Sesion 5 arbol problemas (1)LNolbertEl documento describe cómo elaborar un árbol de problemas, un diagrama que representa gráficamente un problema central y sus causas y soluciones. Explica los 6 pasos para crear un árbol de problemas: 1) identificar los principales problemas, 2) formular el problema central, 3) anotar las causas, 4) anotar las soluciones, 5) elaborar un esquema mostrando las relaciones, y 6) revisar el esquema completo.
New York Lucía T.isareviNew York is the most populous city in the United States, located on one of the world's largest natural harbors. It consists of 5 boroughs - The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island - which were consolidated in 1898. With over 8 million residents in just 302 square miles, New York is the most densely populated major city in the U.S. It is a global center of culture, commerce, finance, media, art and more.
Birthday-calendar NeroFrederik VergaertA birthday-calendar made for the Studio Brussels event MUSIC FOR LIFE.
Drawings by Nero and design by Karen!
You can order a copy by sending an e-mail to . Price: €15 ex.shipping costs.
Oer and cc licensingMongolian University of Science and TechnologyThis document provides an introduction to open educational resources (OER) and Creative Commons licensing. It explains that OER are educational materials that can be freely used and modified. While copyright applies automatically, authors must apply an open license like Creative Commons to allow others to openly use their works. The document recommends the CC BY license as it allows others maximum freedom while requiring attribution. It outlines the different CC licenses and their permissions around commercial use, modifications, and sharing derivatives. The licenses are free, easy to understand, machine-readable, and standardized to promote open sharing of educational content.
Employee Training & Development Ch 11Eko SatriyoThe document discusses future trends in training and development that will affect organizations. It predicts that companies will (1) increasingly use new technologies like virtual reality and artificial intelligence to deliver cost-effective training anytime, anywhere. It also suggests that (2) there will be greater demand for training employees to work virtually in remote teams. Additionally, (3) training design will focus on rapid development of concise content delivered through multiple methods. Organizations will also (3) emphasize capturing expertise, social learning, and embedding training in job performance to justify business value.
Employee Training & Development Ch 02Eko SatriyoThe document discusses how a company's business strategy influences its training programs and human resource development. It describes the strategic training and development process, which aligns training initiatives and activities with business goals and measures their impact on key metrics. The organizational characteristics that influence training are also examined, such as management support, staffing strategies, and the degree of centralization versus decentralization of the training function. Different models for organizing training departments are presented, and how training needs vary according to a company's strategy of internal growth, external growth, or disinvestment.
Employee Training & Development Ch 05Eko SatriyoThe document summarizes key aspects of program design for training programs, including selecting an appropriate training site, preparing a curriculum roadmap and detailed lesson plans, ensuring transfer of training to the job, and obtaining manager and peer support. It also covers evaluating training vendors, designing for near and far transfer, developing self-management modules, and facilitating knowledge management through communities of practice and chief learning officer positions.
Luxury contractions companyAlexander StashenkoElite Constructions LTD offers a broad spectrum of construction services including architecture, interior design, and landscape design. They have a team of highly qualified specialists at the forefront of modern architecture and design trends. Their mission is to bring daring architectural ideas to life by developing and promoting best practices in construction, architecture, and design. They take a personalized approach to help clients fulfill their unique dreams to the highest standards.
Ganttic vs project management toolsIndrek KuldkeppMost small businesses do not need project management routines and tools. They need resource scheduling instead. Design agencies, rental businesses, event management, architect bureaus etc. need to know who-is-doing-what-and-when. That's it.
Why implement complicated tools like MS Project if there are more suitable and affordable alternative.
9)+dzêԳ..Jose AlexandreO documento explica os diferentes tipos de potência em corrente alternada: potência aparente, potência ativa e potência reativa. A potência ativa é a energia útil, enquanto a potência reativa é trocada com a rede mas não é consumida. Um capacitor armazena energia e quando conectado em paralelo com uma bobina, diminui a potência reativa mantendo a potência ativa, melhorando assim o fator de potência da instalação.
Sesion 5 arbol problemas (1)LNolbertEl documento describe cómo elaborar un árbol de problemas, un diagrama que representa gráficamente un problema central y sus causas y soluciones. Explica los 6 pasos para crear un árbol de problemas: 1) identificar los principales problemas, 2) formular el problema central, 3) anotar las causas, 4) anotar las soluciones, 5) elaborar un esquema mostrando las relaciones, y 6) revisar el esquema completo.
New York Lucía T.isareviNew York is the most populous city in the United States, located on one of the world's largest natural harbors. It consists of 5 boroughs - The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island - which were consolidated in 1898. With over 8 million residents in just 302 square miles, New York is the most densely populated major city in the U.S. It is a global center of culture, commerce, finance, media, art and more.
Birthday-calendar NeroFrederik VergaertA birthday-calendar made for the Studio Brussels event MUSIC FOR LIFE.
Drawings by Nero and design by Karen!
You can order a copy by sending an e-mail to . Price: €15 ex.shipping costs.
Oer and cc licensingMongolian University of Science and TechnologyThis document provides an introduction to open educational resources (OER) and Creative Commons licensing. It explains that OER are educational materials that can be freely used and modified. While copyright applies automatically, authors must apply an open license like Creative Commons to allow others to openly use their works. The document recommends the CC BY license as it allows others maximum freedom while requiring attribution. It outlines the different CC licenses and their permissions around commercial use, modifications, and sharing derivatives. The licenses are free, easy to understand, machine-readable, and standardized to promote open sharing of educational content.
Employee Training & Development Ch 11Eko SatriyoThe document discusses future trends in training and development that will affect organizations. It predicts that companies will (1) increasingly use new technologies like virtual reality and artificial intelligence to deliver cost-effective training anytime, anywhere. It also suggests that (2) there will be greater demand for training employees to work virtually in remote teams. Additionally, (3) training design will focus on rapid development of concise content delivered through multiple methods. Organizations will also (3) emphasize capturing expertise, social learning, and embedding training in job performance to justify business value.
Employee Training & Development Ch 02Eko SatriyoThe document discusses how a company's business strategy influences its training programs and human resource development. It describes the strategic training and development process, which aligns training initiatives and activities with business goals and measures their impact on key metrics. The organizational characteristics that influence training are also examined, such as management support, staffing strategies, and the degree of centralization versus decentralization of the training function. Different models for organizing training departments are presented, and how training needs vary according to a company's strategy of internal growth, external growth, or disinvestment.
Employee Training & Development Ch 05Eko SatriyoThe document summarizes key aspects of program design for training programs, including selecting an appropriate training site, preparing a curriculum roadmap and detailed lesson plans, ensuring transfer of training to the job, and obtaining manager and peer support. It also covers evaluating training vendors, designing for near and far transfer, developing self-management modules, and facilitating knowledge management through communities of practice and chief learning officer positions.
Luxury contractions companyAlexander StashenkoElite Constructions LTD offers a broad spectrum of construction services including architecture, interior design, and landscape design. They have a team of highly qualified specialists at the forefront of modern architecture and design trends. Their mission is to bring daring architectural ideas to life by developing and promoting best practices in construction, architecture, and design. They take a personalized approach to help clients fulfill their unique dreams to the highest standards.
Ganttic vs project management toolsIndrek KuldkeppMost small businesses do not need project management routines and tools. They need resource scheduling instead. Design agencies, rental businesses, event management, architect bureaus etc. need to know who-is-doing-what-and-when. That's it.
Why implement complicated tools like MS Project if there are more suitable and affordable alternative.
9)+dzêԳ..Jose AlexandreO documento explica os diferentes tipos de potência em corrente alternada: potência aparente, potência ativa e potência reativa. A potência ativa é a energia útil, enquanto a potência reativa é trocada com a rede mas não é consumida. Um capacitor armazena energia e quando conectado em paralelo com uma bobina, diminui a potência reativa mantendo a potência ativa, melhorando assim o fator de potência da instalação.
Mobile : Building Brand & BusinessRaj NarayananAfter years of anticipation, the mobile web is finally taking shape, and forward-looking leaders are building their brand and their business by reaching out to consumers on the go
GuillermoisareviThe homework-maker is a new device that can complete homework assignments for students. It works like a printer by scanning homework questions inserted into its slot, using an advanced microchip to understand the questions and generate answers. The homework-maker then copies the student's handwriting to make it appear the student completed the work themselves. It incorporates cutting-edge technology allowing it to read 5,000 words per second and perfectly mimic a student's handwriting style. The homework-maker is available for purchase for only $399.95.
Employee Training & Development Ch 01Eko SatriyoThis document provides an overview of employee training and development. It discusses forces influencing workplace learning and how training can help companies address issues like globalization, changing demographics, and new technologies. The learning objectives, key components of training like the training design process, and informal/formal learning are described. Current training practices are summarized, including technology-based learning, who provides training, and professionals responsible for training.
1. 부 . 국 . 영 .100 배 즐기기 학교 : 경성대학교 과목 : 디지털엔터테인먼트 담당교수 : 배운철 교수님 E-mail : [email_address] 이름 : ѫ진 Foreigner 를 위한
2. 기획의도 세계인의 축제 ‘붶산국젵Ә화제’를 생산적인 면에서 보았을 때, 국제영화제에 참여하는 모든 관계자나 관람객 중에서도 이방인 을 위한 가장 한국적이고 한국답게 한국을 알릴 수 있는 계기인 만큼 다양한 장치를 줌. ‘붶산국젵Ә화제’에와서 영화도 보고 한국음식도 먹고 한국문화도 체험하게 되는 1석3조를 느낄 수 있는 다양한 시설필요.
4. 내가 기획자라면? 광고가 물론 많은 비중을 차지할 것이다 . 하지만 좀더 길고 넓게 생각한다면 한국을 더 친근하게 알릴 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것이라 생각한다 . 넓은 해운대 백사장을 다 채울 수는 없는 일 . 분명 빈 공간을 활용한다면 다양한 채험ㅍ활동과 더불어 한국 홍보와 영화홍보까지 할 수 있는 일석이조효과를 누릴 수 있을 것이다 .
5. 이방인들을 위한 프로그램 ‘한국음식문화체험관’을 이번 붶산국젵Ә화제 출품작 영화 ‘된장’과 연결시켜보자. 외국인들을 위해서 한국민속놀이 체험을 몸소 느끼게 해주자. 기념이 될 수 있는 행사를 기획해보자.
6. 1. FOOD 추석차례 음식이 상에 차려져 있고, 송편을 시식할 수 있게 되어있다. 전통 옷 한복을 입고 기념촬영이 가능하도록 함.