EPRI_QUAD3 - SD2 POSTER Michael C. CabaThe project aims to create a robotic system called SAMI (Severe Accident Mobile Investigator) that can assist during power plant accident scenarios. The system includes an upgraded quadcopter drone that collects temperature, video and other sensor data. A base station charges the drone, stores data, and communicates with a remote control station via fiber optic cable. The base station design is complete and future work includes improving the drone's object avoidance capabilities and moving electronics to circuit boards. The system is intended to provide situational information to operators during beyond-design-basis events.
Orthopaedics as an interesting specialty Ahmed-shedeedDr. Ahmed Shedeed Abdel Ghaffar discusses orthopedics as an interesting specialty. Orthopedics is a rich specialty that requires daily learning of new ideas and approaches as clinical practices evolve rapidly. It is also a creative specialty that allows for innovation to continuously improve solutions. Orthopedics is challenging because it demands daily acquisition of new qualifications and information to stay updated and unique in one's career. It has many subspecialties that can each be considered independent specialties.
Compartment syndrome basicsRajesh VardhanVolkmann ischemic contracture was first described in 1881 and results from irreversible damage caused by elevated tissue pressure within muscle compartments. A compartment syndrome occurs when increased pressure within a muscle compartment compromises blood flow, which can lead to muscle and nerve necrosis if not treated promptly with fasciotomy. The classic signs include pain disproportionate to the injury, tightness of the affected muscle, paresthesia, and loss of pulse. Early diagnosis and fasciotomy within 6-8 hours can prevent permanent injury, while delayed treatment risks complications like Volkmann contracture.
Compartment syndromemanoj dasThis document discusses compartment syndrome, including its definition, relevant anatomy, causes, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Compartment syndrome is an elevation of pressure within a closed muscle compartment that restricts blood flow. The most common causes are tibial and forearm fractures. Diagnosis is based on pain disproportionate to the injury that increases with stretch, and measurement of intracompartmental pressure over 30 mmHg. The only effective treatment is urgent surgical fasciotomy to release the fascial compartment and restore blood flow. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent permanent muscle and nerve damage.
2. Домашние обязанности нужны для
гармоничного развития личности,
адекватного поведения, формирования
определенных моральных ценностей.
Но не стоит путать их с обязанностями взрослых. Все
обязанности должны соответствовать возрасту ребенка, его
умениям, причастности к тому или иному действию. Нельзя
обязывать его к чему-то невыполнимому, слишком сложному
или к тому, что явно должен делать кто-то другой. Иначе это
может привести к обидам, непониманию, замкнутости либо,
наоборот, открытой агрессии.
Для вас, уважаемые родители – рекомендации:
какие обязанности есть у дошкольников.