A talk by Rana Mitter, Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China at the University of Oxford.
Modern Chinese identity has been shaped by the experience of repeated conflict, and in particular the war against Japan in the 1930s and 40s. We will hear about ways in which Chinese identity changed because of the impact of war, including the identities of women, ethnic minorities and refugees. We then see how China's turbulent history is reflected in the shaping of contemporary Chinese identity in the 21st century.
This was recorded at the China: Birth and belonging symposium at Wellcome Collection http://www.wellcomecollection.org/whats-on/events/china-birth-and-belonging.aspx.,
The document discusses measuring the market effectiveness of Revital, a supplement brand owned by Ranbaxy in India. It analyzes Revital's transition from a prescription to over-the-counter product and the marketing strategy that made it successful. To measure ongoing effectiveness, the document recommends tracking website traffic metrics like search referrals, unique visitors, bounce rate and conversion rate. It also suggests monitoring brand awareness by searching online for mentions of Revital and seeing what consumers are saying.
Computers can enhance education in many ways. The perfect classroom would use technology like touch screens, projectors, and networked devices to create an interactive learning environment. Early education especially benefits from visual and participatory learning aided by programs teaching subjects like colors, language, and financial concepts. As students progress, computers can provide intelligent tutoring adapted to each student, simulations, research tools, and distance learning. Administratively, computers help with tasks like record keeping, assignments, and tracking student performance to improve the education process. While technology accelerates learning when used properly, its introduction poses challenges around equitable access, technical support, and passive learning if not implemented carefully.
Mobile apps: 10 aplicaciones m¨®viles relacionadas con el ¨¢rea educativanathalielorraine
El internet hizo posible la evoluci¨®n de la ense?anza a distancia no virtualizada a la aparici¨®n de nuevos lugares educativos y de nuevas concepciones de ense?anza-aprendizaje, caracterizadas por un planteamiento metodol¨®gico diferente que se conceptualizaron en el campus virtual y aprendizaje en l¨ªnea, pero en esa continua evoluci¨®n de las tecnolog¨ªas se producen nuevos avances que requieren nuevas formas de entender y abordar la educaci¨®n en l¨ªnea y su dise?o instruccional en la actualidad. Aqu¨ª les dejo ejemplos sobre algunas aplicaciones m¨®viles relacionadas con la educaci¨®n.
El documento trata sobre el uso de las tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC) en el aula. Explora las expectativas sobre el impacto de las TIC en la educaci¨®n, el potencial de las TIC para la ense?anza y el aprendizaje, y los desaf¨ªos de incorporar las TIC en la educaci¨®n formal. Tambi¨¦n examina c¨®mo las TIC afectan las competencias docentes del siglo XXI y la funci¨®n de las TIC en la transformaci¨®n de la sociedad y la educaci¨®n.
Este documento presenta informaci¨®n general sobre el Inventario Multif¨¢sico de Personalidad de Minnesota (MMPI), incluyendo sus caracter¨ªsticas, escalas y pasos para la interpretaci¨®n. El MMPI es un test de personalidad que mide diferentes aspectos psicol¨®gicos a trav¨¦s de varias escalas cl¨ªnicas y adicionales. Se describe el prop¨®sito, puntajes y significado de las escalas de validaci¨®n como L de mentira, F de simulaci¨®n y de ausencia de respuestas. Finalmente, se explican los pasos para analizar e interpretar un perfil MMPI
Rajendra Babu is seeking a challenging career opportunity where he can continuously improve his skills and contribute to an organization's growth. He has over 15 years of experience in culinary arts and hospitality management. His experience includes positions at Taj Residency, Via Milano, Cocos Bar & Grill, and Carnival Cruise Lines where he gained experience in food preparation, supervision, and customer service. Currently he works as a Chef de Partie at The Tamara in Coorg, Bangalore where he oversees kitchen operations and food quality standards. He is motivated, adaptable, and enjoys working in teams.
This document outlines three theoretical paradigms in political science: traditionalism, behavioralism, and post-behavioralism. Traditionalism examines the formal rules and institutions of politics through historical and normative analysis. Behavioralism stresses empirical observation and data collection over historical analysis. Post-behavioralism emerged as a reaction against behavioralism, arguing that political science should be both empirically reliable and relevant, and that the topics studied can have real-world ethical implications related to issues like war and human rights.
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Beurteilen Sie Ihre Website genauso kritisch wie Ihre Besucher?
W?hrend des Gratis-Webinars "Website-Usability" behandeln wir innerhalb einer vollen Stunde einige einfache, aber effektive Tricks, um Website-Besucher zu den gew¨¹nschten Handlungen zu bewegen.
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The document instructs students to write about the benefits of computer network communication. It provides a prompt for students to write a 5 point summary of the benefits of computer network communication. The prompt is followed by blank lines for the student's response and space for a reviewer to provide feedback and scoring.