Healthy livingJohns2lnThis document discusses the importance of healthy living and outlines recommendations for a balanced diet and daily physical activity. It provides guidelines for fruit, vegetable, grain, dairy, and protein intake. It recommends consuming these foods while limiting "empty calories" from junk food and refined sugar. Staying hydrated with water is emphasized as is getting 30 minutes of physical activity per day like running, biking, or hiking. Maintaining this lifestyle can help reduce risks of diseases and support overall health and well-being.
Resume actualizado 5-24-16Jose HerreraJose Herrera has over 20 years of experience in manufacturing, warehouse operations, and clerical work. He has skills in assembly, quality control, maintenance, and inventory management. His work history includes positions as a warehouse associate, golf cart attendant, clerk, and material handler. He is bilingual in Spanish and English.
Automatic Spatial Plausibility Checks for Medical Object Recognition Results ...Daniel SonntagWe present an approach using medical expert knowledge represented in formal ontologies to check the results of automatic medical object recognition algorithms for spatial plausibility. Our system is based on the comprehensive Foundation Model of Anatomy ontology which we extend with spatial relations between a number of anatomical entities. These relations are learned inductively from an annotated corpus of 3D volume data sets. The induction process is split into two parts. First, we generate a quantitative anatomical atlas using fuzzy sets to represent inherent imprecision. From this atlas we then abstract the information further onto a purely symbolic level to generate a generic qualitative model of the spatial relations in human anatomy. In our evaluation we describe how this model can be used to check the results of a state-of-the-art medical object recognition system for 3D CT volume data sets for spatial plausibility. Our results show that the combination of medical domain knowledge in formal ontologies and sub symbolic object recognition yields improved overall recognition precision.
Explanations in Dialogue Systems through Uncertain RDF Knowledge BasesDaniel SonntagWe implemented a generic dialogue shell that can be configured for and applied to domain-specific dialogue applications. The dialogue system works robustly for a new domain when the application backend can automatically infer previously unknown knowledge (facts) and provide explanations for the inference steps involved. For this purpose, we employ URDF, a query engine for uncertain and potentially inconsistent RDF knowledge bases. URDF supports rule-based, first-order predicate logic as used in OWL-Lite and OWL-DL, with simple and effective top-down reasoning capabilities. This mechanism also generates explanation graphs. These graphs can then be displayed in the GUI of the dialogue shell and help the user understand the underlying reasoning processes. We believe that proper explanations are a main factor for increasing the level of user trust in end-to-end human-computer interaction systems.
Presentation CBMS 2014, Mount Sinai, NYDaniel SonntagThe Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Activity at EIT: A Look under the Hood
In the future, clinical environments will develop into medical cyber-physical systems of their own. Patients will get direct treatment according to a direct data acquisition and interpretation workflow. In the end, the doctor’s decision support will be provided according to the data the cyber- physical system (CPS) collects from the individual patients. This approach will be scalable, extend patient monitoring to data collections at home by using portable sensors providing information about a patient’s recovery status, and influence healthcare of the future.
Healthy livingJohns2lnThis document discusses the importance of healthy living and outlines recommendations for a balanced diet and daily physical activity. It provides guidelines for fruit, vegetable, grain, dairy, and protein intake. It recommends consuming these foods while limiting "empty calories" from junk food and refined sugar. Staying hydrated with water is emphasized as is getting 30 minutes of physical activity per day like running, biking, or hiking. Maintaining this lifestyle can help reduce risks of diseases and support overall health and well-being.
Resume actualizado 5-24-16Jose HerreraJose Herrera has over 20 years of experience in manufacturing, warehouse operations, and clerical work. He has skills in assembly, quality control, maintenance, and inventory management. His work history includes positions as a warehouse associate, golf cart attendant, clerk, and material handler. He is bilingual in Spanish and English.
Automatic Spatial Plausibility Checks for Medical Object Recognition Results ...Daniel SonntagWe present an approach using medical expert knowledge represented in formal ontologies to check the results of automatic medical object recognition algorithms for spatial plausibility. Our system is based on the comprehensive Foundation Model of Anatomy ontology which we extend with spatial relations between a number of anatomical entities. These relations are learned inductively from an annotated corpus of 3D volume data sets. The induction process is split into two parts. First, we generate a quantitative anatomical atlas using fuzzy sets to represent inherent imprecision. From this atlas we then abstract the information further onto a purely symbolic level to generate a generic qualitative model of the spatial relations in human anatomy. In our evaluation we describe how this model can be used to check the results of a state-of-the-art medical object recognition system for 3D CT volume data sets for spatial plausibility. Our results show that the combination of medical domain knowledge in formal ontologies and sub symbolic object recognition yields improved overall recognition precision.
Explanations in Dialogue Systems through Uncertain RDF Knowledge BasesDaniel SonntagWe implemented a generic dialogue shell that can be configured for and applied to domain-specific dialogue applications. The dialogue system works robustly for a new domain when the application backend can automatically infer previously unknown knowledge (facts) and provide explanations for the inference steps involved. For this purpose, we employ URDF, a query engine for uncertain and potentially inconsistent RDF knowledge bases. URDF supports rule-based, first-order predicate logic as used in OWL-Lite and OWL-DL, with simple and effective top-down reasoning capabilities. This mechanism also generates explanation graphs. These graphs can then be displayed in the GUI of the dialogue shell and help the user understand the underlying reasoning processes. We believe that proper explanations are a main factor for increasing the level of user trust in end-to-end human-computer interaction systems.
Presentation CBMS 2014, Mount Sinai, NYDaniel SonntagThe Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Activity at EIT: A Look under the Hood
In the future, clinical environments will develop into medical cyber-physical systems of their own. Patients will get direct treatment according to a direct data acquisition and interpretation workflow. In the end, the doctor’s decision support will be provided according to the data the cyber- physical system (CPS) collects from the individual patients. This approach will be scalable, extend patient monitoring to data collections at home by using portable sensors providing information about a patient’s recovery status, and influence healthcare of the future.
2. 부산디지털콘텐츠유니버시아드 ( 버디 ) 소개
전세계 대학생들이 만든 영상작품을 한자리에서 감상
할 수 있는 2010 부산 디지털 콘텐츠 유니버시아드
( 버디 ) 는 영상산업도시로 발전시키고자 부산광역시
시와 문화 콘텐츠 관련기업 대학들이 협력 2005 년
출범하여 올해 6 회째를 맞이하고 있습니다 .
'5 년 , 미래를 위해 ' 를 주제로 한 이번 행사에는
픽션과 다큐멘터리 , 애니메이션 및 모션 그래픽 등
3 개 장르에 26 개국에서 354 편의 작품이 출품됐고 ,
본선에는 10 개국 51 편의 영상물이 진출했습니다 .
3. 기획의도
부산에 또 다른 영화제
행사인 부산 디지털 콘텐
츠 유니버시아드를 이번
과제로 조사하면서 아무리
아마추어영화제이지만 부
산국제영화제와 너무나도
크게 차이가 난다고 생각
해서 두 영화제를 비교해
보기로 하였습니다 .
4. 붶산국젵Ә화제 와
부산디지털콘텐츠유니버시아드 비교
물론 아마추어 영화제와 국제영화제를 비교한다는 자체가
우스워 보일 수도 있습니다 .
하지만 부산디지털콘텐츠유니버시아드도 6 회째를 맞이
고 있으며 똑같이 부산광역시에서 주최하는데 현저하게
차이를 보입니다 .
제가 가장 아쉬운 부분이었다고 생각하는 건 홍보입니다
관객이 있어야 영화나 영화제가 있는 거 아니겠습니까 ?
관객을 모으려면 홍보나 광고를 해야 하는데 버디 영화제
8. 위 사진은 부경대학교 정문 옆 현수막 사진과 버디영
화제행사가 열리는 중앙도서관 2 층 영상세미나실 앞
사진입니다 .
이 두 개의 사진을 제외한 어느 곳에서도 버디제
의 홍보하는 현수막과 포스터들을 찾아볼 수 없었습니
다 .
9. 경성대학교는
경성대학교는 그나마 홍보가 되는 편이었습니다 .
하지만 행사가 진행중인 건물에만 이런 식으로 홍보를
하는 현수막과 포스터가 달린 것이 아쉬웠습니다 .
10. 이 사진은 저희 학교이 사진은 경성대학교 누리소강당 상
영관입니다 .
관객들을 전혀 찾아볼 수 없었습니다
상영시간이었으나 관객이 없어서 상
영을 하지 않고 있었습니다 .
이번 사진은 경성대학교와 같이
버디제 행사 중인 부경대학
교 중앙도서관 2 층 영상세미나
실 앞 사진입니다 .
역시 관객들을 찾아볼 수 없었습
니다 .
상영관 안에는 두분 계셨습니다
11. 나의 생각
붶산국젵Ә화제만큼의 세계적이고 화려한 영화
제가 아닙니다 .
하지만 이런 식으로 관객이 참여가 없다면 일종
의 공모전일 뿐입니다 .
영화제 다운 영화제를 만들기 위해서 주최측에
서 조금만 더 홍보하고 광고하였으면 합니다 .
대학생들만 참여하는 것이 아닌 어느 누구나 와
서 즐길 수 있는 영화제가 되었으면 합니다 .