers that ignite gunpowder and propel bullets. Machine guns use different loading mechanisms like magazines or belts to rapidly fire ammunition. Torpedoes are self-propelled underwater weapons that use guidance systems and explosives to target ships. The document aims to educate while cautioning safety with firearms.
IST (intelligence structure test)Fadhiah ElbasTugas persentasi dalam kuliah Intelegensi pada program studi Psikologi Universitas Katolik Wdya Mandala Madiun.
The power of reErica DavisThe document provides instructions and encouragement for applying for the $2500 Castle Ink Green Scholarship. It consists of a series of phrases starting with "RE." that inspire the applicant to reimagine, rethink, and rediscover their creative potential. It emphasizes doing so with passion and without limits, as if given unlimited resources or a clean slate. It concludes by noting the opportunity and power of new beginnings through reimagination.
Mens Shirt & Ladies TopsSimon .This document lists various men's and women's clothing items including shirts, dresses, and vests. It provides details on fabrics, finishes, and treatments for each item such as stone washing, acid washing, garment laser printing, and water-repellent coatings. Special features are also mentioned such as embroidery on a ladies dress and an Asahi Guard tag on one shirt style that protects against water, oil, and dirt.
Corporate Taxation financial management decesionanoop kumarThe document discusses various aspects of tax planning and financial management decisions from a tax perspective. It defines tax planning as actions taken by a taxpayer to meet tax obligations in an orderly manner while availing all permissible exemptions. Tax planning is necessary to minimize tax costs in the same way businesses try to reduce other costs. Tax planning considerations include direct and indirect taxes and the key objectives are availing tax concessions while arranging affairs to minimize tax incidence. The document also discusses tax management, capital structure, investment decisions including making or buying parts, and considerations for setting up new industrial units.
Mascota espayol BCNFernando del CastilloCon la colaboración de Gabriel Liniero Ippoliti, un mostro!
Hypercomsulkyradio3062VeriFone Equipment announced it will acquire Hypercom, a company that markets secure digital payment and electronic transaction technologies, in an all-stock deal valued at approximately $485 million expected to close in the second half of 2011. Hypercom provides payment terminals and PIN access tools for retail and petroleum industries as well as payment systems for medical services and transit ticketing in Europe, Middle East, Asia Pacific and North America, and its revenues have grown from $290 million to approximately $450 million; VeriFone is acquiring Hypercom to increase its presence in European markets.
João FernandoleopalasjhA Floresta da Tijuca começou como um maciço florestal devastado nos séculos XVII e XVIII, o que prejudicou o clima e o abastecimento de água no Rio de Janeiro. Em 1861, D. Pedro II ordenou o reflorestamento da área e iniciou um processo de replantio que deu origem à floresta urbana protegida hoje como Parque Nacional da Tijuca.
Pistol And Cannon MechanismSiva ChidambaramThis document provides information on different types of firearms and their mechanisms. It describes how cannons, pistols, machine guns, and torpedoes work. Cannons use gunpowder to propel cannonballs by the combustion of gunpowder creating pressure. Pistols use triggers to release hammers that ignite gunpowder and propel bullets. Machine guns use different loading mechanisms like magazines or belts to rapidly fire ammunition. Torpedoes are self-propelled underwater weapons that use guidance systems and explosives to target ships. The document aims to educate while cautioning safety with firearms.
IST (intelligence structure test)Fadhiah ElbasTugas persentasi dalam kuliah Intelegensi pada program studi Psikologi Universitas Katolik Wdya Mandala Madiun.
The power of reErica DavisThe document provides instructions and encouragement for applying for the $2500 Castle Ink Green Scholarship. It consists of a series of phrases starting with "RE." that inspire the applicant to reimagine, rethink, and rediscover their creative potential. It emphasizes doing so with passion and without limits, as if given unlimited resources or a clean slate. It concludes by noting the opportunity and power of new beginnings through reimagination.
1. »
Осенние хлопотыОсенние хлопоты
Проект для
ознакомления 5-летних
детей с окружающим
МБДОУ «Детский сад» №11
Выполнила воспитатель
Шнуренко Е.В.
2. Цели проекта :
Проект организован для детей пятилетнего
• Проект направлен на ознакомление детей
с окружающим миром, закрепление
знаний о сезонных изменениях в природе;
обобщение и систематизация
представлений о характерных признаках
осени, закрепление знаний о взаимосвязи
живой и неживой природы; выделение
изменений жизни растений, людей,
животных и птиц в осенний период.
13. Перелётные птицы
Птичьи стаи в октябре полетели к югу,Птичьи стаи в октябре полетели к югу,
Там тепло, там в декабре не закружит вьюгаТам тепло, там в декабре не закружит вьюга
Назови перелетных птиц. Почему птицы улетают?Назови перелетных птиц. Почему птицы улетают?
15. Белке не страшны морозы –Белке не страшны морозы –
У неё пушистый мех.У неё пушистый мех.
Белочка в дупле березыБелочка в дупле березы
Припасет большой орехПрипасет большой орех
Как звери готовятсяКак звери готовятся
К зиме?К зиме?
16. Кушает мишутка много,Кушает мишутка много,
Чтобы толстымЧтобы толстым
лечь в берлогулечь в берлогу
И еще зверек – енотИ еще зверек – енот
Зиму в спячке проведетЗиму в спячке проведет